All HCG is NOT the same. Your balls care.

I Use Reliable RX. I Think They're hCG is Spot on. I Order it as a Back up Supply When my APS Pharmacy Supply Runs Out. I Actually Think Reliable RX Has Better Product. OVIDAC - 10000 I.U

The only bulk powder that's available to compounders is Urinary HCG (uHCG). This is the same type of HCG that is in Pregnyl and Novarel.

Recombinant HCG (rHCG) is only available from Merck Serono as Ovidrel. Since Ovidrel is significantly more expensive than uHCG and was proven through numerous studies as being no different in its effectiveness compared to uHCG it never caught on in the marketplace.
Hello Ragbag. Question about tge Hcg i see you said in posts you tryed many brands but you said the Corion C 5,000 iu is the best and the strongest from ReliableRx? So i guess the Ovidac isent as good? So the Hcg from Reliable is the Real deal And Safe to Use from them being Over Seas? I was on Trt for over 2 yrs but been off for almost 5 months! I need to get back on it knocked my Hormones threw the Roof so i need to Restart All Trt! Please any input about Hcg from ReiableRx or any others please help thanks Rocky
I have ovidac as well but find I need more (3 x per week) compared to 2 x per week for corion. I wouldn't say ovidac isn't as good but rather just not quite as strong. Ovidac does work. And of course everyone processes it differently. Maybe it's just me. The pricing at Reliable Rx is the best there is anywhere that I can find so it's hard to beat that. Even the people here that get Rx'd from Defy that get it from Empower or APS pay more for it locally than what it costs from ReliableRx.
Thank you yes They Pay More i looked into empower too! I just want to make sure the Hcg works and is the real deal and Safe to use from Reliable? Any other suggestions please about the Hcg would be appreciated thankss
Thank you yes They Pay More i looked into empower too! I just want to make sure the Hcg works and is the real deal and Safe to use from Reliable? Any other suggestions please about the Hcg would be appreciated thankss

You've beaten that topic up enough on the forum to the point that the post right above you from ratbag states as such and you're still asking so Is there a point that you're going to accept an answer or just keep beating a dead horse?
I was on Pregnyl for the last year or so before the massive price hike. Balls have shrunk a ton since switching to ovidac 5k vials. Not even sure it's working and have tried multiple vials. Going to try the 10k ovidac and see if any change otherwise I guess I've got to go back to Pregnyl or find a good compounder like empower...
Ya Pregnyl is the only HCG that has consistently kept my testicles from atrophying. It is also the only HCG that has consistently raised testosterone levels substantially. Other brands I think kept my testicles from atrophying completely down to raisins, but they barely did anything to raise testsosteone levels. I know that’s not the point of using HCG while on TRT, I’m just mentioning it because clearly it means the other brands of HCG were not stimulating the LH receptors in the testicles as well as Pregnyl does.
I get my T + HCG from Hallandale via Defy. My protocol is 36mg cypionate + 220IU of HCG twice a week. I've been on this for a while without any issues. I'm happy with it - I feel stable and relaxed. I'd like a little better libido, but overall no complaints.

I think I made a mistake on my newest vial of HCG, perhaps I did not quite get the full amount of 5ML of the water. So, after my first injection with the new vial, I could tell the difference quickly. I had the flushing / itching reaction side effects that I experience when my estradiol goes high. My weight went up about 2 pounds, due to i presume, more water retention.

But at the same time, my libido and erection quality improved noticeably. I went with 220IU for the next 2 injections, and the same side effects persisted. The improved libido/erection quality was extremely nice, but I got tired of the other side effects, so for my latest injection I went down to 200IU and the side effects went away. Including the libido boost.
Heres the Debate i see in some of The Posts about the Best Hcg to use! So which one Is the Strongest And Works The Best The Pregnyl Or Corion C? Theres lots of others but a few members have tryed lots and Picked these 2 as the Best To use as far as Hcg! Any input from anyone or these few members please Chim in thanks
Rocky everyone responds differently to the same meds. You will not know until you try them. Only then can you form an opinion. Stop asking what is best because it clearly doesn't apply to this situation.
I know everybody's different in how there body responds to it! Just Trying To Get some Info From You guys who know and have tryed many kinds thats all! Knowledge is Power
[QUOTE75689]The only bulk powder that's available to compounders is Urinary HCG (uHCG). This is the same type of HCG that is in Pregnyl and Novarel.

Every time I read about HCG I picture a 100 little pregnant teenage girls over in India somewhere all lined up ready to be paid .50 cents each to pee in a beaker. Then its freeze dried and shipped to these US compounding pharmacies lol. That's pretty much the jest of it.
Rocky everyone responds differently to the same meds. You will not know until you try them. Only then can you form an opinion. Stop asking what is best because it clearly doesn't apply to this situation.

I see some that claim that HCG is nothing more than like injecting water, while someone like me, just 20IU difference one way or the other has major side effects. I started out with 250IU per week, and could not tolerate it. I do not know how someone like Vince can do 500IU 2x a week - that would kill me.
I'd have to disagree with Ratbag on this one. No offense obviously. But asking which HCG brand works the best is a completely valid question. I've tried different brands of HCG over the years, and I can tell you with 110% confidence that all brands of HCG are not the same. This is verified by multiple blood tests on each brand, and multiple blood tests on different vials of each brand. So it wasn't just poor results with one batch of that brand or anything.

Obviously people are going to react slightly differently to HCG even with the same brand. Plus you have to factor in if the person reconstituted it correctly, how gentle they were when reconstituting, how gentle they have been with the bottle over the next month or two post reconstitution, how long the person has been using the same bottle, obviously due to HCG losing potency overtime after it's been reconstituted, and if the bottle has been refrigerated the whole time after reconstitution.

In my personal experience, Pregnyl is definitely more potent, raises testosterone more, increases testicular size more and is more consistent than other brands that I've tried. The other two were compounding pharmacy brands. I have not tried any of the other main brands such as Novarel, Corion or Ovidac.

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