So I’m not sure I even agree with what I said anymore lol. My experience with transscrotal cream was that my E2 was pretty damn high while using it. E2 sensitize was 79, and non sensitive was 88. Total T was 1680. Free T 398 (46.0-224.0). With injections, and having a similar total T of 1687, and free T of 238 (46.0-224.0), my E2 sensitive was 73, and non sensitive was 59. I was also using HCG at 800iu’s/ week. So for me, it seems that it’s the opposite of what I said. E2 conversion seems higher. But my free T was much higher on the cream, and I’ve heard that E2 conversion happens peripherally in the tissue, and if that’s the case, free T is what would be converting into E2, not the total T. So would make sense that my E2 would be higher on the cream, due to the creams producing much higher free T levels, in most guys, relative to their total T. Idk, it’s all so complicated lol.
Bur one thing I know for 100% certainty, is that transscrotal cream will sky rocket ur DHT, and DHT absolutely inhibits E2. It might not inhibit ur serum number on a lab test, but it for sure inhibits E2 at the receptor level. It’s basically like an ai. It will reduce E2’s effects somewhere along the lines. I’m assuming at the receptors. Or maybe it’s conversion at the tissue/ cellular level. I’m really not the best with the deep science of it. I just know that DHT and E2 oppose eachother. So the higher ur DHT, the less the E2 in your system is going to be effective.