Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

So...... if I understand this correctly, if you add Nandrolone with T, your serum values are unaffected? Meaning that your total and your free Test. values are established by the T and not affected/increased by the stacking of Nandrolone?

Nandrolone will show up on the TOTAL testosterone measurement (which is universally elevated for T + nandrolone), but will not show on the free testosterone measurement (aside from some possible indirect influence by way of SHBG as Nelson stated).
Makes more sense to do 200mg.... From a research/hypothetical standpoint, that is what I would do....

Couple things, Deca really takes awhile to start feeling the effects, in some cases average response time is 6 weeks, but when it starts the effects are very noticable. For me 200mg T and 200 mg Deca per week was ideal, no spike of prolactin, sex drive and libido went up, strength increase was dramatic. Sides were some bloat, big appetite increase, some lethargy, especially to cardio lol. BP went up too, and lipids were affected as well. Personally I think a 12 week protocol is ideal, and I think anyone who is overweight and trys it will have negatives outweigh the positives. And just to confirm a sidenote, I noticed atrophy in my quads while using it, weird I know, but just confirming what Nelson has posted in the past.
max, are you/were you taking the T and ND in the same syringe? The reason I ask is that I believe that I've read that Nelson advises taking ND once a week (due to the half-life), but I am on an E3D with my T now. Were you taking 100/100 (T:ND) twice a week...or, say, 200mg T then later in the week taking 200mg ND?

max, are you/were you taking the T and ND in the same syringe? The reason I ask is that I believe that I've read that Nelson advises taking ND once a week (due to the half-life), but I am on an E3D with my T now. Were you taking 100/100 (T:ND) twice a week...or, say, 200mg T then later in the week taking 200mg ND?


I injected twice a week for both, separate injections just because I didn't want to mix the esters, which was just a personal preference
Separate injections for the esters, but on the same day? Like Monday, 2 separate injections of T/ND, then 2 sep injections of a Thursday? Or were you injecting 4 different days...Mon - T, Tues - ND, Wed, off, Thurs - T, Fri - ND, etc?

Nandrolone will show up on the TOTAL testosterone measurement (which is universally elevated for T + nandrolone), but will not show on the free testosterone measurement (aside from some possible indirect influence by way of SHBG as Nelson stated).

Do you have a rough estimate in percentage of the increase of total t using100mg. Nandralone?
I've been following this thread and I'm curious, a few people have mentioned that a side effect of nandrolone would be lethargy/fatigue. Is this common and why would it happen.
My experience is nandralone 50, 70 per week Is useless, 125 Is a good boost in resistance, sex and muscle grow, 250 realy do the work.

Always TRT , 120Mg test / week and 500Ui anastrasol 0,5 / week ( in 2 times each 3.5 days.)
Nelson I have read that anabolics can hurt the hip joint ball area as opposed to every other area where it is helpful. I most likely have a hip labrum tear and wish to see if nandrolone would help in healing this if i do everything suggested by my PT like band stretches etc.
NANDROLONE does what T does with much fewer sides imo

I have been friends with a NANDROLONE only advocate and trainer for many years. After many discussions through the years and interviews with hundreds of users, I feel the sides are much less than with Testosterone. Aromatize at 20% that if test, minimal to zero acne, joint relief etc. Deca **** appears to be a myth in the men I have forumed with and prrolatiin issues a myth as well. Seen enough labs now to be satisfied. We see the negatives when TESTOSTERONE is added to the mix imo. Shame we don't have legal access to NANDROLONE for TRT, AS MANY OF THESE folks use UGL suppliers and then test the product at certified labs to ensure safety. Also, as a many year TRT user, daily shots vs 2x weekly, works amazingly well just like others have said here in the forum. Better blood labs, no need for AI etc. Thanks for those reports fellas.
I have been friends with a NANDROLONE only advocate and trainer for many years. After many discussions through the years and interviews with hundreds of users, I feel the sides are much less than with Testosterone. Aromatize at 20% that if test, minimal to zero acne, joint relief etc. Deca **** appears to be a myth in the men I have forumed with and prrolatiin issues a myth as well. Seen enough labs now to be satisfied. We see the negatives when TESTOSTERONE is added to the mix imo. Shame we don't have legal access to NANDROLONE for TRT, AS MANY OF THESE folks use UGL suppliers and then test the product at certified labs to ensure safety. Also, as a many year TRT user, daily shots vs 2x weekly, works amazingly well just like others have said here in the forum. Better blood labs, no need for AI etc. Thanks for those reports fellas.

