Sean, how old are you if you don't mind me asking. Were your levels naturally found to be low, or low after some GH? It's a fair question, as you know. Do not mean to offend or presume in any way.
Also, how many IU are you taking?
No problem, GA. I am 54. Still hang with the kids on the mat in the ring. Yes, my natural levels were very low. The old man range for IGF-1 (the most reliable way to measure GH levels) is 60 to n192 ng/dl.
70 put me very low, even for an old man. I have access to pharm GH but even with my hook ups it would still run me $800 a month. I used to run Grey Tops. The underground market on GH is rife with bunk and or underdosed GH.
I was fortunate enough to have access to Grey tops (there are only 2 sources I trust) at a reasonable price. I had to lay out a ton of money up front to China, and then wait a month. Keep in mind they were coming in and had to get past customs.
However, I am was really uncomfortable importing them. I have a family that needs me and I like sleeping in my own bed. Put simply, I don't ant to risk breaking the law and that is what drew me to MK-677. There is a ton, and I mean a ton of academic literature proving the effectiveness of this compound. I have a prescription now as top TRT Docs are aware of the importance of good GH levels in term of health.
I take just enough to put myself between normal and high normal. I am genuinely shocked that they are not a big part of this forum. MK-677 is now legal.
Low GH is very unhealthy. It causes all sorts of problems. I was always worried that GH causes cancer, but studies have shown that low GH makes your body more vulnerable to cancer, and high normal levels increase your bodies ability fight cancer and sickness.
My skin is better, my sleep is better. In terms of muscle gains, I probably only gained 5 lbs of muscle a year...but those gains, unlike steroids, are permanent.
Before MK-677 I would run a little less than 2 iu's of GH a day. Like I said, that amount can improve your health.
Now your top IFBB pros? 10-15 or more iu's a day. And yes, that amount is dangerous.