Future FDA restrictions on trt use?


Active Member
With the fda cracking down on compounded products like hcg and Enclomiphene and possibly hormones, is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)? Will they treat trt clinics (most of them fly by night) like they did opioid pill mills? Thoughts?
With the fda cracking down on compounded products like hcg and Enclomiphene and possibly hormones, is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)? Will they treat trt clinics (most of them fly by night) like they did opioid pill mills? Thoughts?
I don’t think they will touch testosterone, too much money to be made. I honestly think they should crack down on trt clinics like FAM who sell fake zomacton, and sell stanozolol, oxandrolone Etc etc
trt clinics like FAM who sell fake zomacton, and sell stanozolol, oxandrolone Etc etc
I like your comment here. They literally sell these items of dubious or no potency. Not prescribe, they literally sell fake/knockoff gear out of their offices. Truly low. I don't comprehend how the hGH manufacturers haven't gone after them yet for counterfeiting their brands. Anyone understand this or just common greed that will be their eventual downfall?
is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)?
The guidelines are always evolving and if anything TRT will be easier to get in the future, once the stigma is stamped out and favorable data gets out to the masses.

The guidelines are <300, but some doctors are prescribing TRT up to 400.

Unfortunately, no consensus has been reached regarding the lower TT threshold defining TD, and there are no generally accepted lower limits of normal TT [60]. This lack of consensus follows from the fact that no studies have shown a clear threshold for TT or free T that distinguishes men who will respond to treatment from those who will not.
With the fda cracking down on compounded products like hcg and Enclomiphene and possibly hormones, is it likely that they’ll restrict the use of trt in the next few years like they did with gh (ie Trt only for those less than 264ng/dl)? Will they treat trt clinics (most of them fly by night) like they did opioid pill mills? Thoughts?
Because of its use in transgender hormone therapy it’s not likely that the FDA will restrict off label testosterone use.

However I fully expect a major crackdown on all the Deca, Anavar and other prescriptions that are being handed out like candy.
What's your problem with Oxandrolone? We need more anabolics to choose from, not less. Wait until you need it before you pass judgment.
Several reasons. It is not trt. Also, I’m sure I don’t have an oxandrolone deficiency and the doses they scribe are 50 mg a day. I’ve tried it and 2 weeks in my hdl sent from 47 to 17.

Also, you are missing my point. These clinics write for 400 mg test a week with 50 mg oxandrolone, hardly a trt protocol
The FDA is currently considering to include estradiol, estrone, estradiol cypionate, estriol, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, testosterone cypionate, and testosterone propionate and all pellet cBHT therapies as candidates for the “Difficult to Compound List.” This will mean that production of all compounded hormone injections, gels, creams, nasal, oral, and pellet formulations will be banned, blocking affordable access to millions of people in the United States.

Oxandrolone, stanozolol and nandrolone are not included.

Read and take action!

Also read:

They have already banned compounded hCG and FSH. They just banned enclomiphene. They sent notices to all compounders that make peptides to stop doing so (except for sermorelin)

Guys, please take action on my site above!

We are at war with the FDA and very few of you have helped me with this petition. Just wait until you all panic when your supply dries out!
Folks commenting or reading this thread, please take a few moments to sign the petition Nelson linked in the previous thread. This is really important stuff.

I think we need to find a way to include more people in the trans community in this. Many trans people depend on compounded hormones. For instance, you can't get non-compounded progesterone cream - it doesn't exist (you can buy random OTC stuff but it's of dubious quality).

Unfortunately, the more I learn about the modern FDA the more I dislike them. They banned NAC for crying out loud. It is completely possible that they ban compounded hormones.
I guess I will refrain from saying what I think about the FDA, but what ever they do I will still be using testosterone. There will always be a blackmarket and I can easily get blood work done. Anyway, Signed Nelson!
That’s why I’m not that worried. I’d rather not go black market but if they make me then screw them. They’ll just make the black market explode even more.

At this point it seems like they’re mostly going after things that are cheap to consumers to push more expensive alternatives.
That’s why I’m not that worried. I’d rather not go black market but if they make me then screw them. They’ll just make the black market explode even more.

At this point it seems like they’re mostly going after things that are cheap to consumers to push more expensive alternatives.
Yup. People need to wake up to how the fDA is funded and whom they protect.
I’m not sure many big government organizations are left that aren’t anti whatever they were originally funded to do.

If they want a civil war, try taking away testosterone and guns from guys addicted to both. See how that ends.
Maybe that is the true intention of wanting to get rid of anabolic steroids. It is much harder to control men with higher testosterone rates than those with low testosterone who are much more passive. I found a research study about this in psychology years back and will look for it. I do remember that 1930s, German chemist Adolf Butenandt 1st synthesized an anabolic steroid. In during World War II, synthetic forms of testosterone were used to enhance soldiers to increase their capabilities along with the use of methamphetamine, it was a simple and effective way to improve physical performance.
I think companies like Pfizer is in bed with the gov, esp the Democrats who then control the FBI, DOJ etc etc. Pfizer wants compounded testosterone gone so they then dominate the market with testosterone depot
I think companies like Pfizer is in bed with the gov, esp the Democrats who then control the FBI, DOJ etc etc. Pfizer wants compounded testosterone gone so they then dominate the market with testosterone depot
By my last check, pharma funds the FDA by 45%. Tons of examples in recent history where fda approved drugs that were known to be harmful to people. Pharma buys politicians on both sides of the aisle. It’s just how it is. It’s always been this way. people are just now starting to see it.

Sign this petition. Taking away affordable life optimization tools is 100% part of an effort to depopulation. Scary, but true. Why else would they make life saving medicine so unaffordable if they care so much about public health.

Turn off the tube & think critically.

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