Why is my Estradiol so Low ??? How can I raise it ???


It's been a while since I posted but it's been a tough year ever since I crashed my Estrogen (under 2 pgml) about this time last year when I was also taking closer to 200 MG's test Cypionate per week believing my UGL Arimedex was bunk. Turned out to be very real. Well as you can imagine, having that low Estradiol I felt like shit and ED was a major problem. I immediately went back to my doctor prescribed 100 MG's testosterone Cypionate, 50 MG's twice a week, where I've stayed, never veering, and I was able to start 500 IU's HCG weekly (split in half twice weekly). When I was tested in July my estradiol was up to 17 pgml. I still was having issues with ED, though a did feel a hell of a lot better, but the only way I was able to have sex was with using PT-141. Using that I could get hard, stay hard 90% of the time, and get hard again. Stuff worked. Well I stopping taking the HCG December 1 as it was fairly expensive and I originally started taking it to raise my Estradiol quicker. Since stopping 6 weeks ago, my ED is now all the time, even PT 141 doesn't work. I had my blood drawn 48 hours after my 50 MG's twice weekly shot and I believe my numbers all seem middle of the road except my Estradiol which is in the tank and what I believe is causing my ED issues. What's strange is my sex drive is through the roof and I'm getting off daily, though never hard which sucks for my GF. So here are my numbers from this week, about 48 hrs post 50 MG's test CYP shot (100 MG's test CYP weekly total)

SHBG = 30 nmol (normal range = 13 - 74 nmol}
Testosterone = 374 ngdl (normal range = 200 - 745 ngdl)
Free Testosterone = 8.0 ngdl (normal range = 3.1 - 12.8 ngdl}
Bioavailable Testosterone = 187.4 ngdl (normal range = 71.7 - 300.0 ngdl)
Estradiol = <10 pgml *LOW* (normal range = 11 - 44 pgml)

So what advise would you recommend to raise my Estradiol to around 25 pgml, which from everything I've read, seems to be the sweetspot for men's Estradiol levels. Why would mine be so low ??? Is it because of crashing it to sub 2 pgml last January ??? Did I screw myself permanently ??? Is it because I stopped the 500 IU's HCG weekly December 1st ??? I definitely had better erections on the HCG but my Estradiol only got up to 17 pgml on it and I still had ED issues unless I used PT 141. Is getting off every single day maybe too much for a 55 year old with an incredibly high sex drive whose horny every day ??? I'm 6 foot, and a very lean 175 pounds, with a 30 inch waist. I have no "love handles" whatsoever so I'm definitely not obese. If anything, my friends and coworkers think I'm too skinny so being "fat and overweight" is not an issue. Any help, advice, suggestions anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if any of this is TMI, especially the "getting off every single day", but I'm putting myself out there, telling all, because I want to solve this ED issue if at all possible. One last thing, my job I'm on call every day and receive a 2 hour call to be at work. I'm not on ANY kind of "schedule, nor have I been for 15+ years. I never go to sleep, work, or eat, at the same time two days in a row unless I'm off or on vacation. I work for the railroad so "the phone rings, you've got 2 hours to be at work". I am up for 24 hours straight probably 60% of the time, with some periods of 40+ hours several times a month. When my head hits the pillow I sleep well since I got on TRT. Prior to TRT my sleep was atrocious, waking up every 45 minutes to an hour no matter how long I was up. In fact, prior to starting on TRT, I woke up more tired then I went to sleep. That's not been the case since my first week on TRT. To be honest, the improvement in sleep has been the biggest difference I notice along with waking up with wood most mornings (definitely more so on HCG then the last 7 weeks off HCG).
One thought I've had is actually getting on a higher dose of HCG then the twice weekly 250 IU's (500 IU's weekly) I was on. I never veered from this specific dose. Honestly, it gets to be a bit costly so I never tried upping the dose to say, maybe 750 or even 1000 IU's weekly. Looking at my numbers above, they all seem in the middle range except for my Estradiol. My other blood tests and cholesterol all came back within normal range. Thanks to anyone who takes their time to respond. I appreciate any, and all suggestions. I have my TRT appointment with my Doctor in a few hours. I'm going to see what she says.
The first thing I would say is your free T is way too low for a man on TRT. Based on these results, you could at least double your dose, if not go higher. You seem to be an outlier in the sense that you are an exceptionally poor responder to TRT -- it will likely take 200+ mg weekly to achieve decent levels. Hopefully your doctor doesn't get hung up on the dosage. Sometimes you need to shop around for a new doctor when you need over 200 mg weekly.

