Our thinking is that the absorption rate of Xyosted is lower than it is with other formulations due to the lack benzyl alcohol. This means a longer effective half-life, but does not imply that any less testosterone is absorbed overall. As you and
@readalot note, reporting only trough testosterone measurements is problematic when levels are varying significantly during the injection cycle. A figure of 900 ng/dL does seem reasonable for an average serum TT level when on 100 mg/week of enanthate. My own number is over 1,200 ng/dL. The guys needing 150 mg to reach 700 ng/dL at trough may also have low SHBG, which drives down total testosterone.
I'd be more inclined to assign cypionate a nominal half-life of 5 days, based on various information posted by
@madman. This makes it little different from enanthate. It is quite a contrast to see a half-life of 10 days reported for Xyosted. This suggests that one needs two injections a week of conventional cypionate or enanthate to be comparable to Xyosted—with respect to the peak and trough levels of serum testosterone.