I think it is really cool
Defy visits here and get proactive if they see something that doesn't look right. Here's hoping they can get you back on track quickly. I'm a
Defy patient but never use their PA or nurses I prefer to have my one on ones with a Doctor. In my case its Calkins.
I am really scratching my head on the comments of this knowledgeable friend of your. DHEA is T!?! I don't think so. DIM is nothing but a cruciferous, you know broccoli, brussels sprouts they are known to reduce E not boost T and HCG will only increase T if your balls are working. If you are primary hypogonadal then your ball aren't working so no extra T. I'd keep this guys as a friend but I sure wouldn't listen to any advice he offers.
Best of luck we are rooting for you.