
  1. G

    Using hCG and Clomid while on TRT

    Hello guys, this is my first post on this forum although I've been lurking for awhile. Interesting that there has been an uptick in guys posting about combining clomid with hCG but I don't believe much discussion has focused on using them both while on TRT. I'll start with this: I've been on...
  2. R

    Try, fertility crossroads

    2 years back I was prescribed a testosterone gel in UK for my low t levels of 6.2 at the age of 38 I am now 40 and kinda regretting the decision. It appears they think it's secondary hypogonadism but had no final say and now exloping the possibility of children..... I had sperm test done which...
  3. L

    facts about Clomid

    correct me if I am wrong. I want to know more about drug since i am off trt with low total t and below range free. but honestly I am scared of Clomid 1) can cause sucidial behaviour in hypogonal men (Clomid-Associated Suicide Behavior in Hypogonadal Man) 2) can increase e2 more than trt 3)...
  4. V

    Clomid Mono- Self Admin. (Blood WORK Help)

    Hey Guys, So a little about myself I’m 25 year old healthy male with no previous AAS or TRT use. About 2 years ago I noticed things where a little off from Chronic Fatigue, Brain fog, Anxiety, Body Composition everything seemed to be lagging behind and dwindling. So after fighting tooth and...
  5. A

    Clomid Success Story: 2.5 Year Follow-Up

    Clomid Success Story: 18 Month Follow-Up I apologize for the delay in getting this out. I kind of forgot about everything. Maybe this is why they're called "Clomid Unicorns"...once things are going well, you don't post as much. Anyways, the link above is to my last thread (and there's...
  6. K

    Needing help raising estrogen

    Im seeking advice on how I can raise my estrogen. Its been low for over 6 months. I do my test shots twice per week(150mg total). I have tried raising my dose and also just doing one shot per week but I feel even worse if my testosterone gets to high.. So my question is- Can clomid help raise my...
  7. S


    Just was wondering is Clomid about the Same as HCG for the time being my Doctor has switched me to clomid since HCG is on national back order. Any advice on Clomid would be great thanks
  8. C

    Clomid and AI therapy help needed, low T, soft erections

    Hello to everyone, I have seen a lot of excellent info on the forum, but I would need some guideance on what to do next. Where do I start: Well, it can be a long story, but I will try to keep it as short as I can. Almost 39 yo, non smoker, 1 or 2 of drinks a week. Started training year and a...
  9. J

    Is clomid nessesary

    Usual pct I've always run is the basic Clomid/nolva 100/100/50/50 40/40/20/20 Is the Clomid nessesary to use ? Can you just use the nolva
  10. V

    Test levels LOWER after switching to injections?!

    Alright yeah, title sums it up. Switched to 200 mg/ml a week in July along with HCG. Was formerly doing half a pill of Clomid every day. I stopped as I believed it was worsening my depression. I have 1mg of Arimidex as well was taking once a week but was informed it might be crashing estrogen...
  11. A

    Ejaculate changes on Clomid - High E2?

    Hey guys, Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm a 27 year old, relatively active guy. Noticed low T symptoms, doctor decided to try fixing it (thankfully, given I didn't have the crazy low levels of some other guys seeking treatment). I recently started Clomid and switched my care to Defy...
  12. G

    Nolvadex Vs Clomid??

    So I'm a little confused, what is actually better for HPTA/test recovery? Clomid or Nolva?
  13. J

    Nolva and clomid. Hairloss

    Does nolva or clomid cause hairloss. Cause mines getting really think even worse than on cycle. Will it grow back after stopped using it.
  14. Airborne Warrior

    Clomid for 18yr old. Good, bad idea?

    My 18yr old Son who is now living with me in the UAE is 150kg at 5ft 9 so really obese. His test is low at 11.9 nmol/L (7.60 - 31.40) and E2 at 53 pmol/L (0.00 - 191.99). I haven't had his SHBG tested yet as it's a pain getting anything done over here. Did his bloods in the UK 2 months ago. I...
  15. X

    On Clomid - Want To Change And Need Advice

    I am currently on Clomid. My pre-Clomid labs: FSH 2.34 mIU/ml (1.5 -12.4) N LH 2.28 mIU/ml (1.7 – 8.6) N TT 596.8 ng/dl (249 – 836) N FT 17.21 pg/ml (1 – 28.28) N Estradiol 15.2 pg/ml (11.3 – 43.2) N Prolactin 10.1 ng/ml (4.04 -15.2) N SHBG 44 nmol/l (18.3 – 54.1) N PSA 0.971 ng/ml (0 – 4) N...
  16. T

    Clomid quick increase in Testosterone?

