Latest labs

I've posted my full details in my testimonial, linked below:

However, I wanted to see if you guys could take a look at my labs to see if there's anything to be concerned about. Basically, I was previously on 200mg of TCyp once every two weeks with an incompetent doctor, no other meds. Switched docs and I was on 200mg TCyp once per week only when I did this bloodwork. Labs were taken 4 days after my last injection. I've now tweaked my protocol to 100mg TCyp every 3.5 days and now also prescribed 500 IU HCG every 3.5 days. I'll post the result of my next labs after I take them. Anyhow, is there anything alarming you see from these labs? Thanks for taking the time to review.


Just so I understand you said that these labs were drawn 4 days post injection, when you were on a 200mg/week single injection protocol? If so, that's not at your trough. It's no wonder that your total test, free test, and estradiol levels (wrong test) are high.

With regard to your triglyceride levels...they are sky high. Do you eat a lot of carbs? Adjusting your diet in this area will help a lot.

I want to see your labs for your current protocol, drawn at the proper time, with the correct estradiol test. For example, if you are injecting on a Monday morning/Thursday evening schedule, you should have your blood drawn on Monday morning, BEFORE your test injection. Go get your blood drawn again after you've been on this new protocol for at least 5-6 weeks.

Hang in there, and good luck.
FSH & LH - "Corrected by HCG?" - Technically no. They will remain close to zero while taking exogenous testosterone. But HCG mimics there action, thus causing the testes to still function and prevent atrophy.

Hematocrit 48 - "donation?" No probably not required until in the 52+ range.

Cholesterol - "diet & exercise?" Exercise/cardio is important, but diet is more important. Good fats (nuts, avocado, whole eggs, coconut oil (medium chain fatty acids). Lose the simple sugars. Eat whole foods, fruits, vegetables with fiber. Fruit juices, skim milk, soda, etc. are pure sugar, and need to be minimized.

Watch these: This is one theory - but in your situation, worth a try.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Also check your Vitamin D levels - getting it above 50 (normal range = 30-100) has proven to improve cholesterol levels, including raising HDL.
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Your triglycerides are high your hdl is low, the ratio is over 8-1, ideally it should be 2-1. You are at a high risk of developing heart disease. With tris that high the ldl in your body are likely the small bad kind instead of the big puffy kind. So yes, your diet should be first on the list to attack. You need to implement good fats, moderate protein and low glycemic carbs into your diet, think Mediterranean diet. Fats like olive oil, coconut oil, omega-3's. I'm going to guess you're overweight as well. So yeah, let that T do some good, lift weights and do cardio 3 times a week.

Just so I understand you said that these labs were drawn 4 days post injection, when you were on a 200mg/week single injection protocol? If so, that's not at your trough. It's no wonder that your total test, free test, and estradiol levels (wrong test) are high.

With regard to your triglyceride levels...they are sky high. Do you eat a lot of carbs? Adjusting your diet in this area will help a lot.

I want to see your labs for your current protocol, drawn at the proper time, with the correct estradiol test. For example, if you are injecting on a Monday morning/Thursday evening schedule, you should have your blood drawn on Monday morning, BEFORE your test injection. Go get your blood drawn again after you've been on this new protocol for at least 5-6 weeks.

Hang in there, and good luck.

Thanks for responding JT.

I've taken a total of 3 labs. The first one was before my TRT:

The second set of labs was taken on at my trough, the morning of my injection (injection was taken after I got home from doing the labs). These results were from a 200mg TCyp protocol once every two weeks.

The latest set of labs were taken 4 days after my last injection. At the time of these labs, I had been on 200mg of TCyp once per week for just a little over 4 weeks.

Yes, I'm sure my triglycerides were high because of my poor diet. I've since switched that as well and working out 3-5 times per week and started taking some NAC, Vitamin D, and fish oils, so I'd be interested to see what my levels will be at during my next labs. I was previously pinning on Mondays (AM) and Thursdays (PM), but since my labs will be done on a Friday I decided to switch my schedule to Tuesdays (AM) and Fridays (PM) so I will be at trough during those labs. Unfortunately, I don't have my next labs scheduled until June 17th, so I may go through Defy and get labs done before then now that I'm on 100mg TCyp E3.5D and 500 IU E3.5D. I've been on this protocol for about 2 and a half weeks, so I'll wait another 3 to 4 weeks and maybe do another set of labs through Defy then. I will post those labs once taken for sure.
FSH & LH - "Corrected by HCG?" - Technically no. They will remain close to zero while taking exogenous testosterone. But HCG mimics there action, thus causing the testes to still function and prevent atrophy.

