Hcg Dosage

If HCG helps you lose weight that's fantastic but I can't recall that I've seen guys on this forum discuss that specifically.
I just started taking HCG and the only side effect I’ve noticed is my lack of normal appetite. I’m less hungry. Pregnyl’s monograph does show decrease in appetite as a possible side effect. However, I don’t want to lose weight. In my case it’s eating less what would cause my weight to drop.
Can HCG cause insomnia??

I tried to do my own TRT program for years. Yesterday I finally went to a great doctor in NYC and he gave me my new protocol to follow.

500iu HCG Wednesday and Thursday
100ml of Test Cyp on friday
.5 mg of anastrozole on Saturday.

Yesterday.... I mixed in 6ml of the sterile water into the 6000iu of hcg.

Using a 1cc/ml diabetic syringe, I drew to the 50 mark. (half the syringe)... I seemed like a lot, considering I've done hcg before but mixed 5000iu with only 1ml of sterile water in the past.

So, I injected at about 7pm.
I went to bed at 10:30, to be up at 5am for work... But I was staring at walls, feeling hot and freaking out up until around 2:30-3am.

I know this can't be normal.
And I'm supposed to inject another 500iu today.
Yes, it’s correct to draw to the 50 mark. You add a 0 and it’s 500iu as 1:1 ratio will give you more volume but the same dose. 500iu=.50cc/ml which is half a syringe. Since you’re on a 1,000 dose/week, ask your Dr to see about injecting smaller doses more frequently. My urologist doesn’t mind if inject every day. Frankly I prefer daily HCG injections as pinning myself with such a small needle doesn’t bother me at all. I’d suggest you ask your Dr if he’d agree to have you do smaller doses more frequently ( perhaps 250iux4) since you had a bad case of insomnia with the 500iu dose. I’d also consider to inject in the am instead. If you were to go to more frequent smaller doses I recommend .5cc/ml insulin syringes as the number marks will be very clear to see. Walmart Pharmacy sells packages of these syringes for 1.29$ (10).
Yes, it’s correct to draw to the 50 mark. You add a 0 and it’s 500iu as 1:1 ratio will give you more volume but the same dose. 500iu=.50cc/ml which is half a syringe. Since you’re on a 1,000 dose/week, ask your Dr to see about injecting smaller doses more frequently. My urologist doesn’t mind if inject every day. Frankly I prefer daily HCG injections as pinning myself with such a small needle doesn’t bother me at all. I’d suggest you ask your Dr if he’d agree to have you do smaller doses more frequently ( perhaps 250iux4) since you had a bad case of insomnia with the 500iu dose. I’d also consider to inject in the am instead. If you were to go to more frequent smaller doses I recommend .5cc/ml insulin syringes as the number marks will be very clear to see. Walmart Pharmacy sells packages of these syringes for 1.29$ (10).

Thanks for clearing that up for me... I needed to be sure.

It was my initial visit with this doctor. I don't know why he told me the hcg back to back and then off for 5 days.
Or why he said to take the test just once a week, when I told him I've been taking it every 4 days to split it up.
I'm just going to have to follow doctor orders for now.. I see him again in a couple weeks and he'll have my blood results by then.

Thanks again Fifty
Yes, it’s correct to draw to the 50 mark. You add a 0 and it’s 500iu as 1:1 ratio will give you more volume but the same dose. 500iu=.50cc/ml which is half a syringe. Since you’re on a 1,000 dose/week, ask your Dr to see about injecting smaller doses more frequently. My urologist doesn’t mind if inject every day. Frankly I prefer daily HCG injections as pinning myself with such a small needle doesn’t bother me at all. I’d suggest you ask your Dr if he’d agree to have you do smaller doses more frequently ( perhaps 250iux4) since you had a bad case of insomnia with the 500iu dose. I’d also consider to inject in the am instead. If you were to go to more frequent smaller doses I recommend .5cc/ml insulin syringes as the number marks will be very clear to see. Walmart Pharmacy sells packages of these syringes for 1.29$ (10).

