Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

Here is some good info on glutamine:

From the book "Built to Survive":


For any loss of muscle, Judy Shabert, M.D., M.P.H., R.D., asserts that supplementing with high doses of the amino acid L-glutamine, will help reduce the catabolic process of breaking down muscle tissue, and a recent study of wasting HIV patients by Prang showed that this might be true. (See Dr. Shabert's article in the August 1997 issue of POZ magazine.) For frank wasting, HIV(+) people are using between 12 and 36 grams per day of L-glutamine. (One tablespoon is 12 grams.) I have friends who have halted their random diarrhea and improved their lean body mass using these kinds of L-glutamine doses, and in Prang's study wasting and diarrhea and were checked by using 30 to 40 grams of glutamine per day. Glutamine too, has been shown to have a powerful effect on improving glutathione production,[ii] and glutamine improves insulin sensitivity.[iii] [iv] Hickson, RC, et al. Glutamine prevents down regulation of myosin heavy chain synthesis and muscle atrophy from glucocorticoids. Am J Physiol [Endo Metab] (1995) 269(31):E730-E734.

[ii] Hong, RW, et al. Glutamine preserves liver glutathione after lethal hepatic injury. Ann Surg (1992) 215(2):114-119.

[iii] Opara, EC, et al. L-glutamine supplementation of a high fat diet reduces body weight and attenuates hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia in C57BL/6J mice. J Nutr (1996) 126(1):273-279.

[iv] Borel, MJ, et al. Parenteral glutamine infusion alters insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. J Parenter Enteral Nutr (1998) 22(5):280-285.
Nelson Vergel, in your opinion 10mg of daily Cialis, is that correct? At they only have the 20mg. Cialis. So I belive I can cut it in half by Genes advice. Let me know, please and thank you in advance.
Nelson Vergel, in your opinion 10mg of daily Cialis, is that correct? At they only have the 20mg. Cialis. So I belive I can cut it in half by Genes advice. Let me know, please and thank you in advance.

Just cut the 20 mg pill into two 10 mg and take 1 before bed. With a 16 hour half life you will get about the same subjective effects as two 5 mg every 12 hours.
Does anyone know if doxazosin lowers testosterone? This study, at least to me, suggests it does (at least in rats) testosterone

Yes, it does say that serum testosterone levels were lowered in lab rats.

Human men are not not lab rats and if there were a history of lowered androgen levels in man prescribed Doxazosin there would be reference to it in the formulary by now as this drug has been around for many many years.

This is the first time I have ever seen any study of the such suggesting that an alpha blocker can reduce serum testosterone levels.

If it concerns you, in light of no human trials, don't use it as part of the stack.

There are many many environmental agents we come into contact with everyday that lower androgen levels and increase estrogen levels so you may be just as concerned about those as well.

If you are on a TRT protocol than you should have no concern anyways as you are already HPTA suppressed and using exogenous testosterone anyway.
Yes, it does say that serum testosterone levels were lowered in lab rats.

Human men are not not lab rats and if there were a history of lowered androgen levels in man prescribed Doxazosin there would be reference to it in the formulary by now as this drug has been around for many many years.

This is the first time I have ever seen any study of the such suggesting that an alpha blocker can reduce serum testosterone levels.

If it concerns you, in light of no human trials, don't use it as part of the stack.

There are many many environmental agents we come into contact with everyday that lower androgen levels and increase estrogen levels so you may be just as concerned about those as well.

If you are on a TRT protocol than you should have no concern anyways as you are already HPTA suppressed and using exogenous testosterone anyway.

Thanks for replying Gene. I was concerned because, as I'm not on trt I felt it could affect me (I'm currently on self administered low dose clomid though). And I didn't want to leave doxazosin out as I've found it SO effective for erections when used with cialis compared to just cialis on its own.
Hey Gene quick question. Over the years my testes have always pulled up but once I started TRT they have shrunk some and can quite easily full retract. But one thing I noticed that I haven't had for a long time was I was getting some sac hang. Recently I stopped taking L-arginine and L-citruline partially due to cost and there is some negative press out there. After stopping, the sac was shrinking up bad. Well I recently saw this post and I thought I would try again. Before I was only taking 1000mg of each once a day. I wanted to try more but didn't want to go as high as you so I am doing 2000mg of L-arginine twice a day and 1000 mg of l-citruline twice a day. It's only been 3 days and I have already noticed it dropping. I thought it took a while. Also any good recommendations for low cost good quality Arginine and citruline?
Not sure if this question has been asked before, but what is the proper dosage for Yohimbine? It was recommended in a another thread on supplements, but didn't indicate the proper dosage and timing. Supposedly increases sensitivity?
Not sure if this question has been asked before, but what is the proper dosage for Yohimbine? It was recommended in a another thread on supplements, but didn't indicate the proper dosage and timing. Supposedly increases sensitivity?

Yohimbie can be used as an ED treatment but one must take this supplement with extreme caution.

It can impact the CNS in a very bad way and can cause extreme anxiety and panic attacks in some people.

I tolerate drugs very well but this stuff had me crawling up the wall...I'll never take it again.
WebMD on Yohimbe side effects:

Yohimbe, taken by mouth, is POSSIBLY UNSAFE. Yohimbe has been linked to reports of severe side effects including irregular or rapid heart beat, kidney failure, seizure, heart attack, and others.

The primary active ingredient in yohimbe is a drug called yohimbine. This is considered a prescription drug in North America. This drug can be safely used short-term when monitored by a health professional. However, it is not appropriate for unsupervised use due to potentially serious side effects that it can cause.

Children should not take yohimbe. It is POSSIBLY UNSAFE for children because children appear to be extra sensitive to the harmful effects of yohimbe.

When taken by mouth in typical doses, yohimbe and the ingredient yohimbine can cause stomach upset, excitation, tremor, sleep problems, anxiety or agitation, high blood pressure, a racing heartbeat, dizziness, stomach problems, drooling, sinus pain, irritability, headache, frequent urination, bloating, rash, nausea, and vomiting.

Taking high doses can also cause other severe problems, including difficulty breathing, paralysis, very low blood pressure, heart problems, and death. After taking a one-day dose of yohimbine, one person reported an allergic reaction involving fever; chills; listlessness; itchy, scaly skin; progressive kidney failure; and symptoms that looked like the auto-immune disease called lupus.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Yohimbe is LIKELY UNSAFE. Yohimbe might affect the uterus and endanger the pregnancy. It might also poison the unborn child. Don't take yohimbe if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Schizophrenia: Use yohimbe with caution. The yohimbine in yohimbe might make people with schizophrenia psychotic.

Prostate problems: Use yohimbe with caution. Yohimbe might make the symptoms of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) worse.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Don't use yohimbe. There is a report that four individuals with PTSD suffered worse symptoms after using yohimbe.

Liver disease: Don't use yohimbe. Liver disease might change the way the body processes yohimbe.

Kidney disease: Don't use yohimbe. There is a concern that yohimbine might slow or stop the flow of urine.

High blood pressure or low blood pressure: Don't use yohimbe. Small amounts of yohimbine can increase blood pressure. Large amounts can cause dangerously low pressure.

Chest pain or heart disease: Don't use yohimbe. Yohimbine can seriously harm the heart.

Anxiety: Don't use yohimbe. Yohimbine might make anxiety worse.

Depression: Don't use yohimbe. Yohimbine might bring out manic-like symptoms in people with bipolar depression or suicidal tendencies in individuals with depression.

Diabetes: Don't use yohimbe. Yohimbe might interfere with insulin and other medications used for diabetes and cause low blood sugar.
I found powder form to be less expensive and doesn't have a bad taste. So on the stack whatever I found in powder form that's the one. It work perfect. Try it. Your pocket will thank you.
I take 5 mgs Cialis (generic) in the afternoons (1xday)
1000 mgs Arginine, 750 mgs Citrulline (3xday)
And get good results.
Getting ready to add Beet Root (3xday) after reading Gene's post.

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