I have a question/idea about chasing that sweet spot, mostly all of us look to experience. Since I started TRT, I've only felt that feeling twice. The first time was when I first switched from 200mg TCyp every two weeks to 200mg once per week. But then I didn't feel it after the first 2 days. Then, after I switched to 100mg TCyp E3.5D, I felt it again. Again, though, only for about 2-3 days.
Since then, I've been chasing that same feeling and haven't been able to feel it again. It seems like I take one step forward then 2 steps back.
Anyhow, my question is, would it be a good idea to go get labs immediately when I'm feeling that spot again to see what my levels are at at that same moment then chase THAT number? Atleast doing it that way, I'm not chasing a magical number I don't know, I'm chasing that specific number.
Is that a feasible idea? Also, does anyone know if Defy is willing to order labs that same day or if it's possible to get labs taken with that short notice?
I also had a sweet spot for a couple days just after I started clomid and what you're talking about is exactly what I plan to do. I figure if I feel 100% and get labs the same day then I just need to aim for those numbers. If it doesn't work then i'm only out a few bucks for the labs. I want the sweet spot back!