Doctor will not perform surgery


New Member
Anyone ran into this issue? I had arthroscopic surgery scheduled for my knee on Friday, but today the surgeon's office called and canceled the surgery. Why? He won't risk the surgery because I'm on TRT. My PCP forwarded him information that I had high levels of testosterone. My PCP didn't do any blood work other than CBC and CMP for the pre-surgery physical so there is no way that he knows my levels. He said he might reach out to Defy Medical, but very doubtful if he did. Defy would have to have a release from me before they would talk to him. I think I just lost two doctors in one day. Time to search for new ones.
He won't risk the surgery because I'm on TRT.

This is stupid, there is no risk and you will need good hormone levels to recover from surgery, so androgen deprivation therapy is the recommended course of action?

This just goes to show you how our medical system is so uninformed with regards to TRT, it's a blind spot for many doctors.
When I had my gyno surgery the Dr said it was very important that I was off cycle for the surgery. He had concerns about suppressing the HPTA and using the correct anesthesia. I didn’t do any research on it cos I was years off by that point. But there may be something there
Yeah, I guess I can't blame the surgeon. He just made his decision based on the information given him whether it was factual or not. But he could have also told me to go off for a week or so before the surgery, then maybe there wouldn't be an issue. But what the PCP did was inexcusable!!!! He did not have facts.
Right, he could have said ‘come off for 3 weeks before then go back on’ or explained the concerns to you. Maybe it was insurance related? They both did you wrong tho
He has an endocrinologist in his office and she prescribes 50 mg per week to everyone. She will not prescribe any more at all. Because I did not agree to this dosage and stayed with Defy he assumes I'm taking more and that is high to him.
Wow, that's really quite something. I wish I could say this story was unbelievable. I hope this sort of thing changes with time.
This doctor is causing harm, there is no benefit to TRT at this dosage. This dosage will keep men at or lower than pre-TRT levels.

I wouldn't want a doctor this ignorant treating me.

Why do you say 50mg/wk is harmful?

My weekly dosage is zero, I'm not on TRT at the moment. When on TRT my weekly dosage will be 49-70mg, I tried 10mg daily and it was too much.

Didn't realize it at the time but 10mg daily crushed my potassium levels to dangerous levels.
Why do you say 50mg/wk is harmful?

I'm the exception, I am not the norm. I don't know many men who have a libido let alone erections at 97-119 ng/dL.

Besides the doctor refuses to prescribe more than 50mg weekly and this is ignorance driven by fear.

I thought doctors would be more concerned with actual hormone levels and not the dosage. If you're a guy with high SHBG, you are basically screwed.
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They do not. All the PCP knows that in my records it shows I'm on TRT with Defy. He has a thing against TRT and is sure my levels are higher than what he thinks they should be.

I would file a complaint with the state medical board about unethical behavior for making an assumption about your T levels without a blood test.

I am surprised the pcp did this.

I wonder what the issue with surgery would be if your testosterone levels were high. And what does he mean by high?? How high is high?
I would file a complaint with the state medical board about unethical behavior for making an assumption about your T levels without a blood test.

I am surprised the pcp did this.

I wonder what the issue with surgery would be if your testosterone levels were high. And what does he mean by high?? How high is high?

A lot of these TRT clinics are causing men more harm than good, but Defy is in a different class and acts responsibly. Perhaps if the OP shows him his most recent labs and that his levels are within ranges, maybe that would be enough to ease the doctors mind.

I've had three sinus surgeries fully sedated while on TRT (while iron deficient) and I'm still alive.
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... a high SHBG guy it would not even approach being a therapeutic dose, ...
I will again quibble with this assumption. If two guys on TRT are identical except for SHBG, then the same testosterone dose will yield the same free testosterone in each. The one with higher SHBG will have higher total testosterone. The reason why is that the metabolic clearance rate of testosterone (MCRT) is nearly proportional to free testosterone. At steady state the MCRT must equal the rate of absorption from injections. This rate of absorption is the same in the two guys. If there are flaws in this line of reasoning then do point them out. The one possible weakness I see is that SHBG-bound testosterone is used directly in some instances. But I suspect the relative magnitude of this effect in MCRT is not large.

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