@Cataceous I wouldn't accept your unverified claims also so no worries there. Replying to everyone here and then I will send the links in a separate post. The mods can delete them if they see fit. I'm not here to cause any trouble with anyone. Driving estrogen too low is terrible (which is another subject) and you are asking for links of how AI isn't good for you. Those are the links I will provide.
@Gman86 You will feel worse because the body had a substance being given to it that was preventing something from occurring (aromatisation). When you stop the AI it takes awhile for the body to adjust to the 'new normal'. Most men feel worse during that period before they feel better. I do SubQ, to answer your question. Some guys prefer shallow IM. Why is everyone hung up on needle size?? 27's 1/2" make the injections easier but I find some of the oil seeps out of the injection site afterwards. 30's take longer but everything stays inside.
@madman I do enanthate also (it's just what is prescribed where I'm from). Try moving to daily shots. I absolutely promise you it is completely worth the extra hassle. Again, it's not the just low E2 levels that aren't good for you. The AI itself is toxic! It doesn't matter how small the dose is! Crisler was also using HCG and high dose DHEA. If I get back on DHEA my gyno will flare up like crazy. However, I already have high normal levels of DHEA so why take more if I don't need it?
@Speed That message from Crisler was due to something else entirely... and maybe not for the reasons you think....
@tmaxey1 who are you referring to? I'm not loyal to any one particular site. I get info from lots of places. There's a great big Internet outside this one site you know ;-)
@HealthMan you're back! Welcome! Though I thought this was the end of the discussion? ;-)
If you're taking an AI and really think you need it, it's probably because you are obese. If your bodyfat is 15% or less... maybe even as high as 20% or less, you don't need it. If you are over 15%, get yourself under and you definitely won't need it.
Everyone here starts taking T and immediately wants to add other shit to the mix. WHY?? Take JUST the T and nothing else. Figure how the dose that makes you feel the best. Screw the numbers on paper. If you take 10mg daily and feel amazing with a 600ng/dl but then take 20mg daily and feel like shit with a 950ng/dl then what fucking difference does the lab report make? Which dose MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER??
Here's the part that really makes me giggle. And trust me, I laugh at myself because I didn't realize this until recently:
EVERYTHING is BALANCE. We are here to BALANCE and OPTIMIZE. There is a BALANCE between testosterone and estrogen. I'm sure you can all agree on that one. But, even though you might agree, your critical thinking goes down the porcelain when we boost our testosterone to supra optimal levels but try to keep E2 at super low levels. That isn't balance. That's insanity. My E2 levels could be 90 right now for all I know. Who cares? I feel BETTER than I ever felt before and all the weird side effects I used to have while taking an AI are gone.
I will now compile the links. Do as you wish with them.