How Can I Find an Affordable TB Blood Test Near Me?: QuantiFERON Gold Plus IGRA TB Test

Nelson Vergel

Are you searching for a "TB test near me"? Look no further! In this article, we'll discuss the QuantiFERON-TB test, a simple blood test that helps detect tuberculosis, the bacteria that cause TB. We'll also cover who should get tested, how to prepare for the test, when to expect results, and how to book a test near you.

Where can I get a TB blood test near me?​

To find a TB blood test near you, you can search online for local clinics, healthcare centers, or diagnostic laboratories that offer this test. You can also consult with your primary care physician or contact your local health department for recommendations and information on nearby testing facilities. You can also go to and buy an affordable gold-standard TB test called Quantiferon Gold Plus.

Get Tested: Affordable Quantiferon TB Blood Test Near Me​

What is Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious respiratory infection that, if left untreated, can spread to the spine, brain, and other parts of the body, such as the kidney. Despite killing millions around the globe annually, TB is a treatable disease that is easily prevented. In years past, the most common way to screen for TB was via a tuberculin skin test (TST); however, the process requires multiple doctor visits and has proven unreliable. For these reasons, many colleges and organizations, like the US Citizenship and Immigration Service, have stopped accepting skin tests. Today, thanks to the Quantiferon-TB Gold Plus blood test, tuberculosis screenings are cost-effective, faster, and more accurate than antiquated TSTs. The CDC recommends the Quantiferon-TB Gold Plus blood test for the diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) to prevent it from progressing to active Tuberculosis. People from a country where TB disease is common (most countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia) should consider undergoing the Quantiferon-TB Gold Plus blood test to detect and treat TB infection early.

Several tests can be used to diagnose tuberculosis (TB), including:

  1. Tuberculin Skin Test (TST): also known as the Mantoux test, it is a test that involves injecting a small amount of a protein called purified protein derivative (PPD) under the skin of the arm. If a person has been exposed to TB, their immune system will react to the PPD, causing a raised, challenging area to form at the injection site. The size of the raised area is measured 48–72 hours after the injection, and if it's above a certain size, it's considered a positive result.
  2. You can get a blood test called an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) to see how much of a certain protein is released when a person's blood cells come into contact with TB antigens. IGRAs are more specific than the TST and are less likely to give false-positive results in people vaccinated with the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine or exposed to non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
  3. The QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) test is a type of interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) that is used to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) infection. It is considered one of the most accurate tests for TB because it measures the body's specific immune response to TB antigens rather than just the presence of TB bacteria.
  4. The test gauges the immune system's release of interferon-gamma, a protein in response to TB antigens. A small amount of blood is collected from the patient and then exposed to TB antigens in a lab. If the patient has been infected with TB, their immune system will produce interferon-gamma in response to the antigens, which will be detected in the blood sample.
  5. People think that the QFT-Plus test is more accurate and specific than the traditional tuberculin skin test (TST), which is also called the Mantoux test. This is because it is less likely to give false-positive results to people who have had the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine or who have been exposed to mycobacteria that are not tuberculous. The QFT-Plus test is also more convenient for patients, as it does not require a return visit for reading, unlike the TST.
  6. Chest X-ray: A chest x-ray can help identify signs of TB in the lungs, such as cavities or areas of increased density.
  7. A small piece of sputum (mucus coughed up from the lungs) is looked at under a microscope to find acid-fast bacilli (AFB), which are the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.
  8. Culture: This test is done to grow and identify the Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a lab; it's usually done after a positive microscopy test to confirm the bacteria's presence and identify the specific strains.
  9. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): This test looks for the genetic material of the TB bacteria in a sample of sputum or other bodily fluids; it's a rapid test and can detect small amounts of the bacteria.

It's important to note that the choice of test depends on the patient’s symptoms, risk factors, and test availability. A healthcare professional can help determine the appropriate test or combination of tests based on the individual case.

Reducing The Spread of TB

While there is no guaranteed way to eliminate cases of TB completely, there are many precautions that can be taken to curb the spread of the disease. The first step that can be taken is to receive the BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) tb vaccine. The dose is derived from a weakened strain of TB and has been used since the early 1920s. The vaccine is most effective in children, and while it is one of the most widely administered shots worldwide, it is not a catch-all panacea. Roughly 10 million cases of active TB flare up each year, demonstrating a clear need for more preventative measures. As TB is an airborne illness, some simple precautions that can be taken to minimize the risk of infection are regular tb blood testing to detect the disease early and prevent its spread.

  • Maintaining proper ventilation- TB particles can remain suspended in stagnant air for several hours.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight- UV rays kill TB bacteria.
  • Practice good hygiene- Simply covering up one's sneezes and coughs with an elbow or mask will reduce the spread of TB.

While all of these factors can help mitigate the risk of contracting TB, the most effective way to halt transmission is by catching cases early. Most patients are unable to infect others two weeks after being diagnosed and starting on proper medication. So, while preventive measures are critical, the most imperative aspect of slowing the spread of TB is identifying existing cases so it is passed on to as few individuals as possible.

