
  1. B

    Clomid questions

    I was on clomid for about 4 and a half years. Initially on 15 mg every third day. . . And then after 2 years went to 12.5 ever 3rd day (so I could buy 50mg tabs for cheaper and split them). I took .08mg anastrozole ever 4-5 days. I felt GREAT for 4 years and then CRASHED horribly. My pre...
  2. R

    Blood results after 3 weeks on 25mg clomid

    Hi guys, Just had results back after 3 weeks into clomid pct (been on trt for 2 years and off for fertility. Currently on 25mg per day. Does this look like I'm recovering or should the clomid had raised my levels further? Should I continue with 25mg per day? At a loss.
  3. H

    Feedback on my HCG Protocol?

    Hello Friends, Tomorrow, I will be commencing a "restart" protocol. I would like to make sure that I have everything correct before beginning. This will be my first time administering self treatment, so any feedback is greatly appreciated! Without further ado... Pre Treatment Test Results...
  4. B

    Seeking advice TRT Vs. Clomid

    Seeking advice. I am 37 years old. I've been on this journey for 5-6 years after significant chronic fatigue and anxiety symptoms sought to me start doing the thorough medical work up my family doctor refused to do. Prior to any intervention my Total T levels were usually between 390-530 and...
  5. M

    Recovering from an E2 Crash

    I seem to have crashed my E2 earlier this month after being prescribed too much anastrozole by a doctor. My E2 was <5.0 on 11/8, but has since bounced back to 30.7 on 11/16. So I am no longer in a crashed state. However, I'm still not feeling much relief, specifically from the ed and low libido...
  6. M

    E2 Crash Recovery

    I seem to have crashed my E2 earlier this month after anastrozole overuse. My E2 was <5.0 on 11/8, but has since bounced back to 30.7 on 11/16. However, I'm still not feeling much relief, specifically from the ed and low libido. I have been taking clomid and HCG since the crashed however (for...
  7. R

    Insomnia after PCT, doc recommends Gonadorelin

    Hey was wondering if anyone had experience with this. Was on TRT for 18 months, started to mess with trt and ai doses and got horrible insomnia and anxiety. Used PCT and adaptogens and it went away but after I stopped insomnia and hot flashes came back and Id wake up 2-3 times a night, or...
  8. L

    Coming off Clomid (conceiving reasons) to TRT

    I was on TRT for 3 years. Came off befause hCG was not working when trying to conceive. Took clomid for a month and got pregnant. Worked well. But I want to go back on TRT again. Is it okay to just switch ? Or do I need to wait a certain amount of time or maybe a protocol ?
  9. G

    Restoring testicular size with FSH and HCG

    Hi guys, I have a question that I haven’t ever seen properly answered. I decided a month ago to contact Defy and attempt to improve my fertility. I made some unfortunate choices when I was younger, using testosterone and pro hormones like superdrol for excessively long periods of time. I...
  10. D

    First day on TRT and experience on Clomid

    Hello members, After about three years on Clomid, I (just today) started the new journey on more traditional TRT. This forum has been a huge resource and help, so thank you active members. Quick background that may be of interest to others. I'm in my early 50's and pre clomid my numbers...
  11. L

    Starting clomid for infertility

    I’ve been on test 50mg e3.5d for around 2 years. About nine months ago I decided I wanted to have another child. I lowered my dose to 30mg e3.5d and started taking 500iu hCG every other day. I went to get semen Analysis done and the results came back that I have low sperm count. It seems that...
  12. L

    Clomid and Sex Drive / Libido

    Hi All, I've been on clomid for a few months and have been noticing some changes in my sex drive and libido. I got on clomid purely to boost my testosterone for mild anabologic effects. My T was already pretty strong at 750 ng/dl. Dr. Saya put me on clomid, 12.5mg per day, and my levels...
  13. A

    anyone with experience using mesterolone (proviron) to combat SHBG rise from clomid?

    Hi all, Condensed "TL;DR" version of my question: has anyone who has been on clomid to treat secondary hypogonadism tried a low dose of mesterolone (proviron) to reduce the SHBG increase ensuing from using clomid? If so, can you tell me about your experience? Context/long version: I have...
  14. K

    Quitting clomid, taking AI for a short time?

    I was on trt for few years and got switched to clomid mono therapy because me and my gf wanted kids. I was on clomid for almost a year and we are having our first baby on January. After being so long on clomid I wanted to see if I could be completely without trt. I stopped taking clomid and...
  15. K

    Clomid decreaces the LH response to LH-releasing hormone? (Study)

    I've been on clomid mono for roughly a year now, and been trying to quit it. Today I found this study: Hormonal effects of an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men - PubMed So it seems that clomid might actually hurt my ability to be without trt? After all I'm trying to help...
  16. F

    Estrogen Drop - Weird Symptoms

    Wanted to preface this by saying if you are searching the boards for crashed estrogen recovery and some reassuring stories of recovery, I'm on the same boat right now and can say you will be OK. Having strong mindset to overcome this will make this ride easier, I promise you. As far as the...
  17. J

    TRT, Clomid and HCG

    Can I use Clomid and HCG while staying on TRT to recover fertility? I would HMG later on as we get closer to IVF. About a year from now. If so, at what dosage should I use the Clomid and HCG? Thank you in advance. I’ve been on TRT since the George W Bush Administration with no HCG.
  18. U

    22 years old treated with Clomiphene monotherapy, still have symptoms

    I have hypogonadism. I'm 22 years old with a total T level of 294.5. LH and FSH are also low normal. My doctor put me on clomiphene citrate to try and get my testosterone level up, so I took it for 6 weeks and it got my level up to 638, but I don't feel any different at all. Still tired, lack of...
  19. W

    What to expect after PCT?

