Vince Carter
I'm going to refute everything from vestpocket on SHBG. I've never read that theory any where before and I've done A LOT of reading on low SHBG. But don't care for a pissing match on it. I'll disagree and have a nice day 
I live it, as low as 12 at my last test. Simply: the only way that I got better and started to enjoy TRT was when I put myself on EOD injections and cut to a minimum, the HcG.
Through testing I saw the results of SHBG, I had a 24hr "high" of 1450. Yep...very very high Total T, on just 50mg. At 72hrs post injection I was down to 800.
This makes for what I call a very bumpy ride through the week.
Its my experience and belief that low SHBG dictates smaller, more frequent injection. Do I use a lot of T in the context of a weeks time? Sure, ~200mg is what many would call a lot. But its small(er) doses close together. I never, ever, had a smooth ride until EOD. I was up, I was down, I was up, I was down, all very quickly and was always miserable and saying that TRT wasn't working for me. I was basically going Low T symptons as I approached 72hrs post. Once per week was no good for me, and E3.5D was no good. I would inject Thurs and be bottomed out on Sunday, feeling miserable.
You have to recognize this is a simple matter, low SHBG is not anything to fret over, if you accept that you're different and it requires a slightly different protocol.
Now, I do concur with Dr Crisler new book that with high Free T, comes higher Free E. As another aspect of why low SHBG guys have a tough time, E2 is tough to control. One way I did that was the smaller more frequent T injections, less likely for (over) aromatization. Also, less HcG which frankly, I don't care for as it never did anything for me besides keep my nuts from shriveling up; cosmetic. The E2 produced in the testes isn't via the aromataze enzyme and isn't controlled by an AI so I try to heavliy moderate that route for E2.
That's my theory and what I directly experience and back up with frequent self testing. For the last 6 months I have felt dialed up and getting better especially the last three when I started to get fully adjusted to it. I no longer feel like I need to monkey around with dosing or frequency or that I'm chasing something more or that I'm not doing well.
Short of a minor cortisol issue that needs retested, I am as well as I can be where TRT is concerned.

I live it, as low as 12 at my last test. Simply: the only way that I got better and started to enjoy TRT was when I put myself on EOD injections and cut to a minimum, the HcG.
Through testing I saw the results of SHBG, I had a 24hr "high" of 1450. Yep...very very high Total T, on just 50mg. At 72hrs post injection I was down to 800.
This makes for what I call a very bumpy ride through the week.
Its my experience and belief that low SHBG dictates smaller, more frequent injection. Do I use a lot of T in the context of a weeks time? Sure, ~200mg is what many would call a lot. But its small(er) doses close together. I never, ever, had a smooth ride until EOD. I was up, I was down, I was up, I was down, all very quickly and was always miserable and saying that TRT wasn't working for me. I was basically going Low T symptons as I approached 72hrs post. Once per week was no good for me, and E3.5D was no good. I would inject Thurs and be bottomed out on Sunday, feeling miserable.
You have to recognize this is a simple matter, low SHBG is not anything to fret over, if you accept that you're different and it requires a slightly different protocol.
Now, I do concur with Dr Crisler new book that with high Free T, comes higher Free E. As another aspect of why low SHBG guys have a tough time, E2 is tough to control. One way I did that was the smaller more frequent T injections, less likely for (over) aromatization. Also, less HcG which frankly, I don't care for as it never did anything for me besides keep my nuts from shriveling up; cosmetic. The E2 produced in the testes isn't via the aromataze enzyme and isn't controlled by an AI so I try to heavliy moderate that route for E2.
That's my theory and what I directly experience and back up with frequent self testing. For the last 6 months I have felt dialed up and getting better especially the last three when I started to get fully adjusted to it. I no longer feel like I need to monkey around with dosing or frequency or that I'm chasing something more or that I'm not doing well.
Short of a minor cortisol issue that needs retested, I am as well as I can be where TRT is concerned.