New guy from Ohio

The fact that he prescribed WP Thyroid is a good sign, means he is much more progressive than most docs out there. I think you are on the right track, good luck.

Thanks, per your advice also picked up a kelp supplement (tons of iodine in there).

Appreciate all the help gents, I feel like I'm on a better track now. Doc said with my TSH/TPO as it was, I should start to feel benefits of the WP Thyroid in just a few days...we shall see!
Hey fellas,

it's been a rough 5 weeks since starting the WP Thyroid...started on 65mg and upped to 97.5mg and have been feeling worse since. I've been to ER and seen doc with pounding heart, chest tightness, insomnia, etc. Numbers are fine, resting BPM of 48-54 (normal for me), BP of 125/60 (normal), and temp is still around 98.2. I see a cardiologist Monday as a precaution but my labs from the hospital are great, other than the thyroid.

Doc likes the NDT better but has a feeling the T3 is too stimulating to my body. Labs from Sept (pre med) are:
FT4: 1.21 (0.82-1.77 ng/ml)
FT3: 3.6 (2.0-4.4 pg/ml)
TSH: 7.89 (.450-4.5 ulU/mL)

Current labs (taken yesterday, 12 hours after 48.75mg of the WP Thyroid, i take a split dose)
FT4: 1.24 (0.82-1.77 ng/ml)
FT3: 3.1 (2.0-4.4 pg/ml)
TSH: 2.78 (.450-4.5 ulU/mL)

So it looks like the med is suppressing TSH (not enough but a good amount) but not having much effect on hormones, actually T3 went down for some reason...

He wants to switch me to Synthroid and try that route, increasing the T4 only and hoping that will continue to suppress the TSH, and raise the T4 (which is the lower value anyway) while being less stimulating. Thoughts?
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Hey fellas,

it's been a rough 5 weeks since starting the WP Thyroid...started on 65mg and upped to 97.5mg and have been feeling worse since. I've been to ER and seen doc with pounding heart, chest tightness, insomnia, etc. Numbers are fine, resting BPM of 48-54 (normal for me), BP of 125/60 (normal), and temp is still around 98.2. I see a cardiologist Monday as a precaution but my labs from the hospital are great, other than the thyroid.

Doc likes the NDT better but has a feeling the T3 is too stimulating to my body. Labs from Sept (pre med) are:
FT4: 1.21
FT3: 3.6
TSH: 7.89

Current labs (taken yesterday, 12 hours after 48.75mg of the WP Thyroid, i take a split dose)
FT4: 1.24
FT3: 3.1
TSH: 2.78

So it looks like the med is suppressing TSH (not enough but a good amount) but not having much effect on hormones, actually T3 went down for some reason...

He wants to switch me to Synthroid and try that route, increasing the T4 only and hoping that will continue to suppress the TSH, and raise the T4 (which is the lower value anyway) while being less stimulating. Thoughts?

Again, for context, we need the ranges associated with the tests. Every lab establishes its own ranges and clinical decisions are based on them.
Hey fellas,

it's been a rough 5 weeks since starting the WP Thyroid...started on 65mg and upped to 97.5mg and have been feeling worse since. I've been to ER and seen doc with pounding heart, chest tightness, insomnia, etc. Numbers are fine, resting BPM of 48-54 (normal for me), BP of 125/60 (normal), and temp is still around 98.2. I see a cardiologist Monday as a precaution but my labs from the hospital are great, other than the thyroid.

Doc likes the NDT better but has a feeling the T3 is too stimulating to my body. Labs from Sept (pre med) are:
FT4: 1.21
FT3: 3.6
TSH: 7.89

Current labs (taken yesterday, 12 hours after 48.75mg of the WP Thyroid, i take a split dose)
FT4: 1.24
FT3: 3.1
TSH: 2.78

So it looks like the med is suppressing TSH (not enough but a good amount) but not having much effect on hormones, actually T3 went down for some reason...

He wants to switch me to Synthroid and try that route, increasing the T4 only and hoping that will continue to suppress the TSH, and raise the T4 (which is the lower value anyway) while being less stimulating. Thoughts?

You have a couple of options. First see this page from STTM:
It discusses looking into iron and cortisol levels as possible reasons why NDT may not work.

For some people there just seems to be too high a ratio of T3 to T4 in NDT so they end up overstimulated, like you are experiencing. In that case you can try T4 only or try T4 with a lower dose of NDT so that you don't end up overstimulated. It may be that your doc will have you try the T4 for a while and then if you are still experiencing hypo symptoms he may add back a little NDT.
You have a couple of options. First see this page from STTM:
It discusses looking into iron and cortisol levels as possible reasons why NDT may not work.

For some people there just seems to be too high a ratio of T3 to T4 in NDT so they end up overstimulated, like you are experiencing. In that case you can try T4 only or try T4 with a lower dose of NDT so that you don't end up overstimulated. It may be that your doc will have you try the T4 for a while and then if you are still experiencing hypo symptoms he may add back a little NDT.

That's what I asked him about, or compounded/slow release T3. I think that may be a good course of action. Iron and ferritin are good.

I do have a diurnal saliva test out that I should have results back on within a week, so that will tell us more but my serum cortisol and other markers (potassium, sodium, AlkPhos, LDH) all look great. I know the saliva is the gold standard, but hypo/hyper adrenal folks usually have those other markers out of whack too.
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Could use some more help, labs came back and saliva cortisol results are low then high at night, hence why the thyroid meds make me feel like garbage. Taking WP Thyroid during this test, and was very sleep deprived.

5am: 6.2ng/mL (range 3.7-9.5)
Noon: 1.9ng/mL (range 1.2-3.0)
6pm: 0.9ng/mL (range 0.6-1.9)
9:30pm: 3.1ng/mL (range 0.4-1.0)

I started ashwaghanda (250mg Sensoril at night) and that has helped with relaxation at night and my sleeping has improved (I wake maybe once but now can go back to sleep!)

They're suggesting adrenal cortex supplement for morning and lunch time, does this make sense? I've cut out caffeine completely as well.
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