You live in your head too much with studies; "identical" guys...come on. SHBG of 20, and SHBG of 70 same dose = same Free T...this isn't the PeakT forum you're on now. I know this nonsense reigns over there but even you can't believe this goofy logic you're trying to sell.
It wasn't that far off.
My shbg shot up form 40 > 70, my free T stayed at about 1.4-1.7% of total T regardless of my shbg.
However, my E2 changed from 3-4.14% of total T when my shbg was around 40 to 1.98-2.5% when my shbg was 70.
I don't know it was the rise in shbg that dropped E2 percentage of total T, the supplements i took that likely caused shbg to rise may have caused E2 percentage to drop by a different and independent means.
Another thing I am unsure about, estradiol is created from testosterone, but is it from total T or whatever free T is left after binding to shbg?
When testosterone is cleaved from the ester it is attached to, I can't believe that testosterone is immediately bound to shbg, there must be a lag time between when testosterone is in the blood stream and when it gets bound to shbg. So I am guessing there must for however short a time be a big rise in free T, if only locally near the injection site.
IMO when you try and get down to the nitty gritty details, it's all a little complicated.
I tend to only pay attention to total T, some attention to E2 and only if it's over 50 or under 20, getting a free T measure is interesting but what should I do about it?
I did virtual no blood tests for 5 years on TRT when I self directed, the last few years I did a lot of blood tests, way more than needed, now I am returning to the feeling I don't really need to get blood tests once I am dialed in, but I do only do it now because doctors want it.
The theory is interesting, but it's not like I am a clinician needing to treat a lot of different men that may react in different ways, I only need to concern myself about how i react, and I have a pretty good idea now.