    After 6 years of self diagnosed TRT, I'm in the final stages of coming off. I just finished 10 weeks of clomiphene citrate and am wondering what to expect now that PCT is over. Here is PCT bloods (Quest diagnostics) around 6 weeks into PCT: Will testosterone sharply decline below baseline now...
  20. W

    What to expect post PCT?

    After 6 years of self diagnosed TRT, I'm in the final stages of coming off. I just finished 10 weeks of clomiphene citrate and am wondering what to expect now that PCT is over. Here is PCT bloods (Quest diagnostics) around 6 weeks into PCT: Will testosterone sharply decline below baseline now...
  21. U

    Healthy 22 year old with 298ng/dL total test.

    Hi everyone. I decided to post here because I am at my witts end with the issues I've been having. For the past year I've had low testosterone. Testing at 348, 327, and now 298 ng/dL over 3 tests the past year. I live a healthy lifestyle, I go to the gym daily and love weightlifting. Diet is...
  22. B

    After 2 years on TRT (Nebido & Testosterone cream) maybe thinking on going back to Clomid

    Around 3 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 hypogonadism probably because of my experimentation with AAS for muscle building purposes... However, I want to say that even prior to doing any AAS my Total testosterone numbers were already on the low end of normal 270 / 300 but my doctor at the...
  23. W

    Progress coming off 6 years self TRT

    Started a new thread so someone can benefit from a google search. Here are results 6 weeks into 25mg clomiphene citrate ED as part of coming off of 6 year self administered TRT. I was hoping to have Total T and Free T be higher since LH is so high. All numbers will go down once clomid is out of...
  24. B

    High e2 and shbg

    Hey guys new member here! So I finished up my clomid a little over a week ago and got bloods done. I know it was too soon, but I felt really shitty. Estradiol-Ultrasensative 56 (<or29 pg/ml) SHBG 54 (10-50 Nmol/L) Total test 1526 (250-1100) Free test 241 (35-155) I feel pretty shitty...
  25. B

    High e2 and high shbg

    Hey guys new member here! So I finished up my clomid a little over a week ago and got bloods done. I know it was too soon, but I felt really shitty. Estradiol-Ultrasensative 56 (<or29 pg/ml) SHBG 54 (10-50 Nmol/L) Total test 1526 (250-1100) Free test 241 (35-155) I feel pretty shitty...
  26. A

    Do compounded medications expire more quickly? WARNING TO PATIENTS

    So I noticed that my medication, whether it be testosterone, clomiphene, or anastrozole Always has a discard date of around four months from the time I received it in the mail. I found this strange because typical pharmacy medication is usually good for two or three years. So I gave My HRT...
  27. C

    Once weekly Clomid?

    Just wondering if there would be any benefit (or harm) with a once weekly 25mg dose of Clomid? I've been off test (80mg test-cyp weekly) for over 3 months now. I'm feeling better (although my desire for sex is quite low)...After stopping the test, I initially started CLomid 12.5mg daily then eod...
  28. D

    tapering off clomid after 9 months

    Hi all, I was on TRT for 3y and decided to come off, mainly to test my fertility after likely being primary (never truly diagnosed but seems likely based on labs). Turns out I am, at least on clomid, however I feel like clomid has ruined my cardiovascular health. I started off on 25mg and my...
  29. A

    HCG and Asthma

    Currently on clomid + HCG protocol from my urologist. HCG 1000iu 2x week. My first dose of HCG went great, almost euphoric high a few hours after and felt good. But my 2nd dose 3 days later I didn’t feel anything besides extreme bloating to the point where it affected my asthma. I was having low...
  30. RP McMurphy

    First Lab Post! “Should I stay or should I go?”...would appreciate some guidance. Thank you!

    I’m a 45 yo male, 150 lbs. Prior to starting any testosterone therapy my labs in January 2018 were in range (Total T 601 280-1100ng/dl, Free T 10.43 1.9-27ng/dl), but I wanted to see if increasing testosterone levels would help to improve fatigue. I always had a high sex drive, with decent...
  31. W

    12.5mg Clomid enough

    31 years old started self administering trt in June 2016 (Almost 6 years ago). Shouldn't have started TRT looking back at lab value I got from just doing one blood test (that was after a bad nights sleep). ~450ng/dL with above average Free T cause my SHBG is lowish (wasn't measured on this lab...