I will be surprised if after you are at a steady state with your T cyp and you get your first blood test back you will remain at 200/wk.
Total T, Free T, SHGB, E2 prolactin, hematocrit these are the numbers you need to be talking and finding out how much T you need to use to get these numbers optimized.
Also don't be surprized when you find out TRT is not a magic carpet ride in the gym. Exersize for gains still hurts like hell.
Best of luck to ya.
If you mean they will restrict my dose if they see a high reading, the Dr said I can be around 1000. I personally think based on now knowing I had low t my whole life and seeing now how I was traveling threw life on 3 flat tires, I will be really happy just being around 800 I'm thinking. Maybe I wont even need that much to feel great. I've never experienced having higher levels yet so my smart play it self side thinks this. My other side says take the max amount I can get and haul ass down the highway in my 30's and 40's and my governor is taking only enough before negative side effects pop up.
I agree its not just Total T. The others Free T, SHGB, E2 prolactin, hematocrit or all important.
I notice My SHGB has remained low since the start of (before any test) of 17.6 (16.5 - 55.9) and last 18.2 (16.5 - 55.9) Hoping I stay in that group of people.
The E2 I'm being told was the wrong test from a couple members here, but I don't see the two clinics I went to using the wrong test above. They both say Estradiol. I do see E2 wasn't done from my PCP. So the first two blood work test don't show it. But what clinic did the wrong E2 test??
The hematocrit I was concerned about. If you look threw all those BW test above the number didn't move much from before starting and the last two test ( 48.1 48.3 48.1 {37.5 - 51.0} ) Which to me is a positive but I didn't like how it was on the high side on every test and figured I should knock that number down now before it may start going up a little being on a real protocol now. So today I gave a pint of myself lol. My clinic gave me a RX if I need to donate every month. So next month I will see where my number is, if its still above 47 ill give every month till it's lower. If I can remain lower I will see if once every 2 to 3 months will then work. I will be keeping a eye on that number.
As far as a magic carpet ride lol. I've been busting my ass off since 2004 and not evening complaining about it cause I thought this was just part of exercising lol. Now I see and already feel better and can only imagine what I'll be able to achieve with my body that's now going to actually be working right. So I do think big gains are in my future but I clearly understand taking any amount of this stuff and just sitting on a couch will not give me those gains.