Hey Andrew, here's some stuff for you to add to your "rethink".
1) 5-7 mg per day adult guy is the kinda standard thing on T production. BUT, if the NIH acted in a truly even-handed, non-feminized, non-PC fashion, the fact that in general testosterone levels have on average been dropping 10% per decade for the last 60 years would be declared a public health emergency.
April, 1999, Journal of Behavioral Medicine
4,393 men between 32 & 44, AVG total testosterone = 679 ng/dl
Range of actual draws: 53-1500; the study's statistically normal range: 270-1070
This means that 23 yrs ago close to half the male population your age was walking around and considered normal with a total T of 700-1100. Docs today consider 600-800 "normal" because it is the statistical mean after 60 years of American guys losing 10% per decade of their normal T.
Now again this was 23 yrs ago and guys 32-44 yrs old. Not 19 yr old teens. I might guess that in 1962 instead of 2022, half the 19 yr old teens may have been walking around with T between 1000 and 1500. I graduated HS in 1970. It sure felt like it then.
2) Guys constantly talk about how many mg's of T. But rarely do I see the differentiation between a testosterone preparation and actual raw T. T Cypionate for example is by weight only 65% T. The other 35% is the ester attached to the T molecule that gives it the "slo-release" property. So for example, 100mg of T Cyp yields 65mg of Testosterone USP.
3) If a guy IM injects 200 mg T Cyp once weekly into into his glute, as the ester releases the T at the injection site the guy gets 130mg released into the muscle tissue of his back side. How much usable hormone actually ends up in bloodstream? As a practical matter, this is what the blood tests are for. I don't think though it's 100%.
So my opinion is guys wanting to run an avg of say 700 to 1000 aren't "out of line", but rather may have been completely avg normal the day I graduated from high school. I say, "What's the matter with that?"