So that is the first thing to do: take enough to testosterone to get your free T to decent levels (madman is going to say 16 - 31 ng/dL), and see where your estradiol sits after you've achieved that. If you still need more E2 at that point, then I see two options:
  1. Get back on hCG, except this time, order it from reliablerxpharmacy.com so it is no longer expensive. Many people on this forum have had success with the Indian hCG and saved a ton of money compared to local pharmacies.
  2. Supplement E2 directly. You can either get an injectable form from your TRT provider or try the estradiol valerate tablets from reliablerx.
It's been a while since I posted but it's been a tough year ever since I crashed my Estrogen (under 2 pgml) about this time last year when I was also taking closer to 200 MG's test Cypionate per week believing my UGL Arimedex was bunk. Turned out to be very real. Well as you can imagine, having that low Estradiol I felt like shit and ED was a major problem. I immediately went back to my doctor prescribed 100 MG's testosterone Cypionate, 50 MG's twice a week, where I've stayed, never veering, and I was able to start 500 IU's HCG weekly (split in half twice weekly). When I was tested in July my estradiol was up to 17 pgml. I still was having issues with ED, though a did feel a hell of a lot better, but the only way I was able to have sex was with using PT-141. Using that I could get hard, stay hard 90% of the time, and get hard again. Stuff worked. Well I stopping taking the HCG December 1 as it was fairly expensive and I originally started taking it to raise my Estradiol quicker. Since stopping 6 weeks ago, my ED is now all the time, even PT 141 doesn't work. I had my blood drawn 48 hours after my 50 MG's twice weekly shot and I believe my numbers all seem middle of the road except my Estradiol which is in the tank and what I believe is causing my ED issues. What's strange is my sex drive is through the roof and I'm getting off daily, though never hard which sucks for my GF. So here are my numbers from this week, about 48 hrs post 50 MG's test CYP shot (100 MG's test CYP weekly total)

SHBG = 30 nmol (normal range = 13 - 74 nmol}
Testosterone = 374 ngdl (normal range = 200 - 745 ngdl)
Free Testosterone = 8.0 ngdl (normal range = 3.1 - 12.8 ngdl}
Bioavailable Testosterone = 187.4 ngdl (normal range = 71.7 - 300.0 ngdl)
Estradiol = <10 pgml *LOW* (normal range = 11 - 44 pgml)

