
  1. R

    TRT and Clomid together

    I just just seen a video of Nelson discussing how a recent study showed that Clomid was effective in maintaining LH and FSH somewhat while on TRT. I am definitely going to add Clomid or Enclomiphene to TRT to see if this is maintained.
  2. L


    I have secondary hypogonadism, and my doctor was able to prescribe me Enclomiphene from their pharmacy. My dose will be 12.5mg ED. Does anyone have experiences using Enclomiphene? How did your lab numbers change? What symptoms were improved? Any side effects? I'd love to hear your...
  3. J

    Clomid with an AI

    Been lurking for a few months here, and finally have spoken with a doc and have had some labs done. Due to my interest in remaining fertile for one more kid, and my current inability to do so, the doc has suggested I start out with Clomid. The basic treatment is: Clomid 12.5 mg po q day X 6...
  4. B

    Considering Starting Clomid to Increase my Testosterone, but Unsure.

    Good afternoon, This is my first post. I’ve been reading many of the great threads on this website. I am currently thinking of getting on clomid. I’d like to try all my options before going on TRT. My last 2 lab results had my T levels at 333 and 320.I’ve read many posts where guys have said...
  5. F

    Attempted hpta restart log

    This will serve as my log for my attempted hpta restart. Stats: 36 years old 175lbs 6”0 Have always had very thin legs and could always add size/muscle to my upper body much easier than legs BF ? But I’m very lean Last two sperm analysis came back sterile Have been on and off androgel for 6...
  6. G

    Discontinuation/ PCT discussion with doctor

    Hi everyone, I am new here but I frequent some subreddits regarding TRT and testosterone. (24M, on TRT for 1 year) I recently discontinued TRT due to some health concerns and because I was most likely put on TRT improperly without proper testing. My doctor only did a saliva test for...
  7. H

    How long should I give Clomid a chance?

    Been on 7 weeks or so. 50mg TIW was prescribed by an Endo that thought 228 for a 43 year old male in excellent shape and good diet was "not that bad." I've tried that and 25mg everyday but Sunday to see if I could feel a difference. Some days I feel crazy good, like holy shit. Usually those...
  8. A

    Getting Off TRT: Replace Clomid with Enclomiphene in HPTA Reset Protocol?

    What are peoples thoughts about replacing Clomid with Enclomiphene in this reset protocol? Protocol has just been copied from one of Nelsons posts in 2016. Defy Medical HPTA Reset Protocol by Jasen Bruce During the previous years large surge in testosterone prescriptions and TRT clinics there...
  9. K

    Using Clomid to alleviate withdrawal symptoms

    My blood pressure (BP) has continuously risen since going back on TRT in the fall of 2017. I was on topical solution until Spring of 2019 when I went through a round of pellets before going on testosterone cypionate injections. My resting BP is now in the 170/100 range, and it can go to over...
  10. R

    Long term Clomid use

    Would long term use of clomid or enclomiphene harm bone thickness or structure from blocking the E2 receptors for a long period of time ?
  11. A

    Does clomid rises FSH levels?

    Can anyone tell whether my understanding is correct? HCG mimics LH Clomid works by blocking estrogen and then triggers pituitary to produce more LH & FSH right? So, I wanted to know whether clomid increases FSH levels too? Anybody have any experience? Also Nolvadex, Estrogen blocker...
  12. A

    Clomid alone fertility treatment for primary hypogonadism

    Has anyone with primary hypogonadism tried clomid alone to increase testostrone and sperm count. I already have above normal range of LH and FSH. I was wondering to increase the LH and FSH range to 20 and 26( Hypothetically), doubling the current range. I know the current protocal of...
  13. A

    HCG, Test, Restart

    I’ve taken 475 ius of hcg 2x per week along with my 60 mg twice a week protocol For a year and a half. I feel pretty good but I’ve had sexual side effects and some other issues with it since I’ve been on no matter what my dosage and range. Long story short and without getting into it too much...
  14. G

    I am stopping TRT

    After 6 years of trying to get TRT to work I decided to throw in the towel after TRT causing me bad fatigue. I need a nap everyday while on TRT. I have experimented with dozens of protocols and I never feel good on any of them. I will continue using a low dose clomiphene as my HRT for life.
  15. O

    Trying to Regain Fertility

    So I've used AAS for 5 yrs now, and am completely shutdown. For 6 months I've been off, and cruising at 300mg of Test weekly with 1mg exemestane daily, and feel great. Wife and I want to have another obviously need to regain fertility. I haven't tested myself, but she hasn't had a...
  16. B

    Increase HCG or clomiphene?

