Best medication for anxiety?

I can NOT warn you enough about long term Benzo use. They can make your anxiety MUCH MUCH worse and withdrawal is pure hell. I know firsthand.

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I have experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal. I couldn't leave my house for almost a year until it was over. I stayed off benzo's for 2 years but started taking them again as needed.

Its easy to only take 1-2 per week because I know I don't want to go through withdrawal again.

After 10+ years of searching I have not found anything else that works.

I know it's not a good solution. Still looking for alternatives.

Do you have any suggestions for a different medication?
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I have experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal. I couldn't leave my house for almost a year until it was over. I stayed off benzo's for 2 years but started taking them again as needed.

Its easy to only take 1-2 per week because I know I don't want to go through withdrawal again.

After 10+ years of searching I have not found anything else that works.

I know it's not a good solution. Still looking for alternatives.

Do you have any suggestions for a different medication?

All I can say is:

- Make sure hormones are optimized
- Make sure nutrition is optimized - iron, fat soluble vitamins/minerals
- Consider 3 month trial of gluten-free. I have spoken to a top neurologist and she told me she has seen patients be relieved of a variety of cognitive/mental symptoms from going gluten-free. The blood tests are not sensitive enough to tell anyone if they have sensitivity and she said the real test is 3 months off.
- try MBSR program for 8 weeks.
- yoga
- sunnier climate
- exercise
Breathing exercises can help men and women with anxiety.
It is getting harder and harder to get any anxiety meds due to the opiate epidemic DEA monitoring of doctors' prescriptions.
Try to breathe deeply expanding your diagram (expanding your belly button) and hold for a few seconds. Do this 5-10 times. Repeat to yourself "This too shall pass". I know this is no substitute for anxiety meds, but it really helps.
I have experienced benzodiazepine withdrawal. I couldn't leave my house for almost a year until it was over. I stayed off benzo's for 2 years but started taking them again as needed.

Its easy to only take 1-2 per week because I know I don't want to go through withdrawal again.

After 10+ years of searching I have not found anything else that works.

I know it's not a good solution. Still looking for alternatives.

Do you have any suggestions for a different medication?
There are antidepressants that are supposed to control anxiety. However, adapting to the antidepressant can cause anxiety which will make the patient feel much worse and hence drop the antidepressant. What psychiatrists do is prescribe benzos during that phase only. It’s something worthwhile to discuss with a specialist if one suffers from chronic anxiety. There are also courses that use cognition to control anxiety. It’s all about being aware of triggers, etc. You might want to look into that
Perhaps it has been said before, but consider supplementing with DHEA and pregnenolone. DHEA troches have made a huge difference for me. Pregnenolone MLM has also been helpful.
I don’t believe medicine can be a solution to anxiety without negative side effects such as benzos.

It’s more about changing the way you think imo. Therapy is the best medicine imo.

Changing the way you think is HUGE, and a big big part of it. But when my hormones are completely out of whack, and during my experience with Clomid, there is no therapy on earth that is going to help. There’s no cognitive training on this planet that can overcome extreme hormone imbalances, imo. But again, everything in life revolves around balance, and treating mood disorders are no exception. Learning how to perceive and interact with the world properly is a huge reason why I’m completely depression and anxiety free, imo. But without my hormones being in balance, I don’t think it would be possible to of gotten to this point. I had a bunch of depression and anxiety, when my hormones were out of wack, no matter what I did.

I was put on Sertraline some years ago. It was one of the worst experiences of my life - anxiety levels went through the roof, personality changed in such a way that i was unable to find anything amusing that i had done before, literally stopped me being able to laugh at anything. After persisting with the drug for, if i remember right, around two months, i stopped cold turkey - and the withdrawals were like hell. I started self medicating with ghb to try and get past that, but ended up needing to dose the ghb almost hourly (i had a lot of prior experience with ghb and knew that was a bad sign) to keep the brain zaps and panic attacks at bay. Ended up begging the doctor for two weeks worth of valium to get me past the sertraline withdrawals and the now ghb addiction, and it worked perfectly.
So all in all, not a fan of sertraline, or ssri's in general tbh.
As a suggestion as to what i found to be the (in my opinion) perfect anti anxiety med, it was a little know research benzo called Pyrazolam -

Pyrazolam - Wikipedia

It acts upon the a2 and a3 subtypes of GABA-A receptor, meaning it has virtually no sedative properties at all but excellent anti anxiety effects. When i started a new job a few years ago, i bought and used this to get me through the anxiety i had. I am being serious when i say it is the perfect anti anxiety med. I've experience of taking several benzos, valium, xanax, clonazepam, etizolam, and i wouldn't dare use any of those for more than very infrequent use. Pyrazolam, due to the sub types of GABA receptors it binds to, doesn't have addictive properties. I know this, as after two years of mon - fri constant use, i ran out and was unable to buy more. Withdrawals were zero, although not being on it at work was noticible, ie i'd get stressed out at things and being in meetings (my phobia) terrified me again. I know how benzos can be addictive and lose effect over time, but pyrazolam i found was the complete opposite. Why it is not a licenced drug now i do not know
Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril) is another medication prescribed for anxiety. It’s an antihistamine that’s used to treat allergic reactions, but this particular form of antihistamine has an effect on the processing of serotonin. They act quickly, like benzodiazepines, but, unlike benzodiazepines, they don’t cause addiction.
Speaking from personal experience, last year I had to deal with some rather nasty anxiety periods and my father who is a psychiatrist told me to take some 5-Hydroxytryptophan.

I think I took around 100 mg daily for a month and felt much better. But your issue might be different - only a specialist can say for sure.

For me, it was related to family life, winter depression etc. but I guess that trying an amino acid is still a safer bet.
I've been on paxil 10mg for 10 years, benzos when needed.

I'm actually having trouble with trt, I got on due to fatigue, brain fog, lack of motivation, dead sex drive, 0 zest for life etc, pretty much all the side effects from the paxil, atleast thats what ive summed it up to for years.

And im on 200mg test c 50mg eod and my anxiety has majorly flared up im on week 4 going into 5
Im doing this ugl by myself because my docs wouldnt help, I wanna go to defy but idk if they know how to treat patients with panic disorder/agoraphobia (not anymore)/depersonalization
I need to find a protocol that optimizes my hormones but dodges my anxiety... My life in the last 10 years on paxil has been anxiety free but a walking emotionless zombie sleeping 12 hours a day, please help lol
Some other suggestions for you to look into:
Pregabalin, kratom, tianeptine. Not strictly anti anxiety meds, but may help. Also, there are several Russian anti anxiety meds you might want to research (phenibut is only one of them). I doubt your doc would prescribe them, but you could get them yourself.
Anxiety/panic....escitaloptam 10 mg/d has worked extremely well for me. Negative is emotional blunting and increased anhedonia.
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