So what advise would you recommend to raise my Estradiol to around 25 pgml, which from everything I've read, seems to be the sweetspot for men's Estradiol levels. Why would mine be so low ??? Is it because of crashing it to sub 2 pgml last January ??? Did I screw myself permanently ??? Is it because I stopped the 500 IU's HCG weekly December 1st ??? I definitely had better erections on the HCG but my Estradiol only got up to 17 pgml on it and I still had ED issues unless I used PT 141. Is getting off every single day maybe too much for a 55 year old with an incredibly high sex drive whose horny every day ??? I'm 6 foot, and a very lean 175 pounds, with a 30 inch waist. I have no "love handles" whatsoever so I'm definitely not obese. If anything, my friends and coworkers think I'm too skinny so being "fat and overweight" is not an issue. Any help, advice, suggestions anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if any of this is TMI, especially the "getting off every single day", but I'm putting myself out there, telling all, because I want to solve this ED issue if at all possible. One last thing, my job I'm on call every day and receive a 2 hour call to be at work. I'm not on ANY kind of "schedule, nor have I been for 15+ years. I never go to sleep, work, or eat, at the same time two days in a row unless I'm off or on vacation. I work for the railroad so "the phone rings, you've got 2 hours to be at work". I am up for 24 hours straight probably 60% of the time, with some periods of 40+ hours several times a month. When my head hits the pillow I sleep well since I got on TRT. Prior to TRT my sleep was atrocious, waking up every 45 minutes to an hour no matter how long I was up. In fact, prior to starting on TRT, I woke up more tired then I went to sleep. That's not been the case since my first week on TRT. To be honest, the improvement in sleep has been the biggest difference I notice along with waking up with wood most mornings (definitely more so on HCG then the last 7 weeks off HCG).
One thought I've had is actually getting on a higher dose of HCG then the twice weekly 250 IU's (500 IU's weekly) I was on. I never veered from this specific dose. Honestly, it gets to be a bit costly so I never tried upping the dose to say, maybe 750 or even 1000 IU's weekly. Looking at my numbers above, they all seem in the middle range except for my Estradiol. My other blood tests and cholesterol all came back within normal range. Thanks to anyone who takes their time to respond. I appreciate any, and all suggestions. I have my TRT appointment with my Doctor in a few hours. I'm going to see what she says.
Your estrogen is low because your testosterone is low. You don't have enough testosterone to convert into estrogen. Mine was even lower before I started TRT.
I have also struggled to raise E2. I agree that trying a bit more T is a valid experiment. Also, beware that some supplements may interfere with E2 production. Zinc and Melatonin are two to be careful of. You can try supplementing with a fairly hefty dose of DHEA since some of it may convert to E2; I find it to be helpful. Be sure you are eating more than enough and not overtraining or even going to failure on sets. Your schedule and the resulting circadian rhythm disruption are likely to be a problem no matter what your E2 is so anything you can do to partially mitigate that (e.g. blue blockers, no LED lights, changing your lights at night, etc.) may be somewhat helpful. There is no shame in the viagra family of compounds.
The first thing I would say is your free T is way too low for a man on TRT. Based on these results, you could at least double your dose, if not go higher. You seem to be an outlier in the sense that you are an exceptionally poor responder to TRT -- it will likely take 200+ mg weekly to achieve decent levels. Hopefully your doctor doesn't get hung up on the dosage. Sometimes you need to shop around for a new doctor when you need over 200 mg weekly.

So that is the first thing to do: take enough to testosterone to get your free T to decent levels (madman is going to say 16 - 31 ng/dL), and see where your estradiol sits after you've achieved that. If you still need more E2 at that point, then I see two options:
  1. Get back on hCG, except this time, order it from reliablerxpharmacy.com so it is no longer expensive. Many people on this forum have had success with the Indian hCG and saved a ton of money compared to local pharmacies.
  2. Supplement E2 directly. You can either get an injectable form from your TRT provider or try the estradiol valerate tablets from reliablerx.

Something not jiving here!

Look at where his true trough TT/FT (7 days post-injection) sits on 100 mg T once weekly.

post #1

My doctor started me on TRT 6 weeks ago @100 MG's Testosterone Cypionate once a week, along with daily 5 MG'S Cialis. I immediately felt sooooooooo much better. My libido was off the charts, literally wanting, able to, and having, sex 3 - 5 times a day. I was a walking hard on and loved how easily I could be turned on, even shortly after just having sex for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time that day. Waking up with rock hard morning wood and my ED problems completely disappeared. My sleep before TRT, was horrible, waking up constantly throughout the night and exhausted trying to get out of bed. Now on TRT I fall asleep in 5 minutes and don't wake up for 6 - 8 hours. Feel amazing. But starting in week 4, my libido took a huge dive and my ED is back. In the first few weeks, I could get hard just from "hitting a bump in the road". Now I go to Pornhub, and I don't even feel turned on. I don't get fully hard, like semi-hard, and it's very difficult to climax. Did I just experience a "3 week TRT Honeymoon" phase ??? My doctor had me get blood work, 7 days from previous 100 MG's shot, immediately prior to this week's shot, and my numbers came back like this:

