Anyone else obsessed with testosterone?

Regarding the several comment here on Natty-ness, it seems pretty clear that after about age 40, the body starts trying to kill itself. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective since we wouldn't want a lot of damaged members of the species consuming resources in excess of their ability to promote the species. As josh Mittledorf of the excellent Aging Matters blog says: there is no such thing as natural anti-aging since what's "natural" is for the body to kill itself, and sub-optimal hormones may be one of the ways that happens.
Would you happen to have a before/after shbg or estradiol?

I do have SHBG but not estradiol. My SHBG stayed pretty close to the same honestly.

Before: 28
After: 37

My free T jumped from 93 ng/dl to 205 ng/dl even with SHBG going up.

Im okay with the increase in SHBG. I think its appropriate given higher total testosterone levels. I care most about free T.
Regarding the several comment here on Natty-ness, it seems pretty clear that after about age 40, the body starts trying to kill itself. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective since we wouldn't want a lot of damaged members of the species consuming resources in excess of their ability to promote the species. As josh Mittledorf of the excellent Aging Matters blog says: there is no such thing as natural anti-aging since what's "natural" is for the body to kill itself, and sub-optimal hormones may be one of the ways that happens.

Totally agree.

Once I turn 40 (or whatever age it happens) Im going to be all about that TRT lol
No doubt it requires a lot of effort, but it's not your lifestyle that I was talking about that make you special.

lifestyle improvements can increase serum total T by 10%. Certainly it's useful for many healthy changes, lowering trigs, raising HDL, better heart, etc. A 10% increase in Total T was when measured when lifestyle was changed and total T amongst other things were checked.

But on average no matter your lifestyle it doesn't raise testosterone for the vast majority of men enough to make a real difference. That is what makes your situation special.

To get more than double your original total T is very rare IMO.

Anyone else increase total T naturally and by how much?

This guy claims to have done it:

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally | The Art of Manliness
... it seems pretty clear that after about age 40, the body starts trying to kill itself. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective since we wouldn't want a lot of damaged members of the species consuming resources in excess of their ability to promote the species. ...
The extent to which it's an active process is debatable. The alternative is benign neglect; you've had the opportunity to create and raise offspring, so there's no evolutionary pressure to make you survive longer.
isnt it a bit pesamistic thinking ?seeing as men can have children well into old age if they want it seems after 40 you need to take care of your self more and cant get away with abusing the body and if your overweight and unhealthy it really starts to affect you also i guess living in places like America with food full of chemcials
toxins and a life thats built on work work work and maissive stress just makes it harder to stay healthy
isnt it a bit pesamistic thinking ?seeing as men can have children well into old age if they want it seems after 40 you need to take care of your self more and cant get away with abusing the body and if your overweight and unhealthy it really starts to affect you also i guess living in places like America with food full of chemcials
toxins and a life thats built on work work work and maissive stress just makes it harder to stay healthy
I live in the USA and have not problems with food here just cannot over eat and do not eat lot of highly processed foods.
Nice article. That's my breakfast, every morning I eat bacon and eggs. No toast for me.

Yeah, there's something about eggs.

I've tweaked my dietary protocol numerous times and of all the things I've done, I noticed the most significant difference when started eating 6 eggs per day. Mostly in the gym - It helped me to break through a plateau I had been stuck in.
Yeah, there's something about eggs.

I've tweaked my dietary protocol numerous times and of all the things I've done, I noticed the most significant difference when started eating 6 eggs per day. Mostly in the gym - It helped me to break through a plateau I had been stuck in.

How many yolks do you eat out of the 6? All of them? I eat 6 eggs per day, everyday, but only 3 yolks. Just curious what you do. Thanks.
I do have SHBG but not estradiol. My SHBG stayed pretty close to the same honestly.

Before: 28
After: 37

My free T jumped from 93 ng/dl to 205 ng/dl even with SHBG going up.

Im okay with the increase in SHBG. I think its appropriate given higher total testosterone levels. I care most about free T.

I know this thread is a few months old, but this message caught my eye..
Unless I'm very much mistaken, to have a free T level of 93 ng/dL (calculated with an SHBG of 28) requires a total T of about 2800 ng/dL(!)
A free T of 200 ng/dL would mean a total testosterone > 5500 ng/dL.

I thought maybe you made a mistake in units, but offhand I can't even tell what the right units might be based on these numbers.

Care to clarify?
I know this thread is a few months old, but this message caught my eye..
Unless I'm very much mistaken, to have a free T level of 93 ng/dL (calculated with an SHBG of 28) requires a total T of about 2800 ng/dL(!)
A free T of 200 ng/dL would mean a total testosterone > 5500 ng/dL.

I thought maybe you made a mistake in units, but offhand I can't even tell what the right units might be based on these numbers.

Care to clarify?
He probably intended to say the units are pg/mL, which are ten times ng/dL. This leads to 9.3 ng/dL to 20.5 ng/dL, which are more reasonable numbers. But a reference range or calculation method is still needed to complete the picture.
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I do not know about the OP, sounds to me all like an advertisement. It feels like he wants to sell me something. Look at his picture, big smile, head slightly tilted backwards and the What kind of person are you to boast about your ¨natural¨ health achievements, on a site where most people can not even feel slightly ¨normal¨ after years of tweaking and being submised to almost torture by ignorant docs, etc. And all that at a financial cost while he talks about it all got much better when he started eating 6 eggs a day. (or follow my plan and take these supps on which I get a ¨small¨ commision)
After almost 8 months reading up on ExcelMale, all these cases and peoples experiences, it hardly feels proper to comment based on my own experience, it makes me feel insensitive and arrogant.

This is misleading at least as OP is younger then those here who´s endocrine system can not bounce back as easy as they have used it all up in living their lives.
He probably intended to say the units are pg/mL, which are ten times ng/dL. This leads to 9.3 ng/dL to 20.5 ng/dL, which are more reasonable numbers. But a reference range or calculation method is still needed to complete the picture.


This is correct.

In terms of reference range and calculation I used:

A Simple ‘Free T’ Calculator

Which is based off the math from:

A critical evaluation of simple methods for the estimation of free testosterone in serum. - PubMed - NCBI

Thanks for catching my error @Aki !!
Is there anyone else out there like me?

I literally spend all my free time reading studies and articles.

I've been able to increase my testosterone levels with just lifestyle changes from 412 ng/ml to now over 900. I don't think im special or anything, but Im pretty proud of this accomplishment.

Also, I've been a lurker on excelmale for a long time now. I figured it was time for me to make an account and get involved with the community.

Nice to meet you guys.

- David
Pretty much everyone here overthinks hrt or we wouldn’t be here, me included. And most of us are on other forums as well

Did the guy in the art of manliness "really" double his baseline total T (from 378> 778) or was the 778 pg/mL really his normal level?

In his blog, he measured his total T after "huge and grueling project" lasting a month where he didn't sleep a lot and ate poorly. Then he measured his total T of 378 pg/dl , it's well known that lack of sleep and stress will temporary lower your total testosterone.

So from my way of reading this, he measured his testosterone at an artificial low, then he got more sleep and ate better, after 3 months his total T was 778.

If he had established a baseline by several measurements where he wasn't under stress and not sleeping well, it would have meant more.
I wonder what the average total testosterone would be of guys in maximum security prison? I’m a correctional officer and have pondered how much if at all living in a concrete jungle raises testosterone levels

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