
  1. C

    Supraphysiological test levels after stopping TRT

    I am throwing this question to the vast amount of knowledge on this board. My last Test-Cyp injection was February 4th (75mg, shallow IM, which I had been injecting weekly for less than 2 months). I had started low dose clomid (25mg eod) but stopped that 4 weeks prior to scheduled blood work...
  2. W

    HCG Dosage for pre PCT kickstart

    I'm on day 4 of using 300IU everyday of ovidac HCG. The plan is to do this for 2 weeks then start clomid. is 300IU enough for kickstart before the PCT begins? What dosage should I use?
  3. W

    Restarting natural production

    I just came back from a week long vacation where I skipped a weeks worth (2) of injections for the first time since starting self TRT of 5 years. Here is what the PCT plan: 1) 5 days after last Test E injection start protocol. 2) HCG 500IU per day for 2 weeks. 3) Then, 25mg Clomid for 1...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Can Clomiphene (Clomid) Increase Sexual Function as Well as TRT?

    Are SERMs safe and effective for the treatment of hypogonadism in men? Tina Joseph 1, Lawrence M Gibbs 1, Kim Pham 1, Richard Guthmann 2 Abstract YES. For both normal-weight and obese men with low testosterone levels and hypogonadal symptoms, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), such...
  5. W

    PCT plan

    There are a lot of different protocols I am finding about coming off TRT. I wish there was a straight forward plan. If you know of a good one please share with me. Here is what I plan so far: 1) 5 days after last Test E injection start protocol. 2) HCG 500IU per day for 2 weeks. 3) Then, 25mg...
  6. C

    Appropriate duration of Clomid use post self prescribed TRT

    Just throwing another question to the masses. I am currently into my third week of Clomid only, post a two month (or so) duration of self administered TRT (75mg weekly test-e). I started a week after my last injection with 12.5mg of Clomid daily (week 1) then upped it to 25mg daily from week 2...
  7. S

    Clomid for 1.5 years - recent changes, prolactin?

    Hi All, So basically I am on Clomiphene treatment to boost my testosterone (before I started 1.5 years ago my Testosterone was 11.5 and my LH 3.0 and oestradiol 156). I have sent the below to my private specialist. Could the rise in prolactin explain why my Testosterone went down so much since...
  8. A

    I have clomiphene that expired two years ago. Is it still good to take?

    I’ve been taking enclomiphene for a while right now and it just can’t compare to Clomid for me. Clomid bounces me back so quickly and my balls get huge. And clomiphene feels like it does next to nothing for me. I have some clomiphene on hand but it expired in 2020. Is it still good to use? I’m...
  9. A

    Any Benefit of taking Enclomiphene and Tamoxifen together for HPTA restart? I'm attempting an HPTA restart

    I'm attempting an HPTA restart, in the past when I used to cycle, the norm was to take Nolvadex and Clomid together. I've had pretty good success with that but I haven't done that in years. I'm seeing a lot of people suggest and clomiphene only when they decide to attempt a restart. I'm...
  10. F

    TRT Dosage while regaining fertility / Fertility Protocol

    Hi All- Long time lurker, first time poster. My wife and I have a healthy 9 year old who was conceived 4 months after a contest cycle (my count was over 200M). I've been on 100-250mgs of test a week, no more competing, but no HCG. Out of the blue, we decided to try for a 2nd kid. I got off...
  11. R

    HCG-only PCT? Don’t I need Clomid?

    Decided I’m done with TRT. Don’t think I should’ve been on it in the first place. Before I hopped on, my lowest total T was only 370 and my Free Test was 25.1, the literal highest end of the range. It’s created just as many issues for me as it’s solved, so I’m done. Defy is helping me PCT, and...
  12. H

    Post-TRT restart not going well - how long to wait for fertility to recover before going back on T shots?

    I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism in my early 30s (I'm 40 now), and went on TRT around the age of 32. Pre-TRT T level was 220 (although I probably crashed it lower than it should have been by cutting all fat out my diet, but even at age 27 I think it was only 300 or so). After some...
  13. A

    How long should I expect fertility to return after PCT?

    been on TRT for about a year, got off for TRT purposes and now on Enclomiphene 25 mg a day, 5 weeks so far, wondering ig anyone has personal experiences on getting off TRT for fertility, how long did it take for you to succeed and get your partner pregnant?
  14. S

    Can I stop TRT and just switch to HCG+FSH for a few months (and be done w/TRT etc for good) instead of taking SERMS?

    I am stopping TRT to regain my fertility and I have been to 2 docs (urologist and endo) and both left me with questions. After TRT 1.5 years I had zero swimmers. Wife wants another baby so I decided to stop TRT (also for a couple other reasons - I couldn't fix my chronically low SHBG/hair...
  15. H

    Cycling Clomid, clomiphene vs enclomiphene

    Hi guys, thank you for accepting my membership. I’ve been on clomid for 1.5-2 years. 25mg 4-5x a week. It worked for a long time. Maybe a year. Then I stopped seeing results. So I got off for a few months and recently started back on. This time my endo recommended cycling it, 3 weeks on 1 week...
  16. F

    Been a lurker...just started by Clomid Journey...wish me luck

    Been a lurker for years and thanks for the all the amazing information. Situation: Married, no kids, dead sex life, ED issue, no libido, strength and stamina issues. Tried all oral ED medications, nothing works. Got a full physical last week with an Endo and he put in injection and post that...
  17. A

    Does Enclomephine cause permanent or long term issues?

