6 Months in - TRT a Complete Fail - Need Advice


New Member
Hey guys, been a lurker on the forums while going through my TRT journey for the last 6 months but things haven't worked out how I'd hoped and I need some advice. I'll keep my story as short as I can, there's a TLDR at the bottom for those that don't have the time to read but would appreciate if you could.

I'm a 27 year old guy, fairly active (work as a builder and lift 3x a week) and live in the UK

Since the age of 16 I have experienced problems with anxiety, depression and insomnia, over the years I've seen counselors, been prescribed anti-depressants and made serious efforts at lifestyle changes to make sure I was as healthy as possible but none of it ever made a long-lasting difference.

Fast forward to April 2017 and in a desperate attempt to find an answer I ask my Doc to check my testosterone - it was low:
TT: 9.9 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
E2: 168 pmol/L (0-145)
FSH: 3.4 IU/L (1.4-18.1)
LH: 2.9 IU/L (1.5 - 9.3)

I was referred to a specialist who confirmed my levels were too low for a man of my age and arranged for an MRI scan of my pituitary - negative. I was then prescribed clomiphene 50mg EOD.

After a week on clomid I felt great, mood was elevated, morning wood and libido were back for the first time in years and I was feeling like a real man. Continued to feel great that week then it all went away and I started to become emotional and depressed, the insomnia was back and I was struggling at work.

Next bloods:

TT: 38.9
E2 250
Zinc 9.52 umol/L (11-24)
Vit D 84 nmol/L (75-200)

As suspected my E2 had gone through the roof, Doc prescribed Anastrazole but I could not get back to that feeling I had. I decided to switch to T injections. New protocol was:

125mg Sustanon 250 E7D
500 IU HCG E4D
Anastrazole 0.5mg E4D

After 2 months sleep became better and I noticed more muscle definition but I still felt depressed, libido was gone and I had no drive. Next bloods came in:

TT: 32 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
Free T: 0.817 nmol/L (0.174 -0.729)
SHGB: 26.6 nmol/L (14.6-94.6)
E2: 156 pmol/L (0-145)
Prolactin: 162 mIU/L (45-375)

I decided the T was not helping and stopped. I continued my HCG at 150IU per day SC injection, 4 weeks in and my mood was much better as was sleep, no libido increase. Next bloods:

TT: 13.2
E2: 70

I felt pretty good on this dose and was told by various people it was because my E2 was finally down. I decided to raise T with 40mg sust injection 2x per week SC (to reduce T>E2 conversion). Around 4 hours after my injection I got extreme fatigue, I could not think straight and had to go to my car to sleep, depression became worse. Interestingly libido made a small comeback and was experiencing morning woods again a week after the jab.

Since then I have not taken any more Sustanon but remained on HCG 150IU ED and AI 0.5mg EOD. My depression has been pretty bad over Christmas and I just don't know which way to turn.

In an ideal world I would like to attempt a PCT with clomid then try to raise my T levels naturally. I am, for whatever reason, a high aromatiser so perhaps if I could correct the high E2 my natural T levels would rise?

My concern with this approach is that it will take months to complete a PCT and I'm not sure how much I could realistically raise my natural T levels considering I was pretty active, had low BF and ate well before I started TRT. However I think I may have been over-training, was very stressed at work and was doing a lot of endurance running when I got my first bloods, all of these things I know can suppress T. Then I remember that I've suffered many of these symptoms from an early age and had fractured my skull twice as a child, maybe my pituitary is just irreversibly damaged and a natural rise is unrealistic?

Then again my Zinc and Vit D were also low which can cause a drop in T. I have been supplementing since but maybe there's a gut absorption issue?

Or maybe I just didn't agree with sustanon 250?

The other option is try another type of TRT. Dr Shippen recommends an approach which best simulates the body's natural production with daily gels, 150IU HCG daily, a DHEA supplement and an AI to control aromatase. This may be a good option for me as large inputs of T = Large E2 spike but I'm uncomfortable committing to a lifetime of medications.

I really don't which way to turn at this stage and would love to hear your experiences and advice, especially from people that have tried to raise their T naturally. I've read a lot of info online about how to naturally raise T but they're always aimed at guys who have poor lifestyles - not lifting, bad diet, overweight etc.

TLDR: Tried various TRT methods to correct High T, Low E but symptoms never improved greatly for any length of time. High E2 levels seem to be a problem for me. Not sure if I should try to raise T and lower E2 naturally or try a different protocol.

Any info you can give would be a massive help to me
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That seems like a lot of changes in 6 months. I have been on T for a little over a year now and I have noticed that you need to give changes in your protocol time. Your body may just be adjusting very slowly to the adjustments you are making. Some things you will notice quickly, others not so much. Some changes may take months to feel.
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The glaring thing is your E as I think you're aware, but you're receiving the wrong test here. You need the (ultra) sensitive Estradiol LC/MS/MS test, this is the ONLY test for men, any other is for females and unsuitable for you. That said, Clomid is a notorious for E problems, 50mg EOD is too much, more like 25 EOD I think guys do better in that regard. I know about over aromatase, I suffered with it and have to use Anastrozole.

But as noted lots of changes for you in 6 months time, this is guaranteed failure. The body needs about 6 weeks to stabilize, do bloods, make a small change, and so...long distance marathon whereas you've treated it as sprint. There's no way you can find success with some much seat of the pants strategy. Find a new Dr. You mentioned Dr Shippen...pioneer and a great source. Consider also DefyMedical in Tampa, or Dr Crisler.
I don’t think UK has the sensitive estrogen test.

