Hey fellas,
it's been a rough 5 weeks since starting the WP Thyroid...started on 65mg and upped to 97.5mg and have been feeling worse since. I've been to ER and seen doc with pounding heart, chest tightness, insomnia, etc. Numbers are fine, resting BPM of 48-54 (normal for me), BP of 125/60 (normal), and temp is still around 98.2. I see a cardiologist Monday as a precaution but my labs from the hospital are great, other than the thyroid.
Doc likes the NDT better but has a feeling the T3 is too stimulating to my body. Labs from Sept (pre med) are:
FT4: 1.21
FT3: 3.6
TSH: 7.89
Current labs (taken yesterday, 12 hours after 48.75mg of the WP Thyroid, i take a split dose)
FT4: 1.24
FT3: 3.1
TSH: 2.78
So it looks like the med is suppressing TSH (not enough but a good amount) but not having much effect on hormones, actually T3 went down for some reason...
He wants to switch me to Synthroid and try that route, increasing the T4 only and hoping that will continue to suppress the TSH, and raise the T4 (which is the lower value anyway) while being less stimulating. Thoughts?