Thank you.
You are right. I havent tried Test-E on E3.5D, just checked my log book, but after all I've been through thats the last thing I want to try. So can also be Ester change correct, but still I believe that overstimulation comes from too high levels in the blood thus frequent injections. But fair enough, I made a lot of changes at once and its impossible to say exactly what worked the most. Still I feel completely different on E5D and Test-E. Also I have 10ml of Sustanon left so I might do a little experiment and pin some Sustanon and see if it effects my BP and overall.
One can easily have too high a trough FT level injecting less frequently.
It's not just peak levels here.
Ok so its official today had my first proper set of labs since starting TRT October 16th last year. My protocol has been 100mg per week split E3.5D of Sustanon250 every Sunday and Wednesday. Test has been done today (Wednesday) fasted at 9am in the morning.
DHEA-SO4 5.04μmol/L (2,41 - 11,60)
FAI 78,284% (35-92.6)
SHGB 37.3nmol/L (18,3 - 54,1)
Testosterone 29.2nmol/L (8,64 - 29,0)
E2 124pmol/l (40 - 162)
PSA 0.815μg/l (<2)
TSH 2.32 mIU/L (0,27 - 4,2)
fT3 4.03pmol/l (2,63 - 5,7)
fT4 13.83pmol/l (9 - 19,05)
Before I was on the 100mg/week split E3.5D I had my TT at through right before the next injection at 30nmol/L(8.6-29) and E2 at 124pmol/L(40-162). Now on the 100mg E5D my TT tested at through, fasted as well, came back 18nmol/L(8.3-30) and E2 at 91pmol/L(0-162). So E3 went down and also TT pretty much back to baseline on the injection day. My baseline TT was 16.3nmol/L IIRC.
Think this through here.
You have dabbled with <100 mg T/week and had a fair run with 100mg T/week split (50 mg every 3.5 days) than more recent experimentation with 100 mg T every 5 days.
On 100 mg T/week split (50mg every 3.5 days) you were hitting a very high trough TT 29-30 nmol/L (836-865 ng/dL), and you drove down your pre-TRT high SHBG 57 nmol/L to a more normal range of 37.3 nmol/L.
With a high-end trough TT 800s and fairly normal SHBG 37.3 nmol/L your trough FT is going to be in the high-end.
cFTV would have your trough FT 18.9 ng/dL.
A healthy young natty male is hitting much less than that and this is a short-lived peak to boot.
More importantly, your peak TT/FT is going to be even higher as in well over the top-end!
Then you went and bumped your dose of T from 100 mg/week split (50mg every 3.5 days)--->100 mg every 5 days which would be 140 mg/week.
100 mg--->140 mg T/week is a big bump.
You stated that your trough TT on 100 mg T every 5 days was only 18 nmol/L (519 ng/dL).
You are still hitting a TT in the 500s (far from low) 5 days after your injection.
Have no clue where your FT/SHBG sits as you never posted.
Even then your peak TT/FT levels are going to be much higher!
Gets even worse as you just bumped up your dose of T again from 100 mg--->125 mg every 5 days so you went from 140 mg/week--->175 mg/week.
35 mg T/week is a big jump.
Good chance your previous trough (5 days post-injection) TT is going to be 700-800 ng/dL on 175 mg T/week.
Now your trough TT/FT let alone peak TT/FT is going to be much higher.
Big mistake trying to aim for a high trough TT/FT level when injecting less frequently as in every 5-7 days.
When you first came on the forum you started on a sensible weekly dose of T (100 mg/week).
You even tried a short stint of <100 mg/week which most would never do as unfortunately everyone is brainwashed into thinking more T is better.
Now you just did a complete 360 and bumped up your dose from 140 mg---> 175 mg T/week which is a fair dose and would easily have most men's trough FT high/very high especially when split into more frequent injections.
FWIW I have a high SHBG. But then again we all are too different to even begin with and one must try everything if success is the goal. Currently I've bumped my TRT dose to 125mg E5D and feeling really good. Will follow BP, mood, sleep, performance and erection quality over the upcoming months and then see if anything else needs to be done. Also libido is basically too much as I'm always thinking to nail this or that chick when I leave my crib LOL
You would mean you had high SHBG pre-TRT and you had driven it down on TRT.
The last set of labs you posted had it at 37.3 nmoL/L (fairly normal), where it sits as of now who knows but there is a good chance it is not high as you are injecting 125 mg T every 5 days which would be 175 mg T/week.
It is a given that libido will ramp up when increasing the T dose.
The first 6 weeks mean nothing when looking at the bigger picture.
How you truly feel overall 12 weeks in will determine whether such protocol was a success or failure.
As I have stated numerous times on the forum there is a big difference in hitting a high-end trough FT injecting once weekly let alone every 5 days compared to injecting daily or EOD.
Most get caught up in that more T is better mentality aiming for that high let alone absurdly high trough FT without taking into account their injection frequency which will have a huge impact when looking at peak vs trough levels!
Again do what you feel is best for you but at least understand where you may be going.