Does anyone use Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) ?

I was prescribed 150mg to 200 mg a week of nandrolone along with 100mg Cyp, which has been increased to 200mg per week today for wasting syndrome.
Im 5' 8" and was around 130, today 159, with terrific gains in lean muscle mass.
now the crux is that I have been off of nandrolone for about 3 mos, because my current dr would not prescribe it, said it was not necessary in my current physical condition.
Im now starting to drop the weight gain that i had previously made, and noticed a tapering off of appetite. Have a great gym physical routine, and very healthy good diet.

Its just difficult for me to keep weight on. I have a new Dr appt the end of April, it remains to be seen if he will support my prior regimin. If he does not, what are my choices?

EDIT: I see you are on 200 mgs of test. Is that not working for you? It is a decent sized dose

Duane: How much test are you taking? I will be blunt about your options: Our medical system is NOT designed to help someone like you. The #1 concern of most docs is the preservation of their licenses. That is just the reality. Now docs who are current in the latest information and technology would not have a problem prescribing low dosed Deca. In your case it will IMPROVE your health.

For example, my trt doc is world famous and is on the cutting edge. He would have no problem (assuming you are healthy) prescribing you nandrolone and or increasing your dosage of test. The problem with him is he is very arrogant. You will wait an hour and a half in hie waiting room and then another 45 minutes in a patient room.

Seeing him is a full day activity. I do it every 6 months because the labs and prescriptions are on point an I get pharm grade products.

So,my first advice is to find the right doc. You are in LA so your chances are better. Be wary of "new age anti ageing type of docs and clinics. Anyone can slap a name on their shingle and many of them are not intellectually current. They are also expensive.

The reality is that most guys like you are forced to turn to the black market. UGL's (Under Ground Labs) sell a huge variety of steroids and related compounds. They are NOT regulated by anyone. Sometimes you can get good gear from them, but more often than not it is bunk. It can simply lack potency, or worse, it can damage you body. One of the biggest International Resellers sold testosterone blends that put several people into the hospital for infected abscesses.

Stay away from UGL's. I mention them, because they are the product of our system. Our medical system makes it very difficult for people like yourself to get what they need. It is one of my biggest pet peeves. If you step back and look at how the medical industry is failing people you will get upset just like me.
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One last point that needs mentioning: Whether NPP pr Deca D, nandrolone will shut you down hard. Lets say, Duane, that your doc is fine w/ low dosed nandrolone. If Deca you want to discontinue the drug while at the same time staying on testosterone.

The reason is that Deca lasts forever. You would need several weeks for the ester to clear all the while your body will not produce its own test. I would also blast some HCG followed by a SERM. As I said, NPP does not have that problem.
Sean REed I see you are on 200 mgs of test. Is that not working for you? It is a decent sized dose

Duane: How much test are you taking?

Im technically prescribed 200mg of test, had started with 100, then the Dr said to double it, over the last yr Iv titrated down to 175mg, and feel great. I went through a change of 3 Dr over a period of 18 mos due to med grp acquisitions, PPO req's etc. Im due to see my 2nd Dr in 6 mos the end of next month, crossing my fingers he is not in the stone age.

Realizing the fact that Nandrolone may be historical protocol, just beginning to look into the possibility of replacement with specific peptide regimen. Im sure this is another forum somewhere, but just looking into YK 11, and RAD-140.
Yes, I'm still taking the 200mg / week of nandrolone along with my prescribed TRT. I've been on it for a little over a year. For me at this point, the TRT dose has simply replaced my younger version of testosterone production. The added nandrolone does a little more for me with added (mild anabolic) effect. I can work out harder, a little more extreme, makes me feel good, more lean muscle mass. The kind that turns heads when you enter a restaurant and such! lol

Was the Nandrolone prescribed by your Dr?
Duane: I need your injection schedule. Are you doing a 200 mg shot of test once a week, along with your Nandrolone?

I assume the Nandrolone is Deca, not NPP, yes?

Also, for someone like you, eating is critical. You need to get in LOTS of calories.

Gear enables you to reap the benefits of training. However you must still train hard and get in enough calories.
My scheudle is as follows:
175 mg Bi Test ( a Cyp-Prop compound ) daily. I dropped down from 200mg and the numbers remain the same.
500mg HCG weekly total...... in a daily admin

My Nandrolone was NPP, not Deca
never been on an AI, no need

You are correct about the calorie issue, its of course a daily event. I force myself to eat about 30% of the time, multiple small meals, well planned, carbs/protein etc.
My scheudle is as follows:
175 mg Bi Test ( a Cyp-Prop compound ) daily. I dropped down from 200mg and the numbers remain the same.
500mg HCG weekly total...... in a daily admin

My Nandrolone was NPP, not Deca
never been on an AI, no need

You are correct about the calorie issue, its of course a daily event. I force myself to eat about 30% of the time, multiple small meals, well planned, carbs/protein etc.

You are injecting 175 mgs test/daily? That must be a typo.
After reading this would love to try Deca for 6 weeks to relieve some nagging joint pain. What is a good Deca source? Local gym dude or something better online... I'd prefer to cut out the middle man... I do 140MG per week of T and was thinking 100 MG of Deca to supplement my protocol....
After reading this would love to try Deca for 6 weeks to relieve some nagging joint pain. What is a good Deca source? Local gym dude or something better online... I'd prefer to cut out the middle man... I do 140MG per week of T and was thinking 100 MG of Deca to supplement my protocol....
Nandrolone is a Schedule III controlled substance and, as such, no discussion of obtaining it outside of legal channels can take place here. Everyone's cooperation is appreciated.
Why would someone inject a long estered test daily? Every 4 days will give even/stable blood levels.

NPP on the other hand should be every 2-3 days. Test p every 2 days.

Regardless of the longer acting ester usually people with low shbg do better with daily injections and by doing this many can lower their total weekly dosage and maintain better levels.
Sorry, is there a legal channel outside of having wasting disease ?

NO it can only be prescribed for specific medical reasons and 200mg/week would be much more effective than 100mg/week. Also the decanoate ester is longer acting compared to cypionate/enanthate so 12 weeks would be better to allow one to experience overall benefits.
The reason I said 100 was I thought you had to keep it below your weekly T amount and I only do 140MG a week.

If you are strictly doing it for joint health 100mg/week would be effective but at 200mg/week you would see increase in lbm if you are lifting so why not take advantage of the full benefits with minimal sides as nandrolone is know to be the mildest in this regard and to boot is easy on the hairline.
If you are strictly doing it for joint health 100mg/week would be effective but at 200mg/week you would see increase in lbm if you are lifting so why not take advantage of the full benefits with minimal sides as nandrolone is know to be the mildest in this regard and to boot is easy on the hairline.

Makes more sense to do 200mg.... From a research/hypothetical standpoint, that is what I would do....
For those of you who have used nandrolone with your TRT protocol, has anyone experienced appetite suppression?

Currently 2 1/2 weeks into using nandrolone along side my protocol (200mg/wk each) and my appetite has gone completely down the drain. Never hungry. I cannot finish a normal sized meal and if I force myself to finish it, I experience mild nausea symptoms. Could this be a symptom of elevated prolactin? From all I've read, most users experienced increase appetite. Was holding out for the 4-6 week mark to get bloods done.

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Some people do experienced lower appetite, especially ones who feel full due to edema.

Nothing better than ibutamoren for appetite and IGF-1 boost (called MK-677) also. Some people buy it online. Also, a 1 cc B-12 shot twice per week works to increase appetite. Pot is a third option.

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