    I am a 64 y/o male, non-diabetic, normal blood pressure, been on compounded cream TRT replacement therapy last 4 years. Was experiencing some testicular shrinkage so added HCG two years ago at 350u every other day now up to 500u every other day with a lower dosage of the cream. Combined HCG &...
  17. S

    Sleep apnea lately

    I’m 57 yr male, in great shape, lift weights 3 times weekly. I’ve been on clomid self prescribed hrt for 4 years. 25mg 4 days a week. Last time I had my testosterone checked it came back over 1500 so the free was inaccurate. Estrodiol was 64.9. I have felt really good. I decided to start using...
  18. D

    Clomid Success Rates

    My urologist says ~50% of the guys he starts on Clomid end up having success with it and I just read here that Dr. Saya has success with it 30-50% of the time. why is there such a discrepancy between the number of people reporting success on these forums and the figures given by the experts...
  19. D

    Clomid and libido/sexual function

    Has anyone here actually experienced an improvement in sexual symptoms using only Clomid?
  20. G

    Do I Have Primary Hypogonadism ?

    Was on 25mg Clomid EOD. After 4 weeks I did labs and had these results: LH: 7.5 (1.7-8.6) TT: 330 (264-916) Does this mean I'm primary or is 4 weeks not enough time for the testes to recover? I was using HCG while on TRT, but obviously not frequently enough. I was simply doing 250iu 1-2x/week...
  21. R

    Clomid and Hcg experience

    Does anyone on here have experience using clomid with hcg at the same time? Recently took an hcg shot while on clomid and loved the way it made me feel. Testicles really increased in size from just one 500 iu shot. My question though is taking 500iu once a week while taking clomid at 12.5 still...
  22. I

    Dosing clomid two or three times daily

    Hi guys, I was wondering whether dividing a daily dosage in 2 or 3 dosages would improve clomids effectiveness and reduce the side effects of the zuclomiohene ester. Enclomiphene has a half life of about 8 hours whereas the zuclomiphene has a much longer half life. I remember reading that...
  23. D

    Fertility Recovery - Wife Unimpressed With Sterility

    Been on TRT for about 2.5 years. 34 year old male. I have 2 kids and want to keep the party going with a 3rd, possibly even 4th. Hopefully some information that comes out of this can help someone else. Of course, I am hoping it will help me too. I've spent about 4 weeks reading info here and I...
  24. B

    Best protocol? - young(ish), low T, high SHBG, maintain fertility?

    What is the best starting protocol for a 34 y/o with total T between 300-500, high SHBG, and wanting to have kids within the next 1-3yrs? Background: 34 y/o, 6'3", 203lbs, <10%bf, workout a lot One doc recommend 50mg Clomid and HCG. After reading here it seems clomid isn't a great choice for...
  25. S

    Clomid and sarms

    I am a 57 year old fitness buff. I have been using Clomid mono-therapy 25mg eod for 4.5 years. I feel fantastic and I am in the best shape of my life. Last time my blood was checked my testosterone was 1372 with free test at 33. My question is this, as a strength training fanatic, I am...
  26. C

    Low test + blood test

    Hello guys, Ive been trying to increase my test levels recently with clomid (taking on and off for more than ~8 months, in totally arround 4 times with more or less a month on) Im 26y old with a weight of 108kg and height of 190 cm. Im pretty athletic, going to the gym 3-4d per wk + 2 times...
  27. R

    Clomid y coagulos

    No se si esto se ha tratado pero habria riesgos con clomid al igual que con la testosterona de que se produzcan coagulos ?
  28. I

    Low T and my 10 year journey through treatment

    Ok fellas I have decided to post my detailed journey here for the benefit of anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. It's long so be warned. Happy to answer questions on whatever I can for you. Into my mid-20s I had still not needed to shave my face (having done so only in the...
  29. L

    Coming off TRT - 5 weeks ince shot - 3 weeks Clomid 50mg ED

    Hi everyone, I have been on TRT for nearly 2 years now and had a pretty rough journey of never feeling dialed in and Estrogen was a real issue for me and tried many different solutions. Recently I found a new doctor and he suggested trying to come off of TRT and transition with Clomid as I'm...
  30. G

    Clomid + Vasper?

    Has anyone spent any time looking into Vasper? The basic principle is that they use compression and cold technology to do high intensity exercise and the cooling allows a larger than normal lactic acid build up which signals to the brain to release a lot of anabolic hormones. Apparently it's...
  31. L

    Moderate Sleep Apnea, do Clomid start or wait for CPAP?

    37 y/o male, just had in-home sleep study, results attached. It showed a low amount of obstructive apneas but I had a high amount of hypopneas which gave me an AHI of 16.3. Sleep doc is saying to do a CPAP/APAP machine based on the AHI being greater than 5. I am also with Defy, and was about...