i was thrilled to hear that you stopped all the supplements and vitamins because i believe most people are doing more harm than good by using them. there are no regulations for these supplements. these companies are snakes and can put (and do put) whatever they want in there and they are allowed to (short of killing you, and even then, they could just blame it on a natural death i suppose). can you imagine someone who takes 15-20 supps a day and one had some poison in it, are they going to take (find?) all these supplements in the house and test each one? maybe but then they may not even contain a poison, just too much of one thing that caused it like...DHEA which is extremely powerful even in tiny doses.
i don't use anything besides food and natural whole herbs in a tea form or tincture and even with tinctures, i'm very careful what i use and only use them as medicine. i do use licorice root and deer antler because i was on HRT for 8 years and stopped. i stopped because i have adrenal insufficiency for 20 years. i didn't know this til recently. i took trenbolone and it permanently damaged my adrenals, lowering my DHEA down to rock bottom. my aldosterone is also low but my cortisol shows perfect (saliva and urine) but metabolites are super low and so are DHEA metabolites. my DHEA serum was 110 (range 93 - 415). I have digestive symptoms, low-grade tinnitus in right ear which makes me sensitive to noises and irritable, anxiety (even just low-level, not wanting to do things or commit to things and have irrational fears). my total testosterone is low, about 340ng and i'm only 41. it's been low ever since i got off around 2018.
i am happy to hear that you were able to resolve the heart palpitations because i am terrified of that side effect. my old man died of a heart attack. i think that if it is low, you would experience some of the symptoms i mentioned. it's almost impossible not to.
digestion issues, noise sensitivities, dry skin, irritability, weakness, fatigue (i don't have fatigue unless i try to do something physical and i can hardly lift any weights). my blood sugar drops fast, i was in the gym the other day, i feel like muscularly i could lift the weights but the stamina. after a couple sets, i feel like im going to pass out. on HRT i didn't have these issues so it could be low testosterone, and my bodyweight is 10-15 pounds under what i was. i'm real skinny now.
i have the Douglas labs sublingual and wanting to give that a try. i believe the maca, rhodiola and ashwagandha you were taking exacerbating the sides from the DHEA. they boost them on their own. how much, i dont know but i have them all here and just haven't started on them. i feel safer trying them but it is possible that you just simply convert to DHT and estrogen even at lower doses. i convert to estrogen fast. maybe taking zinc and an AI is necessary. you do have low levels which is not healthy. so either try the herbs alone and re-test or use 2.5mg Douglas sublingual. there is not a lot of experiences with this, mostly it is HRT or TRT but i feel that DHEA is just as important. it is an adrenal hormone.