DHEA Supplementation

DHEA Supplementation
Dehydroepiandrosterone: DHEA
As presented by Dr. Neal Rouzier, M.D.

Here's a great reason to add DHEA to your protocol.

DHEA is a hormone secreted primarily by the adrenal glands. It results in a shift of a catabolic state to an anabolic or protein building state.

· It reduces cardiovascular risks by increasing lipolyses (decrease visceral fat).
· It stimulates the immune system, restores sexual vitality, improves moods, decreases
cholesterol and body fat.
· It improves memory, increases energy, and has anti-cancer properties by enhancing the
immune system.
· It is an endocrine precursor to other hormones, prevents immuno-senescence, loss of sleep,
osteoporosis, atherosclerosis.
· DHEA reduces insulin requirement
· Adrenal hormone anabolic vs. catabolic metabolism
· Restores immunity
· Prevents osteoporosis, increases bone density
· Prevents cancer in lab animals
· Prevents diabetes & heart disease
· Decreases visceral fat
· Improves mood & well-being
· Improves energy & memory
· Slows aging process in lab animals
· Prevents lipid peroxidation = antioxidant
· Endocrine precursor to T.P.E.
· 7-keto DHEA is not a precursor to other HRT = avoid
· Neurotransmitter (recently discovered)
· Presently pending FDA approval for Lupus (Prasterone)

dhea supplementation in men.webp

Clinically substantiated uses of DHEA include replacement for:
· Low DHEA levels
· Chronic disease
· Adrenal exhaustion or corticosteroid therapy
· Improving bone density
· Improving depression & mood disorders
· Enhancing immune response by activating T-cells
· Improving well-being
· Decreasing cardiovascular risk
· Improving erectile dysfunction
· Anyone over 40
· DHEA has never been shown to reverse the aging process
· Nevertheless DHEA is important for preventive medicine
· DHEA inhibits synthesis of thromboxane A2, reduces plasminogen activator inhibitor, and
tissue plasminogen activator – all decreasing platelet aggregation and ischemia.

Men<200lb: 50mg AM
Men>200lb: 75-100mg AM
Women <50yo: 10-15mg AM
Women >50yo: 25mg AM

DHEA Serum Levels
· Range 100-600
· Optimal 500-600
· Range 50-300
· Optimal 200-250
Higher levels in women predispose them to side effects – therefore stay low.
· Monitor monthly until optimal
· Assure correct dose and compliance
· Measure DHEA-S and not DHEA
· Side effects: acne, hirsutism
· Tx: Lower dose or take QOD Spironolactone 100 mg/day
· Contraindicated in sex hormone responsive tumors – breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate
· Conversion to T.P.E.?
· DHEA raises testosterone levels in women slightly, yet not in men
· DHEA raises estradiol slightly in men
· Over age 40 for health protection
· Preventive medicine and well-being
· Symptoms of aging, mood & depression
· Cause the medical literature suggests it if we want to live longer, happier, healthier

Note from Nelson Vergel:

I am not convinced that DHEA has that many benefits unless you supplement due to low levels. The ratio of cortisol to DHEA is really what matters since each of those hormones are produced by the adrenal glands to balance each other.

I expand here:

Don't confuse low insulin levels with Insulin resistance, Leno78. They are not at all the same thing in fact Insulin resistance is almost the inverse of the other.
Chivato.. I was told by my doc 8 is a normal insulin level. Mine is 28 and he said I have Insulin Resistance . So does DHEA help reduce insulin levels ??
Chivato.. I was told by my doc 8 is a normal insulin level. Mine is 28 and he said I have Insulin Resistance . So does DHEA help reduce insulin levels ??

According to this post, it does help fight insulin resistance, but don't overuse it. It also increases estrogen in men.
Leno, I would try it at a low dose to see if it helps your insulin resistance. I would not exceed 20-25 mg until you have had much more testing and have evaluated the results.
Gene, you have a lot of experience with this. Some time back I took DHEA and bloated up within days. Of course I stopped taking it yet at 45, I wonder if I should try again at a lower dose and give it some time? Currently on cyp only @ 50mg every 3.5 days.
Jerry Brainum Does DHEA really work? | Iron Man Magazine
Maintaining optimal DHEA levels may also be useful for:
Athletes looking to improve performance
Increasing sex drive
Improving recovery time from stress and physical training
Increasing sense of well being
Weight loss
Improving sleep
Muscle gain
Improving mood
HCG increases preg and DHEA correct? If taking HCG is it still recommended to supplement with both? If so is it because HCG does not increase substantially?

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