Does this swelling need treatment?


New Member
After reading up a little on this forum I decided to give subQ testosterone injection a go. Used a 29g slinpin and did .33 in three spots about an inch apart from each other.

48 hours later it looks like this. It is quite hot, there is a hard nodule going all along the redness. Relatively painfull to touch. Its like all 3 injections got inflamed and melted together. Should I be worried, or will it calm down by itself?


Guess I should mention that this was not pharma oil. Have not had any issues using it IM though...
To clarify, you used the same needle/ syringe three times in a row?

I would never use a needle more than once, but that’s me. In and out one time only.

Perhaps you can go to a convenient care walk-in clinic.
Yeah I try to reduce my waste creation a little. So one three times in a row. Shouldnt become infected just from piercing my skin?
I am pretty sure the last few injections were from the same vial. 100% from the same "batch". IM went fine. Previous time I did subQ 1/3 spots became a achy nodule.
Interesting read! Makes one think twice before reusing needles. Nobody wants to have little metall shards stuck in their body. No matter how small!

But definitely not the reason for this massive swelling. Must be soimething in the oil. It is like the whole ml of oil have melted together in there and the immune system has trapped in inside something hard.

In the past I have used same needle for injecting peptides subQ up to 20-30 times until it was all empty. No cleaning or anything in between. never had as much as a rash from it. Not saying it is a recommended practise, just shows to prove that my immune system does not flare up for little things.
Godamn... I wonder if this is what real pip actualt looks like? Like when you have injected 4ml and is barely able to walk the next week because you feel like you have been shot. Are you then walking around with a huge inflamed nodule in your muscle?

BTW I see now that the oil that made this mark on my stomach came from a new UG bottle! "Star labs". Tried 1 ml from it in my buttock, and almost instantly pip. Don`t think my system is enjoying the contents of it.
Godamn... I wonder if this is what real pip actualt looks like? Like when you have injected 4ml and is barely able to walk the next week because you feel like you have been shot. Are you then walking around with a huge inflamed nodule in your muscle?

BTW I see now that the oil that made this mark on my stomach came from a new UG bottle! "Star labs". Tried 1 ml from it in my buttock, and almost instantly pip. Don`t think my system is enjoying the contents of it.
Trash it man. Take care of yourself.
How long were your needles? Oil injected into fat gets inflamed. Take a skin caliper measurement at the injection site and divide by two to get the minimum needle length. My wife's thighs would get inflamed because a 1/2" needle was not long enough but had no problems with her delts since the skin/fat layer was thinner.
How long were your needles? Oil injected into fat gets inflamed. Take a skin caliper measurement at the injection site and divide by two to get the minimum needle length. My wife's thighs would get inflamed because a 1/2" needle was not long enough but had no problems with her delts since the skin/fat layer was thinner.

1/2 inch long. So you are telling me that a subQ injection is not a injection into fat? You have to hit whatever is behind the fat? Well, I guess I could just pinch a slimmer piece of skin then? :)

Did it end up being cellulitis?
I guess so. But no fever or anything. Can still se it, but doesnt hurt anymore, and almost all of the "nodule bag thing" is gone now. Can barely feel it.

I quote: "A subcutaneous injection is given into the subcutaneous fat under the skin."

But the price to pay is inflammations? That has not been properly conveyed by the subQ`ers on here...
An aqueous solution such as insulin or peptides should be injected subcutaneously.into the fat layer. An oil based solution such testosterone should be injected into the muscle. Oil does not seem to disperse in the fat layer.
Why 3 shots?

Years of subq injection here and only once did I have this and it was because I was injecting at an angle and it did not go deep enough... I pin with 27g 1/2in on 1 ml luerlock syringes... I use a bigger needle to pull the oil. Must inject at 90deg, direct down into the skin (I pinch it...)

So inflammation is not an issue, at least not for me...

My stuff is pharma though... Delatestryl.

I have no idea how good the UG stuff is...
An aqueous solution such as insulin or peptides should be injected subcutaneously.into the fat layer. An oil based solution such testosterone should be injected into the muscle. Oil does not seem to disperse in the fat layer.
There is loads of people on here, and other forums that will disagree with you on this one. I have also seen oil disperse in my fat layer.

Sergel: Idea was to keep the amount down, so that the oil would disperse and everything would be peachy. That did not work out. I believe the angel was like 70 deg... Maybe I should dare to try again with 90deg and make sure I push it all the way in.Probably wont be worse than last time... If the lord has mercy that is.

This particular UG batch is not exceptionaly good. Gives some decent inflammation in muscles as well.
I believe the angel was like 70 deg... Maybe I should dare to try again with 90deg and make sure I push it all the way in
Yes, you have to burry it as deep as the 1/2 in pin will go... otherwise, even pharma stuff will give you this inflamation if not deep enough. Maybe you should spread them further appart if you have to do 3 shots... Try to get better stuff If you can... That UG stuff would scare me... Take care...
I have been injecting testosterone cypionate with a 1/2" (12.7 mm) needle into my thighs, delts, and glutes for two years with no problems. My skin/fat layer in my thighs, delts, and glute are 2.2 mm, 2.2 mm, and 4.5 mm, respectively. All my injections with the 1/2" needle are IM. It may not happen every time, but injecting oil into fat can become inflamed.
After reading up a little on this forum I decided to give subQ testosterone injection a go. Used a 29g slinpin and did .33 in three spots about an inch apart from each other.

48 hours later it looks like this. It is quite hot, there is a hard nodule going all along the redness. Relatively painfull to touch. Its like all 3 injections got inflamed and melted together. Should I be worried, or will it calm down by itself?

View attachment 35563

Guess I should mention that this was not pharma oil. Have not had any issues using it IM though...
I've been sub-q for a couple years now and used to have similar redness and swelling. Initially I thought the oil should be injected to the belly fat just a couple inches off the belly button, but that left welts, lasting sometimes for weeks, and redness. Now I go just above my love handle, above the fat, and as far into the skin as a 27 ga, 1/2" will allow. Since I moved higher than my love handle the sides from the injection have virtually disappeared although there still is a small lump for two/three days after injecting upwards of 1cc. Good luck with your journey and don't let one questionable sub-q get you down.
After reading up a little on this forum I decided to give subQ testosterone injection a go. Used a 29g slinpin and did .33 in three spots about an inch apart from each other.

48 hours later it looks like this. It is quite hot, there is a hard nodule going all along the redness. Relatively painfull to touch. Its like all 3 injections got inflamed and melted together. Should I be worried, or will it calm down by itself?

Guess I should mention that this was not pharma oil. Have not had any issues using it IM though...

If your pinning directly under the red area then that's too far away from where you're supposed to pin, and most importantly, you're getting close to your femoral artery....
Pretend your bellybutton is a compass and pin 1 inch away from bellybutton on North, South, East and West.
You're stomach like mine and I don't even have fat cells in that area, just skin.
But either way the redness should be fine and go way soon.

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