Should I Get a TB Test?

Tuberculosis can be challenging to diagnose because many infected individuals are asymptomatic. TB bacteria have the ability to remain dormant in a host body for years but only manifest symptoms once the virus becomes active. You should consider testing for TB if you experience any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Night sweats and difficulty sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Appetite loss
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Chest pain
  • Persistent cough accompanied by blood

While there are a variety of screening methods to detect an infectious disease like tuberculosis, including chest X-rays and testing mucus samples, the most accurate is the Quantiferon TB Gold Plus test, also known as the tuberculosis test. These other methods have proven to have limited accuracy and can return false positives. With just 4 ml of blood, the Quantiferon Gold test, which is one of only 2 FDA-approved blood tests for TB, can detect tuberculosis with up to 94% sensitivity.

How Does TB Affect the Body?

Roughly 1.8 billion people are infected with latent TB infection (LTBI); however, a vast majority of these cases are latent. The TB can remain idle for months, or even years, waiting for the immune system to weaken before becoming active tb disease. As such, people with weakened immune systems are more likely to develop active tb disease within weeks or days of initial exposure. Their bodies are simply unable to fight off the infection as the bacteria multiply, most commonly attacking the lungs. In more serious cases, traveling through the blood or lymphatic system, the infection can attack the bones, organs, and/or skin.

Who Is Most at Risk to Develop TB?

There are a variety of factors that go into determining the higher risk for TB. Rates of tuberculosis infection are typically higher in poorer countries, but cases can be found all across the globe. Fundamentally, TB manifests in locations that lack proper hygiene resources and/or overcrowded areas where transmission is much easier. This makes crowded living spaces such as college dormitories or homeless shelters hot spots for infection. Countries with large populations, such as India and China, typically see the highest rates of active TB each year. Other factors that increase one's risk of contraction are regular consumption of drugs and alcohol, pre-existing illnesses that weaken vital organs and the immune system or even taking certain medications designed to treat other diseases. While TB is contagious, it is not as easily contracted as other airborne illnesses. You are highly unlikely to contract TB from passing someone on the street; most cases come from prolonged exposure to a family member or co-worker. Groups that are more at higher risk of developing active TB are babies, the elderly, and individuals with autoimmune disorders such as HIV or diabetes. If you or a loved one is at higher risk and experiencing symptoms such as persistent cough, chest pains, or coughing blood, we strongly recommend taking a tuberculosis blood test. This could not only save the life of an infected individual, but someone they might pass the infection on to. In high-risk settings like correctional facilities, healthcare settings, nursing homes, shelters, etc., the risk of exposure to TB is greater, so it is important to consider a blood test for TB if you work in such settings or have recently relocated or traveled to an area with a high rate of TB disease.

How Is TB Treated?

Those with Latent TB should still seek preventative treatment from a medical professional, as their case could become more serious down the line, despite not initially being contagious. The most common remedy is to start on antibiotics that root out the infection before it can develop into an active case. Treating an active case of tuberculosis can be slightly more complicated for a multitude of reasons. The first is that it can take anywhere between six and twelve months for the medication to completely irradiate the infection. Patients may feel they've recovered after a few weeks of treatment, but it is imperative they stay on the proper medications for the duration of time their doctor specifies. Stopping before finishing the cycle of medications could lead to reinfection, lowered resilience to the disease, and even drug-resistant strains of TB. These strains are the most dangerous as they evolve to nullify the effects of medication used to cure the disease. Recovery after developing a drug-resistant strain of TB can take much longer, between 20 and 30 months, not to mention the patient is more likely to experience multiple side effects. While TB is widespread and can come with a fair share of complications, it is completely preventable and relatively easy to manage with proper medical oversight. Through modern and accurate tests such as Quantiferon-TB Gold Plus, we are able to catch tuberculosis before it can cause irreparable harm. In doing so, not only can we keep ourselves healthy but limit the spread of this disease in our communities and across the globe.

BCG Vaccine and TB Testing​

BCG vaccine is a shot that can help prevent tuberculosis. If you need a TB blood test near you, it's important to know that the BCG vaccine can affect the results of this test. The BCG vaccine contains live bacteria and can cause a reaction in the body that produces a false-positive result on a TB blood test. However, the reaction usually occurs within 24 hours after receiving the vaccine and lasts for a few days. It's recommended to wait at least 4 weeks after receiving the BCG vaccine before taking a TB blood test to ensure accurate results.


Frequently Asked Questions​

Where can I get a TB test?​

There are several places where you can get a TB (tuberculosis) test. Some options include:

1. Your primary care physician: Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your need for a TB test and they can administer the test in their office.

2. Local health clinics: Many local health clinics offer TB testing services. You can check with your local health department or search online for clinics in your area that offer TB testing.

3. Urgent care centers: Some urgent care centers may also offer TB testing services. Call ahead to confirm if they provide this service.

4. Occupational health clinics: If you need a TB test for work or school requirements, occupational health clinics often provide these tests. offers the most affordable TB test you can buy online without a doctor's visit. The cost is under $140,.

