Facial Flushing, Headache, Feeling Hot & Anxious on TRT.

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No No, it’s definitely hormonal related. I went to the ER 5 days after the injection because I was concerned about elevated RBC and Hematocrit. These high blood pressure problems, anxiety attacks all started after my last injection. I know all about anxiety and how to manage it. I’ve had Generalized Anxiety Disorder for a long time and history of addiction as well. Everything was fine until my very last injection last Tuesday night which leads me to believe it has something to do with E2. Also the fact that I have been getting daily headaches since. It’s definitely related to the Testosterone, as this was not just normal anxiety of flushing.

Nothing you said above counters anything he said. That you ran off to the ER due to fear of elevated RBC after one shot, strongly supports what he's saying. You're over thinking it. For some, TRT becomes a source of anxiety onto itself, especially in thebeginning and or what changes are made, and a single shot of 200mg is not going to send one into what you're describing. Hence, follow his advice vs auto assumption it’s definitely hormonal related. If you said you'd been doing 200mg for some time, and your labs all out of wack, then yes, it could be a factor, but again, you state your labs were perfect, so...

You realized you'd taken 2X your normal dose, it set off a panic attack, and that was the result.
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Will Brink, don't be so eager to dish out your opinions like its scientific law. You don't know what you're talking about. I had the same exact symptoms happen to me, and I have no history of anxiety. Different systems process the hormones differently, and at different paces. I experienced the same negative effects within a couple of hours of my first subQ injection. If some people are saying it's impossible for the body to break down the test and have negative consequences in such a short period of time, then perhaps they don't know everything just yet and should be doing more research.
Will Brink, don't be so eager to dish out your opinions like its scientific law. You don't know what you're talking about. I had the same exact symptoms happen to me, and I have no history of anxiety. Different systems process the hormones differently, and at different paces. I experienced the same negative effects within a couple of hours of my first subQ injection. If some people are saying it's impossible for the body to break down the test and have negative consequences in such a short period of time, then perhaps they don't know everything just yet and should be doing more research.

Actually, I do. Your comments however demonstrate you do not. You, like he, likely had an anxiety attack, or do you actually think within 2 hours of your sub Q injection you're hormones were so elevated it caused you to have such a response? I'm not claiming it's impossible his response was due totally to a physical/hormonal response to the injection, but I'm in agreement with Vince, it was likely psychogenic in nature. Not sure why people are so resistant to that fact, but it does not change cuz you don't like it or reject it.
Yes, so the comments from the people who experienced the symptoms don't know anything, but Will Brink knows more about our own situation than we do. Got it!
Yes, so the comments from the people who experienced the symptoms don't know anything, but Will Brink knows more about our own situation than we do. Got it!

Glad we got that settled then.

And yes, I believe my hormones elevated that quickly in the matter of a few hours.

Great, please list the PK of common T esters used for sub Q shots with the dose you administered in the h1, h2, h3, and 24h window so we can discuss what your levels of T, FT, DHT, and E2 were at h2 that might lead to such a physical response you experienced.

Nothing you said above counters anything he said. That you ran off to the ER due to fear of elevated RBC after one shot, strongly supports what he's saying. You're over thinking it. For some, TRT becomes a source of anxiety onto itself, especially in the beginning and or what changes are made, and a single shot of 200mg is not going to send one into what you're describing. Hence, follow his advice vs auto assumption it’s definitely hormonal related. If you said you'd been doing 200mg for some time, and your labs all out of wack, then yes, it could be a factor, but again, you state your labs were perfect, so...

You realized you'd taken 2X your normal dose, it set off a panic attack, and that was the result.
Spot on. Around here the injection, dose, anything and everything about it or related just becomes the next point to fixate upon for those that suffer with Anxiety, etc etc
Spot on. Around here the injection, dose, anything and everything about it or related just becomes the next point to fixate upon for those that suffer with Anxiety, etc etc

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think. Some people don't really want help, they just want to bitch, which keeps them in the never ending loop of fixation, anxiety, and psychogenic issues because they're convinced there's a physical/chemical/hormonal answer to it, if they just tweak their dose by 2.5mg every 36 hours, etc, it will go away. OCD is a thing, and everyone of us has it to some extent or another, and it's on a spectrum vs yes/no for us all. I also find myself fixating on such things or other things, but work at identifying it and (hopefully) not allowing it to consume me.

