The blood work just verified the efficacy in raising testosterone levels and also the consistency of the product. Had blood tested twice while on 2,000iu/ week monotherapy. Total testosterone was 1185 on first test, and 1193 the second test. Those blood tests were 2.5 months apart. Then was switched to 1,000iu/ week monotherapy for the next blood test. It came back at 579. That third test was 2 months after the previous test. So Pregnyl, for me, had worked very well at raising testosterone, and was also extremely consistent. When my dose was cut in half, my total testosterone levels were pretty much cut exactly in half as well. Also, my LH and FSH were zeroed out all all three blood tests, which basically just told me that there was no endogenous testosterone being made by my body, so the total testosterone levels on all three blood tests were 100% coming from the HCG. Well the HCG stimulating my testitcles to make it's own testosterone, but you know what I mean lol.
Then I tried 2 different compounding pharmacy brands recently, and the efficacy was just poor on the exact same dosages that I was using with Pregnyl, and they were just not consistent. I can put the name of the compounding pharmacies, but just not sure if that's okay to do or not on this forum. I also can go into detail on my experiences with both of them in regards to blood work, but to save time, they both basically didn't suppress my LH and FSH like they should, didn't raise testosterone levels as well as they should of, came back with different testosterone levels on two separate blood tests while taking the same dosage, and didn't increase testicular size as much as Pregnyl did.
The third compounding pharmacy brand I tried was Empower Rx. I never had a blood test while on this brand, so I can't comment on it's efficacy or consistency. All I know is that it did prevent my testicles from atrophying while simultaneously taking testosterone cypionate, which obviously tells me it definitely was working to some degree. However, when I switched to Pregnyl HCG, I did notice my testicles get slightly larger within about a week and a half to two weeks. Maybe like 25% larger or slightly less. Not much larger, but enough to notice a difference in size.
I can post the blood work from all the different times I was tested while on these products if needed. I'm not trying to bash any certain brand of HCG or anything, btw. I'm simply just saying that in my experience, there seems to be the possibility that not all HCG is created equal. They could all be equal, or they could not all be equal, I'm extremely open minded to either scenario. These are just my personal experiences. I just want to put them out there so amazing doctors like Dr. Saya can use this information to add to everything they already know, and improve even further on giving their patients the best possible care that's currently available to people in need of treatment.