Testosterone = 610 NGDL (normal range = 200 - 745 NGDL)
Free Testosterone = 11.8 NGDL (normal range = 3.1 - 12.8 NGDL)

Bioavailable Testosterone = 275.6 NGDL (normal range = 71.7 - 300 NGDL)
SHBG = 40 nmol/L (normal range = 13 - 74 nmol/L)
Estradiol = 20 pg (normal range = 13 - 70 pg)

PSA = 1.5 ng/ml (normal range = 0.0 - 4.0 ng/ml)

I thought these numbers looked pretty good for being what would be my absolute lowest numbers of the week. But why has my libido crashed and my ED issues back, along with difficulty getting off ??? Is it possible my levels are too high now, especially earlier in the week, and causing my libido, ED, and difficulties being able to climax ??? Would injecting half a dose, 50 MG's, twice a week, instead of 100 MG's once a week, help or is this dose too high ??? She didn't run my Prolactin levels with this 6 week blood work. Could it be too high Prolactin ??? Should I get blood work done mid-week and see what those numbers might reveal ??? I just want to feel, and be able to perform, like I did the first few weeks, if that's possible. Perhaps it's not and it was a TRT Honeymoon Phase. I just don't know what changed and need to know what is normal on TRT and what my expectations should be. I greatly appreciate any advice or guidance.

post #14

I just want to sincerely thank you for taking your time to post. I really appreciate your advice and opinions. So, my Urologist originally started me out at 100 MG's Testosterone Cypionate once a week. I found that I started feeling shitty by day 5,and days 6 & 7 got worse. Than I'd take my weekly shot and I'd feel great again, but shitty starting day 5, so my Doctor told me to split the dose and take 50 MG's twice a week. This seemed to work. I didn't have any "bad feeling" days. My numbers came back in the 700's with this dose and my Free T was in range, high normal. I decided to start shooting small amounts daily, ala micro dosing, after reading all the benefits, including lower estrogen conversion. So my plan is going to be to shoot 5 units of Testosterone daily, so around 75 MG's weekly total. 7 units = approximately 100 MG's / 14 units = approximately 200 MG's. I will stay on the 250 IU's twice weekly of HCG, and if my lab numbers for Estradiol come back too high, possibly a tiny bit of Arimedex, but hopefully not. I'm going to see how I feel on this lower dosage and see if my morning erections reappear along with hopefully good erections during sex. I loved the PT141 and it worked great but why do you not like it ??? I plan on trying a newer peptide called Kisspeptin. It's supposed to work really well to increase libido. Do you have any knowledge or experience using Kisspeptin ??? Thank you!!!!
The first thing I would say is your free T is way too low for a man on TRT. Based on these results, you could at least double your dose, if not go higher. You seem to be an outlier in the sense that you are an exceptionally poor responder to TRT -- it will likely take 200+ mg weekly to achieve decent levels. Hopefully your doctor doesn't get hung up on the dosage. Sometimes you need to shop around for a new doctor when you need over 200 mg weekly.

So that is the first thing to do: take enough to testosterone to get your free T to decent levels (madman is going to say 16 - 31 ng/dL), and see where your estradiol sits after you've achieved that. If you still need more E2 at that point, then I see two options:
  1. Get back on hCG, except this time, order it from reliablerxpharmacy.com so it is no longer expensive. Many people on this forum have had success with the Indian hCG and saved a ton of money compared to local pharmacies.
  2. Supplement E2 directly. You can either get an injectable form from your TRT provider or try the estradiol valerate tablets from reliablerx.

Gets even better!

A whopping dose of daily T (14 IU= 28mg).....196 mg T/week.

Look at where his TT/FT sits.

