I also have had heart palpitations on compounded cream. I originally started with pellets in December and I did not like the invasiveness of the surgery or the inability to adjust dosage. I was at 1300 TT after a month and didn’t feel great until levels dropped a little. I switched to cream in April and we started low at 50mg a day. Blood tests after a month had my levels a little low so we increased to 100mg a day and the palpitations started after a couple of weeks. I tried splitting the dosage and splitting application sites (originally all on scrotum) but still had palpations. I stopped the cream for a couple a weeks and it went away after 4-5 days. Started cream again at 50mg, no issues then when going to 100mg palpations started again. Didn’t ever figure out how to stop it.
I ended up switching docs and moving to injections in hopes of getting higher levels without palpitations. I started at 50mg every 3.5 days and after the 3rd shot palpitations started about 12hrs after the shot and lasted 24-36hrs. They go away with exercise. I then tried 25mg EOD in hopes of alleviating the palps but it got worse with more frequent injections. Ended up stopping 5 days ago and palpations are slowly improving. I should note my vial is 80/20 cypionate/propionate if that matters. Pretty frustrating, I get an EKG once a year, no known heart problems or blood pressure issues, donate blood for slightly elevated HCT.
Why did you switch from injections? What was your dosage? My only other thought is to try injecting LESS frequently, goes against current practices but my pre TRT SHBG was mid 50’s so may be able to get away with it.