And thanks Mr S.
Thanks for clearing that up for me... I needed to be sure.

It was my initial visit with this doctor. I don't know why he told me the hcg back to back and then off for 5 days.
Or why he said to take the test just once a week, when I told him I've been taking it every 4 days to split it up.
I'm just going to have to follow doctor orders for now.. I see him again in a couple weeks and he'll have my blood results by then

Thanks again Fifty
As Dr Crisler said: “it’s negotiable”. Your Dr needs your input as much as you need his. I
And thanks Mr S.
You’re welcome and good luck
finally got my HCG prescription in order .... got the pregnyl 10,000iu ... doc wants me to to the standard 500iu 2x a week to start b4 adding an AI , in 6 weeks will do blood work.. to check estradiol .

since im NOT trying to have KIDS , just stop the ATROPHY , im DOING 250IU 2x a week...also to lessen the effects off hemocrait levels and E2 going bonkers ...
is 500iu a week enough to restore my testies?

or should I just go for the 1000iu per week ...THOUGHT>? would be helpful

finally got my HCG prescription in order .... got the pregnyl 10,000iu ... doc wants me to to the standard 500iu 2x a week to start b4 adding an AI , in 6 weeks will do blood work.. to check estradiol .

since im NOT trying to have KIDS , just stop the ATROPHY , im DOING 250IU 2x a week...also to lessen the effects off hemocrait levels and E2 going bonkers ...
is 500iu a week enough to restore my testies?

or should I just go for the 1000iu per week ...THOUGHT>? would be helpful

I was put on 500iu EOD... for the same reason as you: prevent further atrophy. I don’t plan to father children either. And my atrophy had already resolved naturally since I stopped TRT cold turkey three months ago after being on it for about 12 weeks. My urologist put me back on Cypionate 100mg/week and 500iu HCG EOD. I only knew about my HCG dose when I picked the Pregnyl at Walmart. My urologist and I never discussed my dosage. So, I’m following my doctor’s orders... I’ll give him a call if I find that such a dose doesn’t agree with me. So far so good though.
finally got my HCG prescription in order .... got the pregnyl 10,000iu ... doc wants me to to the standard 500iu 2x a week to start b4 adding an AI , in 6 weeks will do blood work.. to check estradiol .

since im NOT trying to have KIDS , just stop the ATROPHY , im DOING 250IU 2x a week...also to lessen the effects off hemocrait levels and E2 going bonkers ...
is 500iu a week enough to restore my testies?

or should I just go for the 1000iu per week ...THOUGHT>? would be helpful

From what I read around here 1000iu is too much, you shouldn’t be going more than 500iu in one injection I think people use 250EOD or twice a week if with testosterone.

But check around I am no expert.
From what I read around here 1000iu is too much, you shouldn’t be going more than 500iu in one injection I think people use 250EOD or twice a week if with testosterone.

But check around I am no expert.
If you choose to inject 250iu 2x a week, you’re the only one who will be able to tell if it’s working as far as resolving your atrophy goes. The lab thing is another story.
I am doing 250EOD monotherapy
Wow. My doctor has me on 250iu daily or 500iu EOD! I brought up my concern about it being too high a dose on this forum and I was told to “follow your doctor’s prescription”. May I ask the reason why you’re on HCG monotherapy?
Wow. My doctor has me on 250iu daily or 500iu EOD! I brought up my concern about it being too high a dose on this forum and I was told to “follow your doctor’s prescription”. May I ask the reason why you’re on HCG monotherapy?
Man please don’t take my word for it by all means I am not a professional at this I just started knowing from reading around in this forum. Just telling what I read 500iu could be good also but I hear shouldn’t be more than that per injection do ask around. A lot of knowledgeable people here
I am doing 250EOD monotherapy
If I may, where are you based? I’ve only seen 500iu ampules of HCG in the U.K. if my memory serves me well, it’s a one time use only per monograph therefore, you inject your dose and toss away the rest. In the US we don’t have ampules but vials as I said before and my vial contains 10,000iu of HCG after mixing with the bacteriostatic water. It lasts 60 days in the fridge.


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