I’d recommended Dr Stevens - he posts on this board from time to time. UK based doctor who runs a clinic in Doreset.

Usual protocol is 62.5mg test E twice a week, AI not usually needed with HCG added on top.
I don’t think UK has the sensitive estrogen test.

I’d recommended Dr Stevens - he posts on this board from time to time. UK based doctor who runs a clinic in Doreset.

Usual protocol is 62.5mg test E twice a week, AI not usually needed with HCG added on top.

Correct about the E2 test, we only have 1 type, from what has been suggested over the months I need to aim for the 70-90 range. Do you happen to know his username? I'll try to get in touch. My issue is that I just seem to convert a lot of T to E, maybe this would be different for Test E vs Sustanon but even with HCG-monotherapy @ 150IU per day I need 1.5g AI a week to keep in range.

This is what makes me question whether a natural treatment is achievable, if there is a problem with my liver or gut converting T then treating that may solve the problem?

I'm really struggling to make an informed decision and the constant rollercoaster of fluctuating hormones is making it even harder. My doc, although supportive, readily admits his lack of knowledge in this field and won't make any changes to medication without my Urologist's approval - he is difficult to get hold of (appointments take around 3 months) and his specialism is treating men with infertility issues, not TRT.

Do you guys think it's worth trying the natural route given my history or I should I just find a good TRT protocol and give it a chance to work?
Editing out all the verbiage, your stated protocol changes in 6 months::

-Clomid monotherapy

-Added Anastrazole

-Switched to T injections, HCG and Anastrazole

-Discontinued T, continued HCG

-Added T again

-Discontinued T, stayed on HCG and AI

In addition you changed doses and dosing frequencies.

And are falsely basing estrogen aspects on the wrong test.

You endocrine system has got the be mightily confused.

You have not given yourself much opportunity to actually attribute cause and effect of any of your protocol changes. To reach stable state with any single treatment takes 6 weeks, and changing multiple variables complicates interpreting results.

A few examples of things working against what you have tried to accomplish:

-If you start taking T, you are going to have a honeymoon period where you feel great for a while until your LH drops and your endogenous T production drops off, after which you may feel like crap and dosage may need to be adjusted.

-If you just stop at that point and discontinue taking T, it takes quite a while for your natural production to kick back in... so you will feel like crap. If you jump to some other idea to try, you never even gave yourself a chance to recover from stopping.

-But you started and stopped a couple times in a short time span. Your body never had the chance to stabilize either on or off the sustanon.

-Anastrazole is powerful, and if you crashed you E2 somewhere in this period, you may have a long recovery... again treating based on the wrong test can hurt you, and Drs who prescribe an AI when misreading the non sensitive test pretty routinely crash their patients E2

Seems you created your own roller coaster.
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After 2 months sleep became better and I noticed more muscle definition but I still felt depressed, libido was gone and I had no drive. Next bloods came in:

TT: 32 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
Free T: 0.817 nmol/L (0.174 -0.729)
SHGB: 26.6 nmol/L (14.6-94.6)
E2: 156 pmol/L (0-145)
Prolactin: 162 mIU/L (45-375)

Actually these are good numbers except for your E2. At this point you needed to take time to learn how to use anastrozole. It doesn't happen overnight, it takes time. I agree with you on where it should be. I'm in Canada and we have no sensitive E2 test either. No libido and ED symptoms were because your E2 was too high. In addition you also need to get your Vit D and Zinc deficiency sorted out. If you could get back to this stage and take the time to figure our how to use anastrozole you would start seeing/feeling some good results.
I thought HCG raised E2 in men not TT?

0.5 AI EOD sure seems like a road to an E2 crash. I take 900iu/week of HCG and my AI is .125 EOD I also take 150mg/wk of Tcyp.
Editing out all the verbiage, your stated protocol changes in 6 months::

-Clomid monotherapy

-Added Anastrazole

-Switched to T injections, HCG and Anastrazole

-Discontinued T, continued HCG

-Added T again

-Discontinued T, stayed on HCG and AI

In addition you changed doses and dosing frequencies.

And are falsely basing estrogen aspects on the wrong test.

You endocrine system has got the be mightily confused.

You have not given yourself much opportunity to actually attribute cause and effect of any of your protocol changes. To reach stable state with any single treatment takes 6 weeks, and changing multiple variables complicates interpreting results.

A few examples of things working against what you have tried to accomplish:

-If you start taking T, you are going to have a honeymoon period where you feel great for a while until your LH drops and your endogenous T production drops off, after which you may feel like crap and dosage may need to be adjusted.

-If you just stop at that point and discontinue taking T, it takes quite a while for your natural production to kick back in... so you will feel like crap. If you jump to some other idea to try, you never even gave yourself a chance to recover from stopping.

-But you started and stopped a couple times in a short time span. Your body never had the chance to stabilize either on or off the sustanon.

-Anastrazole is powerful, and if you crashed you E2 somewhere in this period, you may have a long recovery... again treating based on the wrong test can hurt you, and Drs who prescribe an AI when misreading the non sensitive test pretty routinely crash their patients E2

Seems you created your own roller coaster.

Agree with Blackhawk 100%....Decide on one protocol and let it work for at least 6 months.....If it were me, I would start with the basic "T" dosage. No AI, no HCG and let symptoms and blood test guide you going forward.

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