@readalot and diet looks pretty good man, I have to say. Here’s things that are gonna mess with u, but probably not a ton. Nothing like ingesting crap oils, or high amounts of processed junk. Overall ur diet is better than most.
whey protein should be from grassfed cows and unflavored
almond butter most likely has crap oil in it. and nuts aren’t good for u overall. They have a net negative effect on the human body. Just not a huge negative or anything. But a net negative nonetheless. They contain anti-nutrients like phytates, protease inhibitors, and lectins, which can inhibit micronutrient absorption, and also cause inflammation. But again, the negative effects of nuts aren’t gonna be anywhere near eating a Big Mac or anything. Just not a good idea to eat stuff like almond butter, or nuts and seeds in general, on a daily basis. If u are gonna eat them, try to get sprouted nuts. Less anti-nutrients in sprouted nuts and seeds.
pasteurized/ homogenized dairy from grain fed cows is gonna be pretty bad for u overall. Definitely gonna cause inflammation. If ur gonna consume cheese, just try to make sure it’s raw cheese from grassfed cows
sardines are good to go. Wouldn’t eat farm raised salmon too often. But if it’s salmon that’s wild caught, that should be good to go as well
and veggies are similar to nuts, seeds and legumes. They're overall a net negative food health wise. But not horribly bad for u. Again, just not a food that u want to consume too regularly. Too many plant defense chemicals that are gonna cause issues within the body. I get it if u like the taste of them, or the texture, or like that it adds variety and color to a meal, but just be aware that ur not improving ur health by eating them. Ur giving ur body something that’s messing with it. Even if it’s only messing with it a small amount at a time. The only way I can see veggies improving health is if they replaced crap food with those veggies. So if normally they would have eaten a processed food for dinner, but replaced it with veggies, I can see that having a net benefit to their health. But they would obv do even better if they simply ate a food that was good for them, without that food messing with their body in any way. Like most animal products, for example. Animals defend themselves through physical means mostly, therefore they don’t have to have anything in their bodies that would hinder other things from eating them. If u can get past their physical defense mechanisms, the meat they offer is good to go for the most part. Plants/ veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes are not there to be nutrition for u. They’re there to adapt, survive, and reproduce. The way they increase their survival rate is by creating defense chemicals/ mechanisms within themselves that hopefully ward off things from wanting to eat them, by causing problems to some animals that try to ingest it. I’m not saying to stop eating veggies or nuts and stuff like that. Just know that when u do, ur doing a net negative to ur health. All I tell people is to understand this, and then proceed to do whatever makes them happy. Just don’t want people to do what I did for years and to purposely try to go out of their way to get veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes in their diet because they think it’s improving their health, even tho they don’t want to really be eating them, and would rather get calories in from other healthy foods.