Anyone doing SubQ for TRT


Looking to start doing my testosterone injections subq into the love handle area and just wondering if anyone else has had success in this or not, would be great to hear your experiences thanks.
I tried a couple of times and it fail to produce great results like IM injections. My testosterone levels were always lower in Subq compared to IM and subjectively I didn’t feel as good compared to IM
I tried the SubQ in the love handle area but I starting getting a large lump at the injection site that would last almost a week and itch like crazy. I think it was a reaction to the cottonseed oil in my Test Cyp. I do not get that reaction when I inject IM. I inject IM in the deltoid, ventrogluteal (VG), and vastus lateralis (outer thigh).
cheers guys I will give it a go and see what the results are like. I am using Testoviron Depot from germany I think it is enantate, will this differ from cyp at all for subq injections?
cheers guys I will give it a go and see what the results are like. I am using Testoviron Depot from germany I think it is enantate, will this differ from cyp at all for subq injections?

I have been injecting sub-q (abdominal fat) for 19 months using Delatestryl (enanthate) a.i. or hcg use!

Testoviron is enanthate and it will make absolutely no difference than if one were injecting cypionate which most are using.
I tried the SubQ in the love handle area but I starting getting a large lump at the injection site that would last almost a week and itch like crazy. I think it was a reaction to the cottonseed oil in my Test Cyp. I do not get that reaction when I inject IM. I inject IM in the deltoid, ventrogluteal (VG), and vastus lateralis (outer thigh).
Subq in my abdomen or love handles would give me crazy lumps as well. When i switched to subq on my legs the problem was gone. I think because of better blood flow in the area (just speculating)

Enanthate has just a little shorter half life than cypionate.

Minimal difference between the ester side chain lengths of enanthate vs cypionate is pointless as they are basically if we were comparing enanthate vs propionate that would be a completely different story!

14 - Pharmacology of testosterone preparations Testosterone cypionate and testosterone cyclohexanecarboxylate

Testosterone cypionate (cyclopentylpropionate) pharmacokinetics were compared with those of testosterone enanthate in a cross-over study involving six healthy men aged 20–29 years. Three subjects received194 mg of testosterone enanthate, followed seven weeks later by 200 mg of testosterone cypionate and vice versa (amount of unesterified testosterone 140 mg in both preparations). The serum testosterone profiles were identical after injection of both preparations in equivalent doses, both in terms of maximal concentrations and in terms of duration of elevation above basal levels (Fig. 14.8) (Schulte-Beerb¨uhl and Nieschlag 1980).
I really don't know whether I'm doing sub-q or shallow IM for T injections. I'm aiming for IM but I'm not sure the needles I have are long enough at 0.5" ... if I wanted to be sure I was getting into the muscle I'd probably get longer needles... but I'm not sure I really care.
Subq in my abdomen or love handles would give me crazy lumps as well. When i switched to subq on my legs the problem was gone. I think because of better blood flow in the area (just speculating)

Where on your legs do you inject, the front or the back and guessing halfway between the knee and groin?
DO you aspirate at all or just straight in like with the belly?
Where on your legs do you inject, the front or the back and guessing halfway between the knee and groin?
DO you aspirate at all or just straight in like with the belly?
Front. I am very lean and still can do it. I used at 5/16 inch insulin needle. Never had a problem that way. Never aspirated.
I really don't know whether I'm doing sub-q or shallow IM for T injections. I'm aiming for IM but I'm not sure the needles I have are long enough at 0.5" ... if I wanted to be sure I was getting into the muscle I'd probably get longer needles... but I'm not sure I really care.
If you are doing Subq you should be able to feel the oil between your muscle and skin right after you inject. If it goes IM you shouldn’t be able to feel anything.
Just did first subq injection and went off fairly easy was surprised at how hard i had to push the plunger to get the oil to come out though lol. When filling up the syringe using 1ml 29G x 1/2 syringes it did take a while to fill up out of the ampule and a bit of air got in but just flicked the needle a lot till all the big air bubbles were out were still a few very very tiny ones around so hope that was ok. No pain so far but will see in the next few days may be easier to inject in the thighs especially when i start using my belt for weightlifting later on. I did fill up a 2nd syringe put it back in its packaging and in an airlock tight container, Will that be ok to inject with in 3 days time? Also are the big airbubbles that get in when filling out of the ample ok as long as you flick the needle and get them out before injecting?

Thanks in advance for all your help and the information guys you have all been amazing and made injecting so much easier for me.
Yeah, I make sure my test is nice and warm prior to pinning through a slin pin as it makes it flow easier. Keeping a pre-filled syringe for a few days is no problem whatsoever as it will still be very sterile. Air bubbles are fine as long as you get rid of them prior to pinning. Takes quite a lot of air in a syringe to kill someone through a vein but only a little air to kill you through an artery.

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