Lets not even get into ED as it relates to the above... :oops:
Hello folks,

I have a bit of problem here. I just started getting these negative side effects after my last Testosterone Enanthate injection. I have been on and off TRT for a number of years. A bit of background for you guys.

I am a 31 year old male, 5'10, about 170 pounds. I was born with torsion and had 1 testicle removed at birth, and then struggled with heavy opioid addiction for about 14 years as well as many other drugs and ended up with gynocomestia about 5 years ago from severe opioid abuse. Got myself cleaned up and then after about a year clean, had my Testosterone levels retested and they were only about 9.8, so still kind of on the low side. Decided to go back on TRT Therapy, and have been back on TRT for almost 2 months now.

My Regular doctor started me on 100mg/week of Cypionate, and then my Endocrinologist switched me back to Test Enanthate 100mg/wk. I work out quite often, try and eat healthy, and try and keep on track with my health now.

So when I restarted my TRT therapy about 2 months ago I started with Cypionate for the first 2 weeks I think and I was taking maybe 150mg/week instead of 100mg/week. Then when I switched to Testosterone Enanthate, I actually did make a mistake the first week with this as the vial is 200mg/ml and I dosed it as if it were 100mg/ml, so the 1st week taking Enanthate I had taken 200mg.

Now everything has been mainly fine until my last shot of Testosterone Enanthate on Tuesday night.
After I injected 100mg on Tuesday night I started to get super anxious, and having panic attacks, facial flushing, tachycardia, and headaches. I was hoping this would go away, and it has gotten maybe a little bit better since then. But I am still not myself. Now, my concern is that my red blood cell count might be too high and its causing me problems, or there was too much Testosterone for my body and it converted the excess Testosterone into estrogen and I need an aromatize inhibitor.

Do these symptoms sound more like polycythemia (elevated red blood cell count) and I know this is dangerous as I am a smoker as well. Or does this sound more estrogen related as well? I don't understand as its not like I was taking massive amounts of Testosterone like some bodybuilders do, but then again they usually are taking aromatize inhibitors as well. Anyways, if anyone can shed some light on what may be causing some of these symptoms, please let me know.

If it does sound like polycythemia, I guess the only treatment is to go get blood-letting done?

Thanks in advance guys.

Hey man just wanted to give you a word of encouragement. Although your situation is different than mine, the “moral of the story is still the same”.

When I first started trt, I stupidily listened to message boards ( and my prescriber) and was taking 0.5 mg of Arimidex at time of each injection . I was only taking 50 mg of test cyp every 3 days. Needless to say, this completely tanked my estrogen and I had brain fog, severe insomnia, rumination on anxious thoughts all day, and red flushing of face constantly, headaches, and dry lips and skin .

At the time, I had no idea if I was reacting bad to HCG , test, or my AI . I have battles with anxiety/ and depression in the past, and being in that state of mind can make you dig yourself into a looping fear of irrational thoughts and convince you that you don’t feel good even when you return to normal.

My point is , the only way to achieve a peace of mind/well being is to approach your situation from a scientific perspective of blood work and dialing it where you feel your most optimal . Whether it’s too high of an e-2 or too low e-2 or any other hormonal fluctuation, you have to methodically and systematically stay consistent and keep track of your mood/wellbeing on a daily basis so you know what to add or subtract to your routine.

It takes time , but stick with it man. Relax, and know that you will be ok. Try not to constantly alter your dose of things , or you’ll never know what the real issue is , and always start low and work your way up .

I’ve cut out my AI completely and feel great, but I will continue to monitor myself per my symptoms and blood work in a methodical scientific approach.

Good luck to you man...take it one day at a time !
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