Hematocrit 48 - "donation?" No probably not required until in the 52+ range.

Cholesterol - "diet & exercise?" Exercise/cardio is important, but diet is more important. Good fats (nuts, avocado, whole eggs, coconut oil (medium chain fatty acids). Lose the simple sugars. Eat whole foods, fruits, vegetables with fiber. Fruit juices, skim milk, soda, etc. are pure sugar, and need to be minimized.

Watch these: This is one theory - but in your situation, worth a try.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Also check your Vitamin D levels - getting it above 50 (normal range = 30-100) has proven to improve cholesterol levels, including raising HDL.

Hey, John. I just posted my labs I took mid-February. Those showed Hematocrit levels of 52.9, which is why I started donating blood. When I took the labs in mid-March they showed my Hematocrit levels had dropped since I had donated blood. Do you think I should schedule blood donations every 8 weeks? Or go based on what my Hematocrit levels show during labs?

Since I took these labs, I've changed my diet and started exercising 3-5 days a week. As mentioned to JT, I've also added NAC, Vitamin D, and fish oils to my diet as well. I'm sure this should help my next step of labs. I'll post them once taken.

Thanks for your response, JO.
Your triglycerides are high your hdl is low, the ratio is over 8-1, ideally it should be 2-1. You are at a high risk of developing heart disease. With tris that high the ldl in your body are likely the small bad kind instead of the big puffy kind. So yes, your diet should be first on the list to attack. You need to implement good fats, moderate protein and low glycemic carbs into your diet, think Mediterranean diet. Fats like olive oil, coconut oil, omega-3's. I'm going to guess you're overweight as well. So yeah, let that T do some good, lift weights and do cardio 3 times a week.

Thanks, max.

I've changed my diet and it's shown quite a bit trimming down 2 pant sizes. Yes, I am overweight and working on that now. Clothes is fitting a lot better and had to start digging into the back of my closet as well. I'm now working out 3-5 days a week, mostly weight lifting but working in cardio now more and more. As far as my diet, I've actually taken up the Keto diet. Felt like crap the first week, but it's a breeze now and fat is just shedding off. It's crazy to see how a year on TRT did nothing for me because it wasn't the right dose or protocol. Then, getting on ExcelMale, changing doctors, and changing my diet has made a world of difference in just a little over 5 weeks. I'll definitely keep posting results, questions, and future labs here.

I'm pretty sure my Estradiol was so high because of the 200mg TCyp once weekly protocol. Like I've mentioned, I've since switched that to 100mg TCyp E3.5D and 500 IU HCG E3.5D. I'll wait about 3-4 weeks and take another set of labs on this protocol and diet/exercise changes. It would be interesting to see how that changes things. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks.
Regarding phlebotomy frequency:

So your testosterone 1309 (300-1080) was day 4 (peak) on weekly 200mg cyp. Correct?
But you are now injecting 1/2 that every 3.5 days. I'd expect waiting until June (as scheduled) for your next blood draw is fine. No need to recheck sooner. Give the new program time to adjust.

Also check out page 6 & 7 of this post for perspective on finding your "sweet spot". Sometimes less is more.

I summarized JQ88 & Coastwatcher's experience with low dose, high frequency injections in my last post on this thread:!

Just some food for thought.
Regarding phlebotomy frequency:

So your testosterone 1309 (300-1080) was day 4 (peak) on weekly 200mg cyp. Correct?
But you are now injecting 1/2 that every 3.5 days. I'd expect waiting until June (as scheduled) for your next blood draw is fine. No need to recheck sooner. Give the new program time to adjust.

Also check out page 6 & 7 of this post for perspective on finding your "sweet spot". Sometimes less is more.

I summarized JQ88 & Coastwatcher's experience with low dose, high frequency injections in my last post on this thread:!

Just some food for thought.

I read the links, that's interesting indeed JO. Yes, I was taking 200mg cyp once a week when I did those labs at day 4. I'm sure that's why my T and Estradiol results were that high. I had a issues with back and chest acne, sensitive nipples, and lost some wood while on 200mg cyp once per week. Ever since I switched to 100mg cyp E3.5D, it's made a huge difference. No side effects and LOTS of wood. Although I have noticed that the night before my next injection I get less wood. I'll keep trying this protocol until my next labs to see where that puts me and see how I'm feeling. Right now, though, I'm really loving it. Huge difference in my life! But I don't really know if it can get better until after I try it. After I do my next labs, I'll figure out if I need to donate blood and maybe even switch to EOD for about 6 weeks. Then I'll switch to ED for 6 weeks while documenting it all to see which makes me feel the best out of all protocols.

