This whole story... how did you not end up figuring out you have overtly sensitised your E2 receptors, quite the opposite from what you are actually speculating. As a result you are constantly cruising in a state of extremely high Estradiol, which actually leads to every symptom you describe, some through estrogen dominance over progesterone (scalp hair loss), others through estrogen dominance over androgens (fatigue, weakness, libido, sexual issues). Estrogen even suppresses sebum production in sufficient amounts, which is why contraceptives help with acne in females - although roaccutane goes the opposite way and attacks androgens. It's also why your brain function is intact and you can keep being a straight A student. Proper Low E would absolutely demolish your ability to study, seeing all the cognitive effects estrogen has on the brain.
And it is in fact the only theory that explains why the higher your E2 goes, the worse you feel.
I've also read about estrogen receptors becoming oversensitive after starvation in breast cancer patients, at which case they used another medication to reset their sensitivity, so there's that to back it up - I'm sure i can find adequate evidence with a bit of looking around. You simply went too hard with the AI, starved your receptors and caused them to reach oversensitivity.
if anyone from this thread is still here and has similar issues, let's discuss this. But you have to be feeling worse each time your E2 goes up. If you're not, then you might actually have low E2, or bad T/E ratio. But let's talk about this anyway because I'm going through a similar Estrogen situation.
Honestly, the comments trying to make this guy seem crazy or that he's imagining and making everything up, are the worst thing one can say to another, and just a clear demonstration of people who have never had something go seriously, seriously wrong in their lives. You cannot fathom the hell of being chronically in this state. Of having everything robbed away from you and not even knowing how or why. Completely out of whack estrogen will seriously make you wish you were D E A D. It might as well be your soul itself. And then people try and tell you you're making it up... Jesus, better not say anything at all.