Daily Injections of Testosterone

How did you guys comeup with a starting dosage for this regimen? Did you just divide your weekly dose by 7? I am a giy who struggles with hct. While off T for 4 months i was still 49.8 before going back on teat cyp. That was after 4 phlebotomies over same time period. It seems that some of you are having some luck keeping those numbers down.
Currently i am on 30 mg every 3.5 days. Feeling pretty good. But maybe daily could help

My doctor considered the ester weight of testosterone enanthate, and - knowing the amount of endogenous testosterone a healthy man produces on an average day - suggested I start with 16mg every morning. I top out over 1000 and my estradiol slid into place and hasn't moved (mid-30s) in over two years. My SHBG is on the low side, so the daily schedule works with that as well. Vince, injecting only slightly more testosterone, has achieved an even more dramatic total testosterone level.

Im a guy who's never had a problem with hematocrit or hemoglobin; I can't tell you why. Vince however, has dealt with it in the past.
I'm kinda like buggies in that I had HCT "issues" before I even began/needed T. No noticeable side effects or anything, just higher than normal labs.
My SHBG is 26.9 with a range of16.5 - 55.9 nmol/L

T level is 1030 @ trough with range of348 - 1197 ng/dl

Free T is 24.5 and a range of 6.8 - 21.5 pg/ml

My T levels are a little high, and I seem to be retaining more water than I would like. Will be doing labs again this coming Wednesday, will wait for these before trying anything new. I feel pretty good at my current regimen, I would guess I am about 80% dialled in. So if all else fails I could revert back to my current dose. Is my SHBG okay for doing a daily injections, or would I even benefit from them at all? If I am unable to get rid of the AI from doing daily injections, then it wouldnt be worth the change for me. I guess this is something I can look at when the new labs come in.

Your SHBG is not a challenge for a daily protocol. What's your sensitive estradiol?
That's a nice estradiol levels. It's about the level I try to keep my E2 at. I also feel my best with my E2 above 30. I never used an AI, my struggle was low E2. I found using DHEA helped me raise my E2 higher.

So I should be fine trying the daily injections is what I gather here. If I do attempt to switch, I will leave HCG the same, 350Ui 3 times a week. My main questioning, should I stop the AI instantly, and then add back if needed? I tried to go with a 3 times a week T injection schedule once, I did not lower my AI though. By the second week I had semi-crashed my E2.
So I should be fine trying the daily injections is what I gather here. If I do attempt to switch, I will leave HCG the same, 350Ui 3 times a week. My main questioning, should I stop the AI instantly, and then add back if needed? I tried to go with a 3 times a week T injection schedule once, I did not lower my AI though. By the second week I had semi-crashed my E2.
I don't think you should stop your AI until you do labs, hopefully after 6 to 7 weeks on your new protocol. First find out how it's affecting your estradiol levels, as you know it takes time to get dialed in.
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Here's my latest after being on daily injections for 3 months. I couldn't be happier.
I inject .1ml (20mg) of Test Cyp daily using a 1cc syringe with a 29 gauge 1/2" needle.
I also take 25 mg DHEA 2x a day morning and evening 20664924_2031290176896723_8878740678533887913_n.webp 20728151_2031289513563456_4807408812528575649_n.webp 20729470_2031288793563528_7340117202194024071_n.webp 20729530_2031263600232714_5592942417843922608_n.webp
I do every day injections 12 mgs every morning . By noon, my total t is 1150, my free t is 440, and my shbg is 18.94. I'm thinking the anavar might have something to do increase in free t, and the lowering of my shbg. Although its always been low, never that low.
Would I be a canditate for daily injections with SHBG of 32?Currently doing 50 mg twice weekly -every 3.5 days. Most recent labs Total T is 693 Free 10.1 Sensitive E2 26.1 No AI and hematocrit of 44.6.In general feel well but maybe I could use a bump in dosing with being tired at times and sporadic morning wood. HCG to protocol? Have consult with Defy tomorrow so will know answers soon.
Would I be a canditate for daily injections with SHBG of 32?Currently doing 50 mg twice weekly -every 3.5 days. Most recent labs Total T is 693 Free 10.1 Sensitive E2 26.1 No AI and hematocrit of 44.6.In general feel well but maybe I could use a bump in dosing with being tired at times and sporadic morning wood. HCG to protocol? Have consult with Defy tomorrow so will know answers soon.

No daily injections is for someone with low SHBG probably below 15, above this you might be able to get away with twice weekly and even EOD. My SHBG last set of labs was 18 nmol back then I was on 75mg weekly injections, since then I've adopted twice weekly and now EOD injections to see if I can bring it up some. TRT will likely bring your SHBG down to the mid to lower 20's, you can try to minimize how low it gets by adopting more frequent injections. Some low SHBG guys have no success with increasing their SHBG beyond a certain point. That's a solid SHBG level to have that's not too low and not too high.
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Would I be a canditate for daily injections with SHBG of 32?Currently doing 50 mg twice weekly -every 3.5 days. Most recent labs Total T is 693 Free 10.1 Sensitive E2 26.1 No AI and hematocrit of 44.6.In general feel well but maybe I could use a bump in dosing with being tired at times and sporadic morning wood. HCG to protocol? Have consult with Defy tomorrow so will know answers soon.
When I started doing daily injections, my SHBG was 38.1, not low. Ever since I started my HCT has been around 47-46, I haven't donated blood since February. I know this isn't the case for everyone, I think my nice steady levels of T has benefited me.
I agree with Vince and CW.

I read and read and read before even going to the Dr. I read more and more on protocols and knowing our bodies dump a small dose of testosterone per day I thought doing so only made the best sense. I was doing 3.5 for a few weeks and said **** it and went daily at 10mg. No AI, and I don't know my SHBG.

Been staying at around 1000 on BW. Feel great when I get proper rest.

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