Did the guy in the art of manliness "really" double his baseline total T (from 378> 778) or was the 778 pg/mL really his normal level?
In his blog, he measured his total T after "huge and grueling project" lasting a month where he didn't sleep a lot and ate poorly. Then he measured his total T of 378 pg/dl , it's well known that lack of sleep and stress will temporary lower your total testosterone.
So from my way of reading this, he measured his testosterone at an artificial low, then he got more sleep and ate better, after 3 months his total T was 778.
If he had established a baseline by several measurements where he wasn't under stress and not sleeping well, it would have meant more.
This maybe true, but it touches on something I've learn helping men with low T:
The problem is that most men are walking around in an unoptimized state.
I believe 99.99% of men have "baseline" testosterone level that is artificially low.
The problem is that unless you have specifically researched testosterone optimization, you don't know what you don't know.
Even men who are living an otherwise legitimate healthy lifestyle are also living with "subbaseline" testosterone levels (doing cardio, low fat diets, etc
So yes, you do have a valid point, but his post shows what I believe most men out the can achieve if they commit to living an extreme and almost obsessive optimization lifestyle for 6 months to a year.
Unfortunately, Most men with low T are to docile for that sort of change. That's where TRT shines.