    I started on clomid two weeks ago at 25 mg eod. In two weeks I’ve gone from 187 to 530 on my total testosterone. Is that big/quick of a jump normal?
  17. A

    Clomid safe with low estradiol ?

    I’ve stopped TRT due to some medical issues. However, I crashed my estrogen with too much AI. I’d like to start Clomid for PCT, but wondering if Clomid will lower my estrogen making my e2 recovery slower.
  18. Nelson Vergel

    Causes Of Male Infertility

    Causes Of Male Infertility Male infertility is most often due to three factors: 1) blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm; 2) low sperm count; and 3) misshapen or immobile sperm cells. However, because the process is so delicate, many related factors can also contribute to the overall...
  19. E

    Clomid and Gyno

    I recently transitioned from taking Clomid to Testosterone. While on the Clomid I noticed increased nipple sensitivity and also tissue build up around my nipples. Does anyone know if this is common with Clomid and if so will it go away now that I have transitioned off? Thanks
  20. A

    Testosterone injections vs Clomid for secondary sexual characteristics, need help!

    Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and have secondary hypogonadism (was diagnosed at 25 years old). I've been on clomid for around 7 years now that was prescribed by my urologist. My main question is whether testosterone injections are more effective than clomid for secondary sexual characteristics...
  21. H

    1 year ED/Adrenal Fatigue @ TRT gone after 1 day of Clomid

    Background about me. 25 yo male NOT diagnosed with secondary or primary hypogonadism. I do have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and take Levothyroxine and Cytomel. (Absolutely no natural thyroid function whatsoever.) First month on TRT I walked around like a god, crazy erections, confidence, no...
  22. T

    Should I take clomid?

    I am 19 years old. I have been overtraining since I was 17. At the age of 18 i got bloods done and total test came back at 350 ng/dl, i was devastated and didn't know what to do, i had no idea it was overtraining that had been causing it. So i continued to train and train hard for the next year...
  23. C

    Decision Time: T-Cyp or Clomid

    I was given two choices for treatment of low T: Option 1: Testosterone Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.35 ml IM/SQ TWICE A WEEK (140 mg/week) HCG 400 iu SQ 2x/week Anastrozole 0.125mg 2x/week – h/o elevated E2, titrate on follow-up Vitamin D3 5000 iu daily Fish oil 3-4...
  24. S

    UPDATE // New Member w/TRT protocol from Defy. Please compare, critique and advise!

    Hello Guys! 36 years old, in good shape, commendable physique, 5'10", 183lbs (83kg), 12%BF, Low T for at least 5 years. Tried every diet and lifestyle change possible to address this but to no avail. Finally making the TRT jump! Here are my lab numbers (LabCorp): Testosterone, Serum ...
  25. S

    On Clomid and Not Sure What to Do

    Hi everyone. Long time member, first time really stuck as to what to do. Currently 46 years old, nearly 47. Got my testosterone levels checked around 6 years ago - they were low "normal" (lol!). Two tests were around the low 300's if we're talking ng/dl. This is in the U.K, on the nhs. I self...
  26. M

    Update: Clomid and Anastrozole

    When to the urologist this time and he told me to get on arimidex .5 very Monday and Friday and Clomid 50 mg ED. Basically the same protocol I’ve been on for quite some time minus the Arimidex. He did this because he said using hcg with TRT is not 100% saving fertility. Put me on arimidex...
  27. J

    Attempting restart with Clomid and arimidex (for E2). Logging experience, and ready for input!

    Long story short, I never really got "dialed-in" on TRT. My dosage fluctuated, but I never felt "great." My ending dose was 100mg test cyp (2 shots IM weekly of 50mg) and 600iu HCG (3 shots SQ weekly of 200iu), with no AI. This kept my total T at around 800 measured in my trough, and E2 at about...
  28. M

    Why take Clomid if your E is already low?

    If your blood tests show Estradiol low, wouldn't it be unnecessary to use clomid or nolvadex as part of a PCT?
  29. J

    31 y/o newbie, Low Free Test, Looking for some advice

    Hi guys So, I’ve read a number a number of posts across multiple TRT forums, and I feel like I’ve learnt a lot, but equally feel like I’ve opened up a huge can of worms! I recently had a blood test to confirm a long-held belief of mine; that I had low testosterone. I’m now at a decision...
  30. J

    Clomid and high SHBG

    I had symptoms of low T and the culprit a year ago was probably my high SHBG. My lab before HRT: test: 871 ng/dL estradiol: 38 pg/mL shbg: 78.4 nmol/L Free: 10.9 ng/dL Bio: 256 ng/dL An incompetent doc at lowT99, put me on clomid (.25 mg 3x a week) and anastrazole (.5mg 2x a week) then had me...