Where can you have products tested by certified labs?
Is this open to the public?
As I'm getting older having alot chronic disc and joint pains just got off a Methylprednisolone pack which helped enormously.
Just wanted to confirm if nandralone can still be prescribed in US and if it can be found or ordered in local pharmacies like Walgreen's or if its exclusively a compounding Pharmacy product ?

I'd like to try and talk to my doctor see if i can add it to my HRT for a while ?

Markee, I, like you had joint pain from numerous sports injuries. Now in my Mid 50's and being a Functional Coach I have managed to improve that condition to where its just not an issue anymore. Here is what I prioritize;

1) Collagen Peptides at 60 GRAMS a day
2) DHA/EPA 3-5 grams daily ( I use Carlsons and Nor**** Naturals)
3) L ascorbate Vitamin C from Perque

Those 3 things have totally resolved joint pain! Hope this helps...
I have been friends with a NANDROLONE only advocate and trainer for many years. After many discussions through the years and interviews with hundreds of users, I feel the sides are much less than with Testosterone. Aromatize at 20% that if test, minimal to zero acne, joint relief etc. Deca **** appears to be a myth in the men I have forumed with and prrolatiin issues a myth as well. Seen enough labs now to be satisfied. We see the negatives when TESTOSTERONE is added to the mix imo. Shame we don't have legal access to NANDROLONE for TRT, AS MANY OF THESE folks use UGL suppliers and then test the product at certified labs to ensure safety. Also, as a many year TRT user, daily shots vs 2x weekly, works amazingly well just like others have said here in the forum. Better blood labs, no need for AI etc. Thanks for those reports fellas.

Nandrolone could never replace testosterone solely for trt as testosterones metabolites, dht and e2 are needed and play a critical role in the overall effectiveness of testosterone in men.

Sure there is still some aromatization with nandrolone and it is said to be roughly 20% of that compared to testosterone but it has never been proven in humans that it is only 20% and the biggest downfall is that nandrolone does not convert to dht (dihydrotestosterone) and converts to dhn (dihydronandrolone) which becomes less androgenic when attached to the AR (androgen receptor) as oppose to more androgenic effect of dht (dihydrotestosterone).

Testsosterones metabolites dht and estradiol are needed in healthy amounts and have beneficial effects regarding (mood/libido/erectile function/bone health).

On the other side of the coin as far as testosterones possible androgenic side effects related to dht such as ( excess oily skin/acne, male pattern baldness (in the genetically prone), excess body hair ) nandrolones metabolite dhn (dihydronandrolone) due to being less androgenic it is much less prone to causing these side effects in men.

As far as testosterone and negative side effects related to its metabolites dht and estradiol it is not common on trt doses mind you high e2 can be an issue for some but in a majority of men it would be from having too high free t and as far as oily skin/acne or male pattern baldness ones genetics plays a big factor and it comes down to the sensitivity of ones AR (androgen receptor).

Yes even on trt doses in the genetically sensitive prone individuals oily skin/acne and male pattern baldness can happen but it is not common.

I definitely agree that nandrolone is less androgenic and would be a good addition to a trt protocol for specific purposes but it could never replace testosterone for sole use as hormone replacement therapy.

Nandrolone is a better pure muscle tissue (actin/myosin) builder than testosterone and it has beneficial effects on the joints but in higher doses it has been shown to have a negative effect on lipids and possible negative effects on cardiovascular health (animal studies).

Unfortunately a majority of the research with nandrolone has been done using animals and the minimal research in humans is related to HIV/cancer.
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Markee, I, like you had joint pain from numerous sports injuries. Now in my Mid 50's and being a Functional Coach I have managed to improve that condition to where its just not an issue anymore. Here is what I prioritize;

1) Collagen Peptides at 60 GRAMS a day
2) DHA/EPA 3-5 grams daily ( I use Carlsons and Nor**** Naturals)
3) L ascorbate Vitamin C from Perque

Those 3 things have totally resolved joint pain! Hope this helps...

As far as joint pain omega 3 fatty acids and collagen peptides would have beneficial effects but regardless one has to understand that weight lifting whether using heavy loads or lighter loads the repetitive wear and tear on tendons/joints/ligaments is inevitable and it will catch up with everyone sooner or later regardless of how good your nutrition is or what supplements you take or what precautions one implements when training such as warming up, perfecting form/technique, stretching, massage.

Aging and wear/tear are part of the game in general and especially for weight lifters/athletes/people working in environments which involve repetitive movements.

The tendons eventually become weaker as one approaches their 40s.

Of course preventative maintenance will help in the long run but tendon/joint/ligament issues become more common as one ages.

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