How can one increase SHBG when it is too low?

So what. You can fix that with low dose anastrozole.

I would love to have low SHBG without the use of anabolics or having diabetes.

There is no such thing as fee T excess.

I have never seen anyone with free T over 5 percent of total (I have reviewed probably over 1000 blood works in 24 years)
Nelson, can you address the value of having low SHBG, without pre or definite diabetes? I can't understand how it would make someone feel bad, even with high E levels, assuming one also has high free T and likely high total T? My SHBg is 21 (on the low end) but my total T is very high at 1983 ng/dl and free T at 698 pg/ml. My estrodial on Quest ultra sensitive at 336 pgml. I have no adverse symptoms, of anything, my hematocrit and hemoglobin are barely above high end of normal, (17.7 and 53) (so I just gave blood a few days ago and these numbers have been steady for months) and the rest of my labs are normal. LDL is 56, and my HDL (which has always been low and unchanged since starting T is 35. While I feel great, I am concerned, about such a high T level. Why did we drive T so high? Because every time I went up in dose, the labs really didn't change much and I felt better and got more and more help with ED, libido, and other symptoms. I am on the topical cream 1 gram (with 200mcg of T) BID. So for those who don't think you can get lots of T with an easy to use cream base product....I am walking proof. My question about SHBG is so what if its low with no diabetes? I do have a little oily skin but thats it!
Nelson, can you address the value of having low SHBG, without pre or definite diabetes? I can't understand how it would make someone feel bad, even with high E levels, assuming one also has high free T and likely high total T? My SHBg is 21 (on the low end) but my total T is very high at 1983 ng/dl and free T at 698 pg/ml. My estrodial on Quest ultra sensitive at 336 pgml. I have no adverse symptoms, of anything, my hematocrit and hemoglobin are barely above high end of normal, (17.7 and 53) (so I just gave blood a few days ago and these numbers have been steady for months) and the rest of my labs are normal. LDL is 56, and my HDL (which has always been low and unchanged since starting T is 35. While I feel great, I am concerned, about such a high T level. Why did we drive T so high? Because every time I went up in dose, the labs really didn't change much and I felt better and got more and more help with ED, libido, and other symptoms. I am on the topical cream 1 gram (with 200mcg of T) BID. So for those who don't think you can get lots of T with an easy to use cream base product....I am walking proof. My question about SHBG is so what if its low with no diabetes? I do have a little oily skin but thats it!
Was your shbg in the 20s before starting t ?
You can still have metabolic syndrome without diabetes or SHBG is on the botton end due to genetics.

Also TRT will lower SHBG in non-diabetics.
Yes, My SHBG was in the low/mid 30's before starting TRT... and then it tanked to single digits.... and I only got it back into the 20's with Thyroid supplementation....
Yes, My SHBG was in the low/mid 30's before starting TRT... and then it tanked to single digits.... and I only got it back into the 20's with Thyroid supplementation....
Ok but that seems to be a different animal then guys with naturally low shbg. Doesn’t seem to be as detrimental when androgen use causes it.
My SHBG on TRT usually never budges from 25-26 no matter what I do. Found a blood test from way way back before all this and my SHBG was 50.
I was curious what my shbg was prior to trt after reading this thread. I expected it to be much higher than it is currently but to my surprise it hasn’t changed much. I was in the teens prior to trt and have stayed the same in the 15-20 range. Surprisingly I was actually in the low 20s a few months ago.
I have always had single-digit SHBG (usually between 7 and 12). Been on TRT for almost 10 years now. Of note - low SHBG can also very much be a genetic condition - apparently its more common in arabs, persians and south asians.

I have tried a lot of things to raise my SHBG and none of it works (lol). Coffee may give it a slight boost (but we're talking a SLIGHT boost). Of note tho - I am a really large guy, ethnic, and I do have fatty liver (very minor case).

I'm a HUGE fan of Liver Cleanses. Zuma Nutrition makes a great one. Taking their liver cleanse did not raise my SHBG, but I felt much better overall, so I do think it helped clear gunk out of my liver.

If you have low SHBG, it is a very difficult marker to overcome. I personally recommend dosing testosterone 3 or 4 days per week, if so. That is the main change I've done over the last 5 years and it's given me great results. Low SHBG does NOT mean you're going to have terrible health. As always - eat right, sleep and get your exercise - you'll be fine.
Hey I was wondering is this true?? I am 21 no metabolic issues. Hard to relate to many people because of age.
Seems to be, though that’s data from people not on TRT as I recall. One theory is you make more to retain more since you make less test and such as you age, but it’s anybody’s guess. If you feel good and your bloodwork looks good on the key points, just take it as a win!
Seems to be, though that’s data from people not on TRT as I recall. One theory is you make more to retain more since you make less test and such as you age, but it’s anybody’s guess. If you feel good and your bloodwork looks good on the key points, just take it as a win!
Understood however it does seems I have the ups and downs just like all the other people with low shbg. So because I’m young I’m not sure if I should be using an ai however my recent labs showed 598 ng/dl total t and 191 pg/ml free t. So I am dealing most likely with tons of free estrogen (non sensitive estradiol 40-50). I do dose m/w/f total of 120 a week. I may add .125 ai each injection what do you guys think? Thanks
Understood however it does seems I have the ups and downs just like all the other people with low shbg. So because I’m young I’m not sure if I should be using an ai however my recent labs showed 598 ng/dl total t and 191 pg/ml free t. So I am dealing most likely with tons of free estrogen (non sensitive estradiol 40-50). I do dose m/w/f total of 120 a week. I may add .125 ai each injection what do you guys think? Thanks
The ratio of free T to estrogen seems to matter more than the number. If you feel fine and all else is good, no need for an AI.
Right. What I’m trying to get down to is I’m not feeling too well because it seems that I’m creating a lot of free estrogen by having an shbg at 10 and an estradiol number at 40. When doing 2 shots early when starting, I ended up getting really bloated and red faced. Now doing 3 that seems to subsided quite a bit however I still am getting some fluctuations and periods of higher estrogen and feeling weaker. When I took an ai that seemed to work. I actually had a crashed estrogen for the longest time for a few years so I know what that feels like. When using ais, it seemed to pull me out of the estrogen feelings. My nipples have never went down to what they were pre trt that are consistent puffy weird looking. Only when working out and cold do they seem somewhat normal. Thanks for your reply.
since this thread started, I have reduced my levels of T dramatically to about half what they were when I wrote the reponse above. Why? because HCG and HBG got out of control, and it drove up my BP. No, I don't have as much libido as I used to, but believe me I still have plenty. when my total T was up in the 1900's peak its a wonder my head didn't snap off trying to look at every nice butt that walked by, and spending the next 5 minutes fantasizing about it. It was honestly, too much I couldn't get anything done. Now I am at about 900-950 total T and still have lots of libido. If my wife were up for it, I would be an everyday kind of guy. Interesting thing is, that in lowering my total T, my SHBG has not significantly changed. Everything else has responded as one would expect, the levels have all come down significantly, and HCG and HBG have become easier to manage which means my blood pressure is far easier to control as well. too much of a good thing, is still too much.

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