Just got my new lab results after being on a daily protocol for about a year and a half, and they are spectacular. Dare I say it… after 5+ years of TRT, I think I finally have myself dialed in.
Current protocol is: average of 24 mg of t-cyp daily, and 500 IU of HCD every other day. No AI.
I say "average" because I've stumbled across a weird trick… I'd been having annoying spikes of anxiety that seemed related to HCG. Never happened when I was on a weekly or twice-weekly protocol. I figured this had something to do with adding HCG spikes on top of an otherwise steady-state. Lowering or discontinuing HCG did diminish my anxiety, but made me feel like crap. So, on a whim I started alternating my injections day by day between 26 mg and 22 mg. On 22 mg days, I also inject HCG.
The results:
Total T: 910 ng/dL
Free T: 28.4 ng/dL
e2: 40.5 pg/mL
SHBG: 17.2 nmoL/L
Hematocrit: 42.1%
Seems crazy, but it was only after starting that staggered protocol that I started to feel like a normal human being again. Anxiety is gone. Better than I've felt in years, as a matter of fact. A few weeks before I did these labs, I noticed my need for tadalafil diminished significantly. Currently I'm not taking it at all, but soon I'll start trying 3 mg a day and see how that goes (previously I'd been doing 7 mg EOD).
I've toyed with the idea of trying a tiny bit of anastrozole to lower my e2, but I've never had good luck with AIs. At this point I think I'm better off losing weight and getting back in shape.