Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

I feel pretty good now that I can sleep and all sports have been canceled for the past 3 months (lowered stress levels).
What all did you do to get your #s up that high, now that you're off of TRT? As we discussed in my post, today... if i can get #s like that without starting TRT, sign me up! Any tips/pointers/advice on how you did it, i'm all ears!
I don't trust any T numbers unless it's the Testosterone LC/MS and Free Test ultrafiltration test. I don't even know what test that is now on

I don't do anything special to get #s that high. I take 5,000 mcg biotin every morning (but not morning of labs) so maybe they're probably not even right. I run 6-8x 100m hills with whatever rest I want about twice a week then go to the gym ~twice a week for 30min. Clean & jerk 5x5 light/medium and some pullups and leave. Otherwise I drink a ton of water (140oz/day), work a desk job right now, and eat pretty clean doing a 24hr fast 1 day per week.
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Labs 10 months after cessation of TRT in case anyone cares.

T 781 [264-916]
FT 8.9 [6.8-21.5]
SHBG 66.5 [16.5-55.9]
E2 SENSITIVE 23.7 [8-35]
DHT 60 [30-85]
IGF-1 117 [83-233]
LH 7.1 [1.7-8.6]
TSH 2.080 [0.450-4.500]
Hematocrit 47.2 [37.5-51.0]

Last hematocrit was 51.4 in January 2020. My fix for this was nasal strips put very low on my nose at night and 120+ oz of water per day. I had tried $1000 CPAP but 9cent nasal strips are better.

TBH...with those numbers... you probably didn't need to be on TRT, unless you and the doc found very specific symptoms.
Tried a bottle of Empower Nasal Gel. 1 application per day (10mg total) around 3pm (basically a preworkout supplement). At this dose, bottle lasted 30 days. I also added 150ml red wine at night that month to see if I could boost HDL.

Results 7/31/20:
T 702[264-916]
FT 7.4 [6.8-21.5]
SHBG 54.7 [16.5-55.9]
E2 regular 18.5 [8-35]
DHEA 129.0 [102.6-416.3] {this is always low-ish for me}
LH 6.5 [1.7-8.6]
FSH 3.1 [1.5-12.4]
Hematocrit 46.6 [37.5-51.0] {I continue to drink 100+oz water per day}

HDL 64 [>39] {this is about the same HDL I always have. wine fail?}

Iron 121 [38-169]
TIBC 249 [250-450]
UIBC 128 [111-343]
Iron Saturation 49 [15-55]
Ferritin 170 [30-400]
Another labs update 9/8/20. Still on Empower nasal gel 1x/day and these labs are at ~week 10 of that:
T 612 [264-916]
FT 11.3 [6.8-21.5]
SHBG 48.1 [16.5-55.9]
E2 sensitive 22.6 [8-35]
DHT 51
Albumin 4.4
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Another labs update 9/8/20. Still on Empower nasal gel 1x/day and these labs are at ~week 10 of that:
T 612 [264-916]
FT 11.3 [6.8-21.5]
SHBG 48.1 [16.5-55.9]

E2 sensitive 22.6 [8-35]
DHT 51

If you are just using pre-workout than once daily may provide benefits but as you know if
the main goal is replacement than to reap the beneficial effects you would need to dose 2-3 times daily and I would prefer 3X/daily.

No point in getting labs done if you are going to keep using an inaccurate testing method for FT.

Seems odd as you very well know this!
If you are just using pre-workout than once daily may provide benefits but as you know if
the main goal is replacement than to reap the beneficial effects you would need to dose 2-3 times daily and I would prefer 3X/daily.

No point in getting labs done if you are going to keep using an inaccurate testing method for FT.

Seems odd as you very well know this!
I just use tru-t calculator as I have T, SHBG, and Albumin.

I would use it 3x/day but I don't really want to spend $200/mo or worry about applying 3x/day. The cost effective way to do this is just take apart a topi-click. The nasal gel is just 100mg testosterone cream in a different container at 5x the price.
I know Dr. Crisler would do this for high SHBG guys. Think about bodybuilders using large amounts of anabolics, they all have very low SHBG because they are using large doses of anabolics which will drive down SHBG.
BBers are also using DHT derivatives and/or orals that squash SHBG, but yeah I think its well established now that bolus doses decrease shbg and may increase e2 in response

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