    Currently prescribed Emnclomiphene and getting off TRT for a bit for Fertility reasons. 25mg every day for 6 weeks. Ive read that it blocks estrogen in areas of the brain. I know estrogen is very neuroprotective and beneficial for many cognitive actions. Im hoping this wont cause long term or...
  18. R

    Restart protocol

    Hello, Long story short - i’ve decided to come off TRT after 4 years. I have a question regarding PCT protocol. From what i’ve learned - the PCT is pointless until exogenous testosterone leaves the body. Would it be okay to switch to HCG monotherapy (500iu 3x a week) for 6 weeks in order to...
  19. G

    do you use clomid with TRT?

    Good morning everybody. After reading several posts I would like to take this discussion. To keep the HPG axis less suppressed with TRT does anyone have experience or use low doses of clomid or tamoxifen during TRT? Would it be an alternative to using HCG with TRT? Thanks
  20. C

    Possible malpractice lawsuit? (bad protocol and surgery)

    Hey, guys. Firstly, I’m not the kind of person whose first instinct is to sue a doctor if the results aren’t satisfactory because they are human after all, and I also don’t need the money. However, I’ll provide you a timeline of doctor visits, semen analysis results, medications, surgery, etc...
  21. J

    Proposed PCT protocol for going off TRT

    Hey guys. I am considering going off of TRT. I never had low testosterone to begin with. I just wanted higher levels for building muscle and libido, etc. But after two years of being on TRT, I want to go off and see how things go. Here is my current protocol and how I plan on stopping TRT (I...
  22. S

    9 months into Clomiphene treatment for low test

    Hi All, Hope you are all well, just found this forum and delighted to be a part of it. So I started last June with 25mg every 2 days. From 22nd December my dosage was reduced to 25mg 2 times a week (as my DHT was high causing hair loss). This is prescribed and monitored by a specialist in UK...
  23. A

    Low LH and FSH

    Hi guys, Hope everyone is staying safe, 30 yr old, good health, no medication. Feeling fatigued, brain fog, no motivation and indecisive asf, low semen volume. Got various blood done on different occasions, my doctor is useless so I used a private clinic I paid for, got bloods done on 6...
  24. M

    Increasing Fertility with Clomid, HCG and HMG. What Lab Tests To Get?

    I donated sperm to a clinic almost 20 years ago and they told me I was infertile. I have used testosterone cream in the past but all it did for me was increase my PSA numbers high in a short period of time. I have used clomid and proviron and my sperm quantity increased but I never got tested...
  25. A

    Perfect PCT, no hurry (from Germany)

    Hello together, About me: I am 30y old and used AAS for 6 years (cold on/off, PCT, blast and cruise). I already thought I knew what I am doing, but the more I read the more I unterstand you can never know enough. My first cycle was dumb because of a friend, 8 weeks Epistane, no PCT. I think at...
  26. K

    HPTA restart attempt after TRT

    I made a post about this on another forum, but decided to make one here too, in case someone cares haha. I quit trt on June last year, and started hcg. Was on testosterone injections for few years. I was on hcg for a bit over 6 months, and one month ago I switched it to clomid. This is all...
  27. Alectrify

    Young Guy on TRT 4 year update

    Hello all, This is my 4 year update on what has been a very long and serious last few years. I’ve posted on here before awhile back while I was on 2nd year of Clomid monotherapy, but I couldn’t remember credentials to get back to that account. Nevertheless, here I am and I promise to remain...
  28. Mrs. Robinson

    Fertility treatment and sperm analysis kits

    My husband (26) and I have been trying to conceive for about 8 months now. I'm not overly concerned yet, but just getting curious about trying an at home sperm analysis kit. Any recommendations what to look for? He has been on Clomid for nearly a year now, and while his lab results have greatly...
  29. G

    Clomid trial

    I’ve been on trt for two years. Decided to get off a month ago due to not ever finding a protocol that work for me. I decided to try clomid. I started at 25mg then moved down to 12.5mg after being instructed to do so by defy. I was feeling better initially(great actually), but after being on it...
  30. J

    TRT isn't forever? Natural T came back? Lab results suggestions please

    Back in early 2018...Panic attacks started out of nowhere, heart acting weird, some stress, etc age 39 Total T = 295 Free T = 15 E2 = 9 Pretty low for everything right? Did clomid for a while, numbers went up all to normal ranges, even up to 1100TT at one point, maybe felt a little better...
  31. H

    Numb Penis, Anorgasmia during Sex, Low Cortisol, High Prolactin on TRT

    Have been on clinic TRT after AAS abuse as a 24 year old male for 3 years. My natural levels were 691 at age 24 prior to my reckless, careless decision to hope on anabolic steroids at 24. Since then I've tried to come off several times but always ended up inevitably relapsing when the pct or...