I'm back. The blood work day got pushed back do to a snow storm. So I went in March 27 for the blood work. Just got results back today minus the
sensitive estradiol results which we are still waiting on.
I know I said at the time I would lower my Test C amount per week more but ended up keeping it at 180mg Test C a week since I was already weeks into doing it and wanted a solid 7 weeks on the same protocol before my March blood work. I was taking 200mg a week to start but based on the warnings here from other members I lowered it to 180mg. I will say this week I lowered my weekly dose to 150mg a week, I will get to the reason why later.
The following blood work results are from the following protocol I did for 7 weeks...
Monday 7am: 60mg Test C / 330 iu's HCG
Wednesday 3pm: 60mg Test C / 330 iu's HCG
Friday 11pm: 60mg Test C / 330 iu's HCG
Now I didn't take my Monday morning Test shot before going in Tuesday for the blood work. So I'm assuming my FT and TT would have been higher. When I explained to the Doctor I am doing 3 shots a week he said next time don't miss any shots and take your Monday morning shot. I'm glad he said that cause I feel it will give me a better idea of where my numbers or normally.
Personally I'm surprised my FT and TT weren't threw the roof as I was warned on here. But again I didn't take that Monday shot so I don't know how much higher they would have been. BUT I noticed something interesting. By Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I felt better in a way, felt clearer, felt less on edge, I slept better ect. Not to say any of these were really bad like some of you have warned they could be but I did feel these things slightly. I'm assuming this was due to the miss dose on Monday I didn't take so my numbers were coming down a little more then usual. Now I doubt this was in my head because me being the dumb ass man I was thinking more is better and not wanting to lower my dose had to admit a positive change. Which backs up everything you guys have been saying all along.
What Iv'e been doing now...
Monday 7am: 50mg Test C
Tuesday 7am: 330 iu's HCG
Wednesday 3pm: 50mg Test C
Thursday 3pm: 330 iu's HCG
Friday 11pm: 50mg Test C
Saturday 11pm: 330 iu's HCG
Decided to separate the HCG and Test shot. Was doing it at the same time for no other reason then convenience but fell it would be better spaced out.
So what does everyone think of the above and my test results?
Should I be concerned about the Tyroid numbers?
I know the low LH and FSH numbers or to be expected.
Was glad and surprised to see my RBC, Hemoglobin and Hematocrit numbers staying the same as pre TRT treatment still.
Anything standing out that needs to be addressed? Please share
Also to add I work in the snow and was very congested in the lungs and sinus. Been hacking crap up the week before and week of blood work. Finally clearing out now. Not sure if that alters any numbers. Figured I'd mention it. Was not taking any prescription stuff but did take Mucinex.
Thank you for taking the time in looking at this.