Hey, i'm 41 years old, 5'7 145 lbs. I started to lift weights 4 weeks ago and have been training muay thai for over a year. I'm in great shape, lost 20 lbs on the year, probably the best conditioning and musculature in my life.
My baseline for ED of over 10 years is occassional semi to full AM wood, easy loss of wood in sexual situations (condom? forget it), but good sex when I'm rested and turned on.
Recent blood work showed I was deficient in d3, have macrocytosis, 417 total test and 25 SHBG.
I started supplementing 4 weeks ago, when I started lifting, with arginine, creatine, lysine, citrulline malate, d3, b12, hgw, fish oil, cod liver oil, ground flax, korean ginseng and blackstrap molassas... think that's it. I found high doses of arginine (2 tsp) to have definite impact on my 1 hour muay thai classes, giving me strength and energy to excel in sparring and kick pad drills. The creatine has definitely plumped up my muscles. Arginine/Lysine combo before bed has help a bit with sleep, in combination with 3mg melatonin. Melatonin used to give me vivid dreams, but for some reason, not anymore.
About sleep, I don't sleep more than 2 hours at a shot. It's killing me.
I'm not sure, but there was a time popping 2 ginseng and 2 hgw pills in the am was giving me strong morning wood. I'm still experimenting there on dose and which herb is doing what. I'm in the process of making hgw tincture using bulk powder to save on costs, but not knowing iicarin content, it's gonna be a gamble.
A week ago, I started following a short version of Gene's protocol, 3x day 5 g arg/ 2g cit, 3x 500mg 10% hgw, 1x 150mg pine bark. Along with the vitamin/nutrition sups and night time lysine/melatonin. I haven't noticed any improvement on wood. Was hoping for the pine bark to have an effect, but nothing. The HGW hasn't been as effective either. May go back to the Korean Ginseng in a week to see for sure.
I added theanine to my list yesterday, 200mg @ 4pm in the afternoon... I felt it. It felt like a calm blanket came down on my spinning brain. I was able to clear out the pile of old bills, junk mail and paper that had been sitting on my floor for the past week. No anxiety over what was what, what could be tossed, what needs shredding... just sat there and did it. I'm hoping that it will help me sleep better. Didn't take one before bed, was wondering if the first dose would last. It didn't. But, I popped one this morning and I'm here typing out this missive, not going back forth obsessing over proper order or content. Just doing it.
I added 100 mg Hawthorn yesterday as well, I saw it at the store (sprouts farmers market), wasn't too expensive so what the hell. No noticeable effect.
I got my order of liquid cia today, took .16 ml (approx 5mg) this morning. My penis was twitching slightly every now and again where normally, it's just completely dead and quiet.
So today is day 1 of pseudo-Gene's stack. This am:
1 tsp arg
1 gm cit malate
.16 ml liquid cia
3x 150mg@10% HGW
1x 100mg Hawthorne
1x 150mg Pine extract (not pycnogenol brand, just an off "French Maritime Pine etc etc" found on amazon)
1x 200mg Theanine
.5 tsp creatine
3x 400 iu D3
2x 1200 mg fish oil
.5 tsp ascorbic acid
2x tiny cod liver caps
2x tiny B12 caps
1x 1g calcium
2 Tbs ground flax
My goals for all these supplements are improvements in ED, fitness/musculature, sleep quality and possibly improvements in skin, hair, vision, stress and overall well being.