His FT is well over the top-end!

Albumin 4.3(default)

post #1

I started TRT with my Urologist back in late November. Started once a week dosing, but days 5, 6, 7 I didn't feel great. Went to twice a week split dosing, and definitely felt better, but the more I read about "daily micro dosing", I liked what I read, because I'm usually sensitive to estrogen conversion and I did have nipple pain on the once a week dosing. So I started doing 14 IU's daily which equates to 200 MG's Testosterone Cypionate weekly. I tested using Discount Labs and tested, fasted, first thing in the morning, prior to my daily shot. I've been micro dosing daily for 3 weeks at this point. My main reason for testing was because I was having issue's with ED, staying hard, no libido, and extreme difficulty getting off and this strange back pain. I've never had this weird back pain. It hurt to lay flat on my back working out. I thought it could be high estrogen so I took some UGL Arimedex from a legit source, but I still wasn't convinced it wasn't bunk. Well after getting my blood work I now know the Arimedex was definitely NOT bunk. I crashed my Estrogen. It came back at less than 2 using sensitive testing. Here's my numbers:

Total Testosterone = 1143 NGDL
Free Testosterone = 324.1 PGML

Prolactin = 4.2 NGDL
Estradiol (ultra sensitive LC Ms) = < 2 PGML
TSH = .84 miUl
T4 Free = 1.2 NGDL
T3 Free = 4.3 PGML

What can I do now to change my estrogen or how long will it normally take to raise it back to around 20 - 25 PGML ??? I don't want to increase my testosterone to raise it. My only saving grace is that I've been able to get hard as a rock using PT 141 and 5 MG's Cialis, but I can't get off. My girlfriend is happy as I go for hours and occasionally lose my erection, but it comes right back. But I'm really not feeling much or getting off at all. I now have learned how horrible crashing your estrogen can be. What can I do now ??? Will my libido come back a long with my ability to bust a nut once my estrogen gets back to a normal range ???
To everyone, thank you for taking your time to post and offer advice. I'll answer any questions anyone here asks. I'm definitely no TRT expert, as many of you here are. Please accept my apologies if I'm not quite understanding everything. I'm trying to learn, but really just trying to get to "normal". I'm 56 year's old, and while I'm in pretty decent shape, I'm not looking for any particular level of testosterone. I honestly don't care if 25 MG's total a week works best for me, I'm done chasing certain levels or testosterone dosage. I have stuck to the 100 MG's total a week, split into 2 doses, 50 MG's each, now for quite some time. The one thing that this board taught me was, it's easy to screw up quickly and takes no time, but correcting many screwups, in my case crashing my Estrogen, changing things wayyyyyy too often, and multiple things at that, therefore never truly understanding what change was having certain effects or causing certain numbers. So I've totally changed my approach since I realized I fucked up, and fucked up badly. Getting on TRT initially, the first 3 weeks were absolutely incredible and I was chasing those effects, but as many of you told me "it's a honeymoon phase. You were so low for so long that when you first start taking testosterone, it's really incredible how the body initially reacts, but itt gets used to it". I was wrong in trying to chase that honeymoon phase just like a heroin addict always chases that "first high". This is impossible. So I stayed the course now for months, strictly taking 50 MG's twice a week, and I did get on HCG 500 IU's weekly in order to help raise my crashed Estradiol a bit faster. But I'm confused now as to what should be my next move. Whatever it is, I plan on strictly making a single change, and waiting 8 weeks minimum, and most likely more like 12 - 16 weeks before making any other adjustments.
So from reading the posts above and from what I've done the past 6 months, should I try to raise my testosterone total per week, say try 125 or 150 MG's ??? As you read above, I did try 200 MG's weekly earlier last year, but my numbers were too high and not where they should be. On top of that, I still had The ED issues, though I believe the unnecessary high dose of arimedex was causing most of my ED issues. I welcome any and all suggestions and I'll be happy to answer any questions asked. Thank you.

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