Ok guys. Some background. Most of my life I was like most men. Trying to think about everything else to delay orgasm. Used to use these delayed orgasm condoms. I used to want so much to last longer.
Started TRT about 4 years ago. Initial T levels were 168.
The last few years I have been on 200m Test weekly and 100m Nandrolone weekly. Often sub out nandrolone for Winstol or Anavar. Swap back and forth and no change to pretty much anything. I feel wonderful. Work out all the time and honestly look great.
But here is the problem. Not trying to be crude but I will be almost punishing woman with my "endurance". Sounds like a blessing doesnt it? Its not. Men aren't supposed to need to fake orgasms to spare the girls self esteem. Thats what I often need to resort to. Sex drive is high. Cialis is great. Even without it erections are not a problem. But I guess I lost too much sensitivity so now sex is marathon sex.
Labs look good. T levels 1200ish E2- 50-60, Tried taking B6 ( i think thats what its called) wondering if the nandrolone has my prolactin high. No difference. Still so hard to finish.
So does anyone have any suggestions or have they had this issue. Could this be a long term too much androgens side effect?
Getting tired of prepping ladies that if I don't finish its not because of them.
Edit... stopped HCG when that ban happened. Just ordered it again now to see if that helps. Definitely miss my testicles.