I'll keep you guys posted.

I read the links, that's interesting indeed JO. Yes, I was taking 200mg cyp once a week when I did those labs at day 4. I'm sure that's why my T and Estradiol results were that high. I had a issues with back and chest acne, sensitive nipples, and lost some wood while on 200mg cyp once per week. Ever since I switched to 100mg cyp E3.5D, it's made a huge difference. No side effects and LOTS of wood. Although I have noticed that the night before my next injection I get less wood. I'll keep trying this protocol until my next labs to see where that puts me and see how I'm feeling. Right now, though, I'm really loving it. Huge difference in my life! But I don't really know if it can get better until after I try it. After I do my next labs, I'll figure out if I need to donate blood and maybe even switch to EOD for about 6 weeks. Then I'll switch to ED for 6 weeks while documenting it all to see which makes me feel the best out of all protocols.

I'll keep you guys posted.


E3.5D works well for most. The only reason to do more frequent injections is if estrogen or negative symptoms occur. I think most guys on here would suggest staying with E3.5D unless you have negative effects. Its good to know you have options other than AI (aromatase inhibitor), etc. if problems persist on E3.5D schedule. Based on what you are saying, it sounds like the current regimen is going well. Give it time and only change if needed.
E3.5D works well for most. The only reason to do more frequent injections is if estrogen or negative symptoms occur. I think most guys on here would suggest staying with E3.5D unless you have negative effects. Its good to know you have options other than AI (aromatase inhibitor), etc. if problems persist on E3.5D schedule. Based on what you are saying, it sounds like the current regimen is going well. Give it time and only change if needed.

10-4, JO. I don't mind the pinning. Heck, I actually look forward to it knowing how it makes me feel the next few days, but less is always good! ;)
I was previously pinning on Mondays (AM) and Thursdays (PM), but since my labs will be done on a Friday I decided to switch my schedule to Tuesdays (AM) and Fridays (PM) so I will be at trough during those labs. Unfortunately, I don't have my next labs scheduled until June 17th,

Like O'Connor said, don't sweat getting your labs until June. It will give your body time to adjust to the new protocol, and your new injection schedule. Radically changing your protocol, and then drawing blood a week or two later is a waste of your money, plus you're not getting an accurate reading that reflects your new protocol. Patience, Grasshopper...

Since you switched your injection days to Tuesday (am) and Friday (pm), the ideal time to have your blood drawn is Tuesday morning before your test injection. Friday will work as well, but will probably be 8-12 hours shy of your true trough. At any rate, it will be a much more accurate measurement of your levels compared to when you had your last labs drawn.
Like O'Connor said, don't sweat getting your labs until June. It will give your body time to adjust to the new protocol, and your new injection schedule. Radically changing your protocol, and then drawing blood a week or two later is a waste of your money, plus you're not getting an accurate reading that reflects your new protocol. Patience, Grasshopper...

Since you switched your injection days to Tuesday (am) and Friday (pm), the ideal time to have your blood drawn is Tuesday morning before your test injection. Friday will work as well, but will probably be 8-12 hours shy of your true trough. At any rate, it will be a much more accurate measurement of your levels compared to when you had your last labs drawn.

Thanks, JT. You always have great feedback!

That makes sense on the timing, as well. I'll call and see if I can switch my appointment to Tuesday morning instead. If I can't though, can I just switch my timing to be Tuesday night and Friday morning and take the labs Friday morning? If I do that now, that will give me plenty of time to adjust before my appointment anyway and I don't think a 12hr change will make a huge difference anyway, right? I would much rather have my labs done at true trough.
I'll call and see if I can switch my appointment to Tuesday morning instead. If I can't though, can I just switch my timing to be Tuesday night and Friday morning and take the labs Friday morning? If I do that now, that will give me plenty of time to adjust before my appointment anyway and I don't think a 12hr change will make a huge difference anyway, right? I would much rather have my labs done at true trough.

Don't change anything else in your protocol...leave your injection schedule alone. Just draw blood on a Tuesday morning, that's it. You're in Texas...they've got to have a LabCorp office there. Can't you just walk in without an appointment, or change your appointment to a Tuesday morning? This is over a month away...should be simple enough.

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