It's important to note that the availability and cost of TB tests may vary depending on your location and specific circumstances. It is recommended to contact the healthcare provider beforehand to confirm their services and any associated costs or requirements.

When should I get a TB blood test?​

A TB blood test, also known as an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA), is typically used to detect latent tuberculosis infection. It may be recommended in a variety of situations, including:

1. As part of routine screening: In some countries or regions with a higher prevalence of tuberculosis, healthcare providers may recommend TB blood tests as part of routine screening for certain populations, such as healthcare workers or individuals living in close quarters, like nursing homes or correctional facilities.

2. Contact with an active TB case: If you have been in close contact with someone who has active tuberculosis, your healthcare provider may suggest getting a TB blood test to determine if you have become infected.

3. Pre-employment or school requirements: Some employers or educational institutions may require a TB blood test as part of their pre-employment or enrollment process to ensure the safety and health of their employees or students.

4. Symptoms consistent with TB infection: If you are experiencing symptoms that could be related to tuberculosis infection, such as persistent cough, night sweats, weight loss, or fatigue, your healthcare provider may order a TB blood test along with other diagnostic tests to investigate further.

It's important to consult with your healthcare provider, who can assess your individual risk factors and make appropriate recommendations for when to get a TB blood test.

What is the difference between a TB blood test and a TB skin test?​

The main difference between a TB blood test and a TB skin test is the method used to detect the presence of tuberculosis (TB) infection in the body.

A TB skin test, also known as a Mantoux test or PPD test, involves injecting a small amount of purified protein derivative (PPD) into the skin on your forearm. After 48 to 72 hours, a healthcare provider will measure the size of any raised bumps or swelling at the injection site. This reaction indicates if you have been infected with TB bacteria.

On the other hand, a TB blood test, also known as an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA), involves taking a blood sample and testing it for certain proteins released by immune cells when they come into contact with TB bacteria. This test can detect if you have been infected with TB bacteria.

Both tests can be used to identify individuals who have been infected with TB bacteria, but they differ in terms of how they are administered and how they detect the infection. A healthcare provider can help determine which test is most appropriate for your situation based on various factors, such as your medical history and risk factors for TB.

Where can I get a TB blood test near me?​

I'm sorry, but as a language model, I don't have access to personal data or specific locations. However, you can try searching for nearby clinics, medical centers, or laboratories in your area that offer TB blood tests. You can use online directories, such as Google Maps or Yelp, to find healthcare providers near your location. Additionally, you may want to consider contacting your primary care physician or local health department for recommendations on where to get a TB blood test.

How long does it take to get the results from a TB blood test?​

The results of a TB (tuberculosis) blood test can typically be available within a few days to a week. However, it is important to note that the exact turnaround time may vary depending on the specific laboratory conducting the test and other factors, such as the volume of tests being processed at that particular time. It is best to consult with your healthcare provider or the testing facility for more information on their specific turnaround time for TB blood test results.

Will insurance cover the cost of a TB blood test, and if not, how much does it typically cost?​

Insurance coverage for a TB blood test can vary depending on your specific insurance plan and provider. It is best to check with your insurance company to determine if the test is covered and what, if any, out-of-pocket costs you may be responsible for. If insurance does not cover the cost of the TB blood test, the price can range from around $50 to $200, depending on the location and provider. It is recommended to contact local healthcare providers or clinics to inquire about their specific pricing for the TB blood test.

What do I need to do to prepare for a TB blood test?​

To prepare for a TB blood test, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Consult with your healthcare provider: It is important to talk to your healthcare provider about any medications you are taking, as some medications may interfere with the accuracy of the test results.

2. Follow any instructions given by your healthcare provider: Your healthcare provider will provide specific instructions on how to prepare for the TB blood test, such as fasting requirements or any dietary restrictions.

3. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before the blood test can help make it easier for the phlebotomist to find a vein and draw blood.

4. Wear clothing that allows easy access to your arm: To facilitate drawing blood, wear loose-fitting clothing or a short-sleeved shirt that allows easy access to your arm.

5. Relax and try to stay calm: If you are anxious or stressed, it may make it more challenging for the phlebotomist to draw blood. Take deep breaths and try to remain calm during the procedure.

By following these steps, you can help ensure a successful TB blood test and accurate results. However, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider for specific instructions based on your individual situation.


Center for Disease Control. Tuberculosis Control Division, Center for Prevention Services (US). Division of Tuberculosis Control, Centers for Disease Control, Prevention (US), & National Center for Prevention Services (US). Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. (1975). Reported tuberculosis in the United States. US Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Prevention Services, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.

Flynn, J. L., & Chan, J. (2001). Immunology of tuberculosis. Annual review of immunology, 19, 93.

Sudre, Philippe, G. Ten Dam, and Arata Kochi. "Tuberculosis: a global overview of the situation today." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 70.2 (1992): 149.

World Health Organization. (2013). Global tuberculosis report 2013. World Health Organization.

World Health Organization & Stop TB Initiative (World Health Organization). (2010).

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