Time frame for changes in Estradiol


New Member
I'm currently taking 60mg of T M-W-F along with .25 Anastrazole on the same days. My current weight is 380 so I assume I convert T to E on a large scale.

A couple of months ago I reached a point where I was sure I had high or low Estradiol so I called Defy for labwork and my Total T came back 924, Free T 27.2 and Estradiol, Sensitive was 75.4.

When I had my follow-up with Defy I explained that over the past several weeks I had experimented by skipping a dose of Anastrazole here and there, maybe once a week on average. Her response was to drop the Estradiol from 3x weekly to 2x weekly, which didn't make sense to me. Since then, I've stuck to the original prescription and right now I'm pretty sure my E is high. Drive is a big ZERO. Normally stimulating viewing material just bores me. I'm tired and rundown. No morning wood. My lower legs look like an elephant's at the end of the day, but I don't know if that's related. I don't have any other swelling or sensitivities.

From reading here, it sounds like a lot of guys experiment within certain limitations and I'm wanting to do that but I don't know how long to follow a given regimen before deciding if it has helped.

If my sensitive E was 75, how much Anastrazole and time is likely to bring that down to a normal level? A couple of days? A couple of weeks? A couple of months? How fast can E go up or down, generally speaking? Will taking .5 Anastrazole one time, instead of .25 make a large difference, moderate difference or very little difference.

I know everyone is different but I'm hoping there are some generalities I can use as guidelines.
Always start low and conservative and titrate your dose up, you don't want to take a large swing at things though I would stay nice and steady on your M/W/F dosing of Cyp and AI for 4-6 weeks and retest things before you do anything else. No one can say how you'll respond but .25mg as youre taking now isn't a lite dose by any stretch. If you're still pushing ~70 with the symptoms perhaps .25mg on a 4th day would be needed.
What you should consider doing is cutting your Cyp dose and perhaps working towards your Free T, I'm assuming your Free T is way over the lab range since a range isn't indicated by you...excess T = excess E.
I'm currently taking 60mg of T M-W-F along with .25 Anastrazole on the same days. My current weight is 380 so I assume I convert T to E on a large scale.

A couple of months ago I reached a point where I was sure I had high or low Estradiol so I called Defy for labwork and my Total T came back 924, Free T 27.2 and Estradiol, Sensitive was 75.4.

When I had my follow-up with Defy I explained that over the past several weeks I had experimented by skipping a dose of Anastrazole here and there, maybe once a week on average. Her response was to drop the Estradiol from 3x weekly to 2x weekly, which didn't make sense to me. Since then, I've stuck to the original prescription and right now I'm pretty sure my E is high. Drive is a big ZERO. Normally stimulating viewing material just bores me. I'm tired and rundown. No morning wood. My lower legs look like an elephant's at the end of the day, but I don't know if that's related. I don't have any other swelling or sensitivities.

From reading here, it sounds like a lot of guys experiment within certain limitations and I'm wanting to do that but I don't know how long to follow a given regimen before deciding if it has helped.

If my sensitive E was 75, how much Anastrazole and time is likely to bring that down to a normal level? A couple of days? A couple of weeks? A couple of months? How fast can E go up or down, generally speaking? Will taking .5 Anastrazole one time, instead of .25 make a large difference, moderate difference or very little difference.

I know everyone is different but I'm hoping there are some generalities I can use as guidelines.

You would be foolish to undertake any self-directed regimen change without first noting where your levels sit.

If you don't want to run this through Defy, or any other provider, you can turn to www.discountedlabs.com and obtain an order for the sensitive Estradiol test. Anastrozole is a potent drug and can dry up your e2 very, very quickly. It is always wise to start with the smallest possible dose and work your way up ("start low and go slow" is the perfect mantra for a patient in TRT). The last situation want to find yourself dealing with is the hormone hell that is crashed-e2.

What are the other details of your protocol?
I am also doing HCG on the days I inject. I'm not sure of the dose but it's .3ml with the typical concentration Empower sends out.

Here are my recent labs:

dec 2018 labs.webp
I am also doing HCG on the days I inject. I'm not sure of the dose but it's .3ml with the typical concentration Empower sends out.

Here are my recent labs:

View attachment 4720
You already take anastrazole, so we know you are not overly sensitive to the drug. So I don't see the harm in increasing the amount of anastrazole to bring down the very high E2. Just make the increase small. Please know this is just my opinion based on my experience with anastrazole.
On Wednesday I injected 60mg Cypionate, HCG (both as prescribed) and I took .5 mg of Anastrozle instead of my prescribed .25 mg. Toward the end of the day my libido was starting to exist again and this morning I had a partial morning erection. So I think an increase in the Anastrazole is the right direction. I think I'll just do the extra .25 mg on Wednesdays until I can schedule a follow-up with Defy.
I spoke with Defy and their recommendation was to decrease my Testosterone Cyp from 60 mg M-W-F to 54mg M-W-F and to drop the Anastrazole to .25 twice weekly. I was going to start this protocol Wednesday (03/14/18) and injected .27 of Testostosterone and was going to wait a day or two to take .25 Anastrozole (I had just taken .25 on Monday). A little later in the morning I was reading an article on how most of the characters in Game of Thrones are going to die in the last season and I started crying! When I spoke with Defy we talked about symptoms to watch for and emotional lability was one to watch for to indicate possibly high E2. I couldn't help myself and took .5mg of Anastrazole, which was the dose that helped a week or so ago.

Today, Friday 03/16/2018, I injected my .27ml of Test Cyp with no Anastrazole. I ordered the E2 sensitive lab from discounted labs and will have blood drawn on Monday morning. That will give me a baseline E2 level and I will stick with Defy's suggestion of reduced dosages of both Test Cyp and Anastrazole. Right now, I don't feel good at all. Cranky, irritable, no libido, no morning wood.

This week I've done the following:

Monday: .3 ml of Test Cyp, .25 Anastrazole, 300 iu HCG

Wednesday: .27 of Test Cyp, .5 Anastrozle, 300 iu HCG.

Friday: .27 of Test Cyp and 300 iu HCG.

Any suggestions on whether I should do something different between now and Monday, in regards to Anastrazole? I want to get the best information I can from the blood draw. I've had the prior recommendation of .75 for the week but it wasn't evenly spaced over the course of the week.

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