Hello, 57 year old about to start TRT and have questions

Also, even though it’s expensive, if insurance covers it, Jatenzo at 237 mg twice daily, oral TRT is also an option.

The topical and oral TRT route make the dialing in process quick and easy since the frequency of dosing is already decided for you, it only becomes about the dosage.
Will check into that too, thanx.
Anything for questions 3 & 4?
We already know your doctor is inept and is out to lunch, so I’m certain this is a no go.

Unless you’re deficient in something, then no.
Same again, I will need to tell that I need the HCG and the reason, if she declines then I go elsewhere.
I just need to know how much HCG I need to ask for ..... it looks like the dosage is 500iu three times per week, if that is correct when would I need to start it?
I just need to know how much HCG I need to ask for
HCG is one of those conpounds where you feel great on or have nothing but side effects. More often than not you’re going to have to deal with atrophied testicles. HCG 1000-1500 IU’s per week is about right.

It’s the price you pay for being on TRT.
Same again, I will need to tell that I need the HCG and the reason, if she declines then I go elsewhere.
You’re doctor is operating outside her wheelhouse and when doctors are unfamiliar with something, they tend to not do anything, because doctors are taught to do no harm.

Your doctor will look at you like a deer in headlights when you ask for TRT in combination with HCG.
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You may consider DHEA also. Many of us find it to be very beneficial. Injections should become non-issue. I inject something about 5 times per week and I'm thankful I have the opportunity to do it. Just keep reading and learning. Self-managing your hormones is a non-trivial process. Accept that there may be an extended period of trial and error.
I agree but if she agrees then maybe she'll learn something from the info I get in this forum over time.
I figured if I get the ok for 100mg then after then week 2 I can inject 50mg every 3.5 days and not tell her.
I just don't have time to try out different doctors etc at the moment so i'm going to have to research and have her for scripts and tests etc.

Same again, I will need to tell that I need the HCG and the reason, if she declines then I go elsewhere.
I just need to know how much HCG I need to ask for ..... it looks like the dosage is 500iu three times per week, if that is correct when would I need to start it?

Too many red flags both with your doctor and your desire to self manage.

Guided by Voices post #13: Many of us are Defy patients including our host Nelson. Your choice of course, but you need someone who knows what they are doing to manage your care.

Same again, I will need to tell that I need the HCG and the reason, if she declines then I go elsewhere.
I just need to know how much HCG I need to ask for ..... it looks like the dosage is 500iu three times per week, if that is correct when would I need to start it?
I dont think you said your age but as far as I am aware HCG doesnt work for older guys, maybe others can prove me wrong on that one?, also as someone else said it can make some worse inc anxiety which is maybe worth factoring in if you try it. I would say get the T optimised first as Hcg or other hormones at same time can cloud the issue ie one thing at a time maybe wise especially if your doc is semi useless, if you had a expert doc maybe but you dont currently, I also find that with useless docs they dont like us making suggestions they dont know about or understand :)

Show your doctor this paper when asking for 100 mg weekly.

Slightly longer but still relatively short-acting agents testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate require injections every 1–2 weeks due to half-lives of 5–7 days, respectively. All of the short-acting agents are plagued by a “roller coaster” effect by achieving supraphysiologic levels within 2–4 days after injection followed by sub-therapeutic levels by 10–14 days.31,78,97,120 A rapid decline in serum levels around 10–14 days has been called “testosterone crash” and is associated with sudden recurrence of TD symptoms.121 To minimize these effects, more frequent dosing from once to twice weekly has been suggested as is preferred by these authors.
Well I had my 1st shot of 100mg Cypionate and will be injecting weekly.
I didn't have to convince her, as soon as I said I would like to start with 100mg per week.....she said "ok'. 1st T test will be 7 weeks, then adjust dosage from there.

Talked to her about HCG etc and she said if I want to do all that stuff then I should go to the private clinics that provide that service as she sticks to FDA guidelines and has had patients that were not happy with the clinics they went to.

So at this point I have started the 100mg a week and have some time to decide what I want to do.
I dont think you said your age but as far as I am aware HCG doesnt work for older guys, maybe others can prove me wrong on that one?, also as someone else said it can make some worse inc anxiety which is maybe worth factoring in if you try it. I would say get the T optimised first as Hcg or other hormones at same time can cloud the issue ie one thing at a time maybe wise especially if your doc is semi useless, if you had a expert doc maybe but you dont currently, I also find that with useless docs they dont like us making suggestions they dont know about or understand :)
Sorry I missed this reply.
I am turning 58 in a month.
I have decided to split the 100mg once a week to 50mg twice a week, I don't the Dr will be able to tell LoL.
I am injecting in the Quads and using 22g 1" to draw and 25g 1" to inject.
I am not lean and have some extra pounds so would a 1/2" higher gauge needle work needle?
I use 29g in the shoulders which works well. I have also injected subq into belly fat with good results as well.
My Dr doesn't want me to do Subcutaneous so for the moment I will stick with IM in Quads and maybe the top of the butt if I figure out how to reach and safely injecy.
Also the Cypionate box states "For Intramuscular use only" so is it a different solution for subcutaneous?
Due to depression and Low T I have some belly fat so i'd be afraid of missing the subcutaneous layer.
If you miss, assuming you’re using a 1/2” syringe, then it’s IM. Let’s say you’re injecting in the love handles, if you miss the fat layer, then you’re going into the ab muscle.
If you miss, assuming you’re using a 1/2” syringe, then it’s IM. Let’s say you’re injecting in the love handles, if you miss the fat layer, then you’re going into the ab muscle.
Got it.
I had 100mg im shot on Monday @11.30 and have not felt anything different so far.
Do you recommend switching to daily or twice weekly subcutaneous or any other frequency?

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