I will give it a try tonight.
As a cyclist Gene I am trying to get lighter and stronger; not really bigger.

At one time I was heavy into bodybuilding but all the hours in the gym just got old. Now I just use bands and kettle bells to keep toned.
I just wish this damn belly fat would just go the hell away. I am about to start using the old tuna fish, chicken and brown rice to do a cut down, but that would hinder my riding and I just got my avg mph to 18 mph and don't want to go backwards. did a 100 mile ride and had avg speed of 17.6 not to bad for a big guy.
I cut out Crystal light and I am was surprised that it was causing bloating or something around the mid section. I have thinned down a bit after i cut it out. No artificial sweeteners at all anymore. During my hard core days I was 210 - 220lbs at 5%-10% fat (I'm 5'